>ctrl+f 'desktop'
>no desktop thread
I finally had the time to set up i3 properly.
Even managed to smooth out some compton issues in >>Show us your desktops, Sup Forums
>inb4 not technology
Yeah, I know, whatever.
>ctrl+f 'desktop'
>no desktop thread
I finally had the time to set up i3 properly.
Even managed to smooth out some compton issues in >>Show us your desktops, Sup Forums
>inb4 not technology
Yeah, I know, whatever.
Other urls found in this thread:
is this the new desktop thread
I kinda appreciate the meme, but at least post your current desktop, not something from 5 days ago, dammit.
is this the macOS general?
I dig this. Care to share the css?
You've got the money, I've got the time
It's the coldsnap theme in onee-chan's/stylechan's settings.
Not any better, but at least it's current.
The music info in the lower-left is sexy as fuck. How did you do it?
Thank you, user.
Bowtie, only available for MacOS sadly
lol i like the chord progression workspaces
Oh well. Still looks great, user, thanks for sharing.
No prob
wow cool thread
>set up i3 properly.
nigger your i3 setup is fucking trash
git gud before posting your shit again
you'res is bad to
post yours faggit
>custom icons in the tray
>you don't even have icons for workspace names
kek, how is yours "better" than mine as we're both using the exact same approach?
your color theme is trash and note consistent
>workspace icon
nice meme
I mean, I appreciate the fact that you're on the lookout for "Powerful/Interesting images", but I don't see how black is trash. Care to suggest anything better?
remove window titlebar, or at least change the color
>that fucking green bar
change it for a less flashy color
black and white is far to contrasted imo
your firefox theme looks weird
your rofi menu too
>sans francisco display
>that fucking red bar in your terminal
lol your dumb
it's chrome not firefox, my bad
still looks weird tho
>green bar
>red line in terminator
>top bar in chrome (not firefox, lol)
Fair points, user, definitely worth considering. Thanks.
fuck off
you might also want to consider i3gaps, it looks nice but is not really useful
>hide_edge_borders both
To remove the fucking green bar. Feelsgoodman, thanks again for pointing this out. Not sure if I'll go for i3gaps though.
Do you use d-menu or rofi? What's your config?
I use rofi, pick related is my config
not that hard to setup
fucking hell I can't fucking write correctly
I kinda lol'd, but yeah, your rofi looks cleaner than mine, I need to tinker a bit more.
Did you just copy-paste your i3bars.conf from somewhere or did you customize it on your own, user?
yeah I need sleep.
The config is mine, I made some scripts and shit
Noice, thanks for sharing. I'll be going for something link this: i.imgur.com
Gotta sleep as well, though, so I'm out. Fun thread.
the font looks weird in this one but whatever suits you
For anyone interested, conf files are in github.com
Functionality-wise it's exactly what I'll be going for. Font is shit, yeah, but that's easy to change.
I want my favorite thread to return
I want world peace
OP here, how may I help?