Arch linux

>arch linux
Post your weight ITT

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice quads for a fat boy.

270 pounds

But I'm pretty tall


210lbs, can't wait till I drop to 200lbs.

This is now a /fit/ thread. How do you guys stay fit while working with computers?

I weigh 99 pounds.

I work a strenuous full time job. Computers are my relaxing time.

can someone explain me the arch logo

It's a play on the Star Trek logo.

thank you hungry skeleton


240 lb

I get up at 4 AM, go to the gym. I run 5 miles on a treadmill and then do calisthenics, usually a combination of various core exercises, pushup variations, and bodyweight chins and pullups. I then do weight lifting following a program I grabbed from some dead polish guy where you do various compound lifts everyday of the week with moderate weight.

Then I go home, shave, take an ice shower (I have a water well on my property so its cold as fuck), and go to work. I avoid eating anything until around 3PM usually, and don't eat after 8PM. I am up late tonight but will be going to bed shortly.

75kg for 1.75m which is 160lb for 5'7 I think

400 lbs


174 but /fit/


I'm not lean but I don't even have a gut. I got the infamous 4 pack. Lift weights semi regular and work as a security officer, so.

135 lbs with arms and legs, 97 without. McNugget btw.

Don't forget to return your video tapes.


72kg, 180cm

>bp 175

that's not american

57 kg
5' 11"

I use manjaro tho..
Still counts, I guess..

You must be 469.278 fortnights in age, to post here.

150 lbs

165 pounds

6'3" 137lb arch user here, though I did get rid of my systemd and compiled the gentoo hardened kernel instead of using arch's shite kernel. Basically running gentoo with pacman+yaourt.


living the skeleton lyfe

>can someone explain me the arch logo
It's a silhouette of your average arch user

Surprise! The arch logo is an arch.

>though I did get rid of my systemd
That's why you're fit as fuck, you're not lazy. Unlike most arch users tbqh.

how tall

>6'3, 137lbs, fit
You mean hungry skeleton right? 160 at 6'3 is about where you stop looking like auschwitz if you lift weights.

Aww but it was so easy, I just followed this guide:

5'4" 125lb

Debian Testing


am i kawaii uguu

240 at 5 foot 10 run arch

I eat all the time, but keep the same weight, idk why. My arms are built, but I do have some ribcage showing. I don't focus enough on the rest of my body. I might be so skinny because I don't eat anything with sugar in it, as I find the taste unbearable. Just meat and cheese and bread and veggies with about 4 cups of milk per day.

6'2" 140 pounds

Whats ur deadlift

wouldnt your bmi not be incredibly low with that ratio?
and I don't know. do you mean to be?


I'm poor as fuck and barely eat so maybe you're right.

Not that great, 180, but I was at 195 in HS.

Are you a grill?

>Are you a grill?
;) girls don't use arch with the gentoo kernel and openrc, silly.

what I was trying to say was that you probably arent 'technically' underweight for your height, and it turns out I was right
proof it

My dink weights 15 Ibs.

I hope that's in Kg. Even the hungriest skellingtons