Trump's head of technology transition team opposes net neutrality

>While Trump did not talk about the issue during the campaign, the appointment of vocal net neutrality critic Jeffrey Eisenach to head the technology transition team indicates the direction his administration could take.

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Move out to Canada. OpenBSD already did a long time ago because America is not a developed first-world country.


>Opposition to net neutrality

>check site
>80% are trump bashing articles, the video of hillary's acceptance speech and a clickbait article titled: guy announces marriage on facebook, here's what happened

you mean some one try to bash trump even if he was not for the TTP and and assuming HillCunt would be against it
no way some one would do that on Sup Forums

>net neutrality
>we need more regulation and more laws!
>My SJW rhetoric trumps your rights

Mr. Trump you can not make America great again soon enough.

Found the AT&T shareholder!

>net neutrality
>trumps your rights

Title II is not new, it's an existing order that was applied to existing media for transporting data. The only thing new about it was that the cable companies keep having themselves exempted from it.

If a corporation doesn't have a right to exploit its monopoly at the expense of the customers, then what right does it have?

>Mr. Trump
you slug

>big government will solve my problem!

K, liberal.

>big corporation will solve my problem!

You're either a useful idiot or a bourgeois yourself.

>all corporations are bad
>some eceleb told me so

>net neutrality
>big government

>le sjw bogeyman

>edgy teen thinks social injustice is cool and neonazism is okay

Your containment board is that way:

We've all seen how good it worked for the trade market

should we deregulate pharma

But nazis were for social justice

Maybe not every corporation but for sure every ISP.

Oh you're one of those special liberals that doesn't realize you need big government to enforce regulations like net neutrality.

Shall we put a flat price for all books too? Arrest the those scummy corporations that think otherwise.

Maybe to some extent, regulation is literally why companies can charge billions.

Probably reducing the length of patent protection to 5 years and speeding up the approval process for generic drug makers would be best...

there are useful regulations, go change your diapers pol-fag

We've seen how "freeing up the markets" worked well for the energy market.

>fumb liberal thinks the Nationalist SOCIALIST party wasn't a left wing nutjob party
My favorite lie the SJWs like to tell.

you are arguing in favor of regulation there

Yeah. For whites only.

How so?

>NATIONALIST socialist

nationalist literally comes FIRST

Oh look, the guy who thinks nazis and Sup Forums are left-wing again. Reminder to ignore and hide this troll masterbaiter.

So? None whites have no bussiness in white countries

that's why a 1/3 of UK doctors are foreign BORN

>Big government
>Implying US has a small one
>The one country who keeps trying to fuck with Net Neutrality on a daily basis
Riight, because it's not captalist countries trying to fuck with net neutrality, it's clearly the socialist ones.

You associated libertarianism to neonazism in a single post, how desperate you?

Time to systematically get rid of all the stuff we could respect you guys over in the USA for?

Keeping capitalism alive means keeping competition alive with regulation.

Companies have no rights to having a monopoly, ever. If they have one, they should be split in two separate units, forcibly.

>How so?
you either have regulation or no regulation

read your previous post again, are you arguing for no regulation there


>mass regulations
>ban all guns
>limits free speech
>kill whitey
Same thing as Nazis just change the last part to degenerates.
Yes they are extremely left wing.

>Shall we put a flat price for all books too
Digital editions of school/university books should be much cheaper

>Maybe to some extent

Regulation isn't a binary number....

>kill all left wingers
>be in the rich's pocket
>advocate extreme nationalism
>have fascist tendencies

yeah ok

And this matters how? They're not mutually exclusive, so even if there was an implicit relation between order and relevance it wouldn't matter.


>libs wanna limit free speech
Not true at all. Hate speech is not free speech.

>nazis banned guns
Damn, read a book once in your life!

It wasn't purely right. It had left-wing elements (you know, winter aid, cars for everyone and shit).

But they're remembered for the shit they did for right-wing nationalistic, racist, expansionist, "muh traditional legacy of rome and german empires genuine Christinan" racial bias RIGHT WING war and crimes shit. THAT was the bad stuff we hate them for.

Not the fucking winter aid soup kitchens and clothing initiatives. Not the idea of "cars for everyone".

SOME regulation => regulation

>if I keep being a manichaean, I just might convince people!
Hate to break it to you, but most people simply aren't that partisan or ideological. Most people have common sense.

>Not true at all. Hate speech is not free speech.
This part of free speech is off limits!

What you don't understand is that if you allow hate speech, then YOU are the one limiting free speech.

>only right wingers can be racist

how the fuck does having "some regulation" not imply you have regulation

If I want to write a paper on how I hate niggers I damn well can because my right to free to free speech was given to me at birth.

