Is there any point in dual-booting Linux when you can just use a virtual machine anyway?

Is there any point in dual-booting Linux when you can just use a virtual machine anyway?

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Do you even know what you're saying?

>virtual machine

Get with the times, granpa

Is 8 GB of RAM good enough for running VM(s)?

Stop it

The only reason to use VM's is for Windows and "obscure" OS's like Plan 9/Inferno, SweetOS, and such

I don't thin you got the point of VIRTUAL machines...

>Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
Lol nice try. That garbage isn't any better than fucking cygwin.

Yeah. You can run like one VM at a time that uses 2GB RAM.

>your face when u fell for the 'near native performance using pci passthrough' meme and bought the hardware for it and it turns out its really buggy and unless u solve 1200 bugs it doesnt even get 50% native performance

the reason to use linux over another operating system is to avoid the government

lold at that pic OP

I dual boot soley for games on windows. PCI passthrough won't work with my setup, well I can't get it to work at last.

Op please include a trigger warning next time you post that pic, people here are very sensitive and are known to go off about the smallest sign of ineptitude

God if I know, OP. Linux is a pretty shit OS. Honestly if you have Windows already there's no point in installing Linux.

Why would I want to run Linux in a virtual machine?

Is there any point in dual-booting Windows when you can just use a virtual machine anyway?

hello Pajeet

Is there any point in dual-booting Windows when you can just use a virtual machine anyway?

I'm Indian and I use linux exclusively.

I really need to run some windows specific programs since WINE is failing me.
Does 4 GB of RAM is enough? I'll probably use this
And does matter if I use Qemu or VBox?

The Bai5 kills mean every time. What did I mean by this?

Karlie Yourself, slut.

I get near native with pci passthrough from linux to windows 10...

>windows 10