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AMD bribed shareholders during the "secret" vega event, it will fall soon, very soon, just you wait.

Fuck AMD cancer they're so shit.

AMD is junk

>Sales are slightly up translates into stock price quadrupling
seriously, its not like they are making 4X more money this year.

I think the anticipation for Zen sales (or hype) has been built into the current price.

>listening to retards on Sup Forums meme about AMD
>not realizing that the bigger meme is GPGPU-driven machine learning

The market doesn't give a shit how many retards on Sup Forums spam benchmarks and defend their "chosen" GPU manufacturer for free.

>IPs: 1
Well shilled

This is pretty much guaranteed.

How do you find out it is from 1 IP?

Ayy AMD is being a shitter as usual it'll fall back below 8$ soon trust me senpai

First day here?

>ip counter didn't increase
Just fuck off already

Quite frustrated I see, you should go get that anger checked.


>Threads now display the number of unique posters in a thread (based on IP). We’re trialling this as a way to give users an idea of how many active contributors there are in a given thread.



Quite retarded I see, you should go get that down syndrome checked.

I personally think the GTX 1060 is better than the RX 470 or 480, but that doesn't matter.
AMD did a good job competing in the market that people actually buy in, probably with higher market share than usual (although still getting beat by Nvidia) and hence the stock went up.
In addition, since the RX 470 and 480 weren't bad for AMD, some of the price increase is from higher expected value in anticipation for Zen.

Amateur stock analysis from plebs on this board is always so fucking hilarious.

AMD paid down a chunk of their long term down, and have positioned themselves to pay down the rest of it in the next two years. That alone is massive. They'll be a company with no outstanding debt over their heads.
The GPU patent licensing deal with intel which started well over a year ago went through which will net AMD $1.5 Billion over the next 5 years.
Semi-custom sales have been strong, and have been steadily ramping up, even securing an enterprise win.
They already secured a contract with two different Chinese firms to work with and deliver parts to build new supercomputers based on their new Zen arch.
Interest in Zen in the enterprise world is already high, and all signs are showing they'll have strong adoption right off the bat.
They've regained significant GPU market share with the launch of Polaris and along with software commitments are aiming to increase in this market segment.

Those factors are why the rally on AMD stock has been happening. Su was the architect behind AMD's financial restructuring before Rory stepped down, now as the CEO she has full reign to carry out the top to bottom turn around of the company. AMD will start paying dividends.

I should add that Nvidia is up a lot too over the past year.

AYYYYYYYYYYYMD poorfag detected

So, should I buy AMD now?
(The stock, that is, not a GPU, got no need for that, my intel is more than enough)

They're north of $10 per share now, and with no clear indication of where the ceiling will be. They could hit $12 and linger there, might turn into a small bubble and absolutely soar, people could panic upon hearing negative press and sell which would drop prices back down.
If you're looking for a quick turn over you missed out on the sure bet.
They experienced a 5X increase in stock value over the course of a year, and did so on the heels of new arch aimed at regaining enterprise market share. This rally was guaranteed to happen. I'll be happily holding on to make shares for the next few years.

AMD is currently valued at 1/5th of Nvidia's value and 1/20th of Intel's value. This leaves lot of potential, assuming Intel and Nvidia aren't overvalued, Zen is a success and AMD aim of 50% GPU market share comes true.

AMD could double or quadruple in price by the end fo 2017. It could also drop by half or worse, if Zen turns out a flop.

>AMD paid down a chunk of their long term down, and have positioned themselves to pay down the rest of it in the next two years. That alone is massive. They'll be a company with no outstanding debt over their heads.

So the paid down ~600m in long term debt, and still have 1.6 billion on the books.
Meanwhile they lost ~400m this quarter that just passed.
I wonder how much longer they can pay off their debt if they can't even make money.

They need an out of a ballpark hit with Zen.

Seriously a 9.7 billion dollar valuation for a company that has had a negative profit margin for how many years now ? are they the UBER of cpus/gpus ?

>I personally think the GTX 1060 is better than the RX 470 or 480, but that doesn't matter.

>I think a card that objectively performs worse at every resolution with every API is better

>Bought an RX480 8GB over a month ago
>Already caught up to 1060 6GB DX11 performance before today's update
>Absolutely demolishing the 1060 in Vulkan
>Actually get to use Nightmare textures in Doom thanks to 8GB instead of 6GB

Nvidia is such a dead meme, I guess they still have a market in selling the 1080 to people with autism, but that's a small audience, tendies cost good boy points too.

This reminds me of when Intel faked their """"live""""" presentation of playing a game.


Look at AMD's past revenue figures vs their overhead.
With competitive consumer and enterprise CPUs coupled with strong GPU sales AMD could pull back into the range of $7 billion annual revenue easily.

>Bought an 1060 GTX 6 gb over a month ago
>Already was destryoing 480RX in every DX11 game before constant updates
>Laughing at AMD poorfags as Vulkan is DOA and only available in 6 games 6 months after the release
>Actually get to play everything at ultra thanks to based Nvidia instead of poo drivers.

Amd is such a dead meme, I guess they still have a market in selling terrible cards to poorfags and fanboys with autism, but that's a small audience, tendies cost good boy points too.

man, i would short it so fucking much

Wew r9k memes, into the trash you go

>Being AMD drooling retard
>Having reading comprehension or ability to browse thread

Pick one.

