Can we please remove Stallman from the sticky and replace him with someone else...

Can we please remove Stallman from the sticky and replace him with someone else? He definitely represents us in that he wants free software but he doesn't represent us in the GNU/Linux department. He doesn't use it. We also need to update the wiki. Some sections such as the android section are extremely outdated.

Other urls found in this thread:

I choose sakuya

I choose you, Pikachu

This image has lost so much quality, where's the original?

What about a dancing Okuu?

I dont know who made it but I have it on an older computer, she's not wearing her made outfit

every time i see him i remember that time he ate a scab off his foot during a lecture

Is there footage of this?

+1 for changing Stallman to something else

That's magnificently autistic, I vote he stays as the picture. Only someone of that wizardry can represent us properly.
yeah you got a point actually

i vote remain




Replace the commie kike with Terry Davis

What did you say about me you little bitch?

He doesn't use gnu linux? What does he use then??



here you go, OP


over my dead body.

he doesn't represent me. I like youtube, netflix, America, intel processors

I don't mind him being on a sticky though, Sup Forums is basically a comedy website and this guy is a joke so it fits

RMS must stay you fa/g/s

I think Terry would be more fitting.

what about kevin?

Kevin would be good as well.

Install gentoo.

>current year
>installing gentoo instead of Solus

> Terry
> kevin
Circlejerkers pls go.

stay pleb
>install solus

you're forcing it and it shows

no u

we should change it to cirno, it it official mascot of 9front (plan 9 fork)

Use Kevin image.

Install gentoo
RMS must stay




Shut up. We love stallman. Go back to

RMS: The hero software needs.