>implying we weren't fucked either way
What's really funny is that these niggers thought electing in a big corp capitalist would help with their small time problems. That's not to say that Shillary was the better option though, she would have been just as bad, if not worse.
Write and protest to your congressmen. The more vocal you are, the more likely they're going to be in listening to you. Unfortunately, they're also in the pockets of big corp lobbying firms, so it's not like anything will change anyway.
>mfw americans think their bourgeois lawmaking overlords give a shit about them
>mfw americans think the free market will fix itself
>mfw americans still willingly pay inordinate sums of money to keep their lifestyle just the way it is instead of saving money for the future
>mfw americans think they'll get any real change to happen without protests
>mfw americans fell for the media meme that all protests are just a bunch of niggers looting shops and breaking cars
>mfw no faec

Nobody was trying to argue for ZERO regulation

>if I keep blurring the distinction between hate speech and free speech, people might end up thinking both are the same

>trump against more regulation among others also net neutrality
>wants a free market solution for this problem

Explain to me how this is bad.

There is no line.

So I can't make a satire like Blazing Saddles under your oppressive regulation.

the not-free-market-solution is better

>deregulation = free market
Boy, you're in for such a surprise!

But net neutrality is literally tumblr shit

Okay. Do you watch Netflix?






free market solutions don't work well for ISPs, lots of folks only have one choice for non-dial up internet.

they are doing it


Nah, but this WAS right-wing justified racism.

You know, their justification for racism was rooted in "christian tradition", "germanic-roman genuine aryan legacy", and all sort of traditional to reactionary things.

As was their justification for re-drawing borders and wars.

That's not to say that they didn't try to have some aspects of "socialism" too. I mean, they kinda condemned the jews for allegedly being too rich and power-grabby subversives in some poorly explained way... but that was also apart from being too anti-Christian / not really rooted in the region foreigners / genetically inferior / too lazy and dumb and asking too much money / not patriotic at all and all that right wing racism stuff.

As, again, was the predominant rhetoric and justifications for their wars, war crimes, extreme repression of dissenting voices and subversion of democracy and the freedom of press and all that. It was right wing stuff.


Do I look like a pleb to you?

You didn't expect the billion dollar business man to be looking out for anyone other than large corporations, right?

>unironically using the word "bourgeois"

I think the board you are looking for is leftypol, friend

So the shoe fits? Good to know.

Middle class pasty white commies think they are common laborers or something. You are bourgeois too

>deregulate energy market
>expect more competition from energy producers
>electricity prices slowly rose but not excessively
>still regulate price cap for consumers to pre-deregulation levels for energy produced within california
>energy producers stopped building more power plants as demand increased
>energy producers sell all their electricity for a higher price out of state
>utility companies are forced to buy electricity for any price by law if there is a power shortage
>traders resell californian electricity at a higher price to mask their true origin
>utility company has to buy electricity for higher prices than before the deregulation

>price caps
>free market
Price caps are the most communist thing possible.

>deregulate something that hasn't been regulated yet
You can't make this shit up.

>i-it wasn't true capitalism
You sound just like the commie claiming the USSR wasn't real communism, kid.

Good bye net neutrality

>Sup Forums fuck up everything again

I have to agree with you on this one, it's weird how so many americans blame socialism for stuff that's being done by captalism governments, including their own.



>One country

Not sure who's calling America socialist.

kill yourself, shill.

>people that never dared step foot in a 100% black neighborhood calling anyone racist

>100% black neighborhood
You mean like some untouched south african tribe?


like chimpcago neighborhoods such as austin or englewood. i doubt anyone non-black manages to survive there for more than a few hours.

thank god all blacks live there

Big corporations exist for the sole purpose of generating a profit for their shareholders. Anyone else benefiting or suffering from their actions is irrelevant.

>making a profit is bad
>some eceleb told me so

Like Martinique, right? Oh wait!

>Anyone suffering from their actions is irrelevant.
Funny how that part goes without mention by you.


>island = neighborhood
leftists ARE this retarded. also, how long did it take you to find possibly the only predominately black area in the world where there isn't a sizeable article on crime?

>I'm too irresponsible to choose not to support a corporation
>It's not my fault that I keep throwing money at them
>The government should step in and hold my hand

Your forgot to mention how it's a developed country on par with such countries as Finland and Taiwan.

the people are the government

they act through the government

>What are monopolies?
>What are monopsonies?
>What is economics?

Fallacies 2: The Return of the Strawman

Making a profit for a small number of people is bad if it causes damages in excess to the profit generated. Are you perchance fucking retarded or something?

i predict that within the first year of his presidency half of trump supporters on here will have turned their coats

America isn't a democracy. It's a republic.
>Anyone but me is to be blamed