>recent benches show the 1060 barely ahead or even behind in dx11 and universally behind in dx12

>Recent benches from my favorite Pajeet shill that prays to Raja Curry show something that I want to believe in.

How dumb of me!

>With competitive consumer and enterprise CPUs coupled with strong GPU sales AMD could pull back into the range of $7 billion annual revenue easily.

So amd stock price is based on wishful thinking ?
>tripling revenue
>calling that easy

You can believe what you want, maybe AMD will keep going up some more, but from the numbers they don't look like a healthy company.
They are not suffering some one time adjustment of a bad quarter, they are living through a bad decade

they have a lot of cash

cash > everything else

why are you yelling?

shut up moron

>can't refute results
>resorts to bigotry
K e k.

so.. they are worth 9.7 billion dollars because they've lost money every year for the last 4+ years but that is OK because they have 1.2 billion in cash and short term loans?

It seems that AMD only got the money to pay off its debt by issuing more shares, hooray
Maybe AMD plans on buying them all back when the stock eventually drops. or should they just keep printing this 'free' money to pay off their debt and keep the lights on.

They've been averaging $4-5 billion in revenue while they have absolutely nothing to offer in enterprise aside from thin client, while they have no consumer HEDT presence, and while their GPU market share is sub 35%.
Hitting $7 billion would be easy.

Protip: If your argument relies entirely on gross exaggeration and willful ignorance, you're making a shitpost, and you look like a child.

Can't refute what? Nigger you're one delusional cunt. I can type in literally every dx11 game out there to watch gameplay on same specs and see for my own eyes that 1060 GTX blows 480RX away. I don't need some fucking subhuman Pajeet to do it for me.

Bought 1000 shares at $2.

again this is all just wishful thinking, you can't even project any kind of future sales because right now everything in in the dumps

Their revenue is on the decline, their statements show that.

If you feel inclined to invest in them by all means do so.

The death of AMD is supposed to be fair?

Except where those reviews are at least half a year old.

I bet you're just a mad nvidia fanboy that got cucked with the founders edition "pay more get less".

Decline in revenue doesn't mean anything for as long as it remains profitable in the projected future.

>Decline in revenue doesn't mean anything for as long as it remains profitable in the projected future.

And as right up to Q3 they are not making money.
So how exactly are you projecting they will make money ? based on their little demo they did rendering something ?
Your projection seems to be entirely based on feels and hunches without anything to back it up.

I did not make any projection about AMD's revenue. What I did was state a truth about revenue and projections.

>What I did was state a truth about revenue and projections.
I would disagree, as I said before it was just wishful thinking based on nothing

Simply saying how big the pie is (server market, small gpu market share) is not the same as saying they are doing to do well in the future

It hasn't been publicly announced yet, but google is building a data center focused on databases running on video cards.

Guess which architecture they chose.

Do you believe that I made an opinion about AMD's future? You may have seen such an implication but I'm assert it to you know, I made a general statement about revenue and projection without connecting it to AMD. Decline in revenue doesn't mean anything for ANY compy for as long as this same company remains profitable in the projected future.

this is how i know we're in a bubble

>So, should I buy AMD now?
2lateboi, the train is already off
It's not a bad idea to buy AMD now, but you won't see massive short term profits like the people who bought in the last 2 years
You can be sure you will lose short term though if you panic sell like a 'tard
>but that's a small audience
It's the most profitable and visible audience too

Nice work pajeet

Fuck you and fuck your couch

> I'm not jealous and bought in at 6, sold at 8.50, bought in again at 9.15

Still made a decent profit but 1000 at $2 man . . . buy yourself a really nice hooker only to have sex with her in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.

Fuck off OP. AMD becoming competitive again is as much of a boon to NVidiafags as it is to everyone else.

bought at $1.81, sold at $4

pic related

Bought 3.5k @ 1.72. not selling anytime soon

Doubling your money never felt this bad

Shit man, I hope Zen pays you well.

I hate you user, I missed the chance.

ITT: AMD fanboys pretend they are nvidia fanboys

>tfw i knew AMD would make a comeback when their stocks were $2 each
>tfw i didn't invest cus broke

Lisa Su is making AMD great again

>AMD bribed shareholders
>AMD gave money to people who gave them money

U vhat m8?

>GPU patent licensing deal with Intel
So does that mean that Intel graphics will get better and be able to do more intensive stuff? Nothing much wrong with it now but a little more power would be nice.

Hmm, better be matched to a list of known proxy's to identify bogus ones, as well as a list of regular posters based on usage to flag genuine posting

AMD sold out to China.

The entire stock market is irrational and has been since at least 2008. Any positive news drives up stocks far past any rational evaluation of gain. My guess is that what is left of the middle class is simply placing bets on stocks because the other financial instruments are offering no yields at all. Either this bubble will burst like the real estate bubble and dotcom bubbles before it or Trump really will effect a Justinian-like revival of the American empire.

Stocks without dividends are pyramid schemes. The last guy holding it when the bad news scares the sheep is stuck with the bill.

You mean objectively better with much less power consumption and much more efficiency.

>people didn't buy AMD shares @ $2 when everyone was told that it was widely undervalued

>now its well over $10/s a 400% increase in profit

>buy 10,000 shares @ $2 for $20,000
>now its worth $100,000

Intel didn't license AMD's GPU arch, they licensed a few patents that describe what a GPU is. Basically intel payed to avoid potential lawsuits. It has nothing to do with arch specific IP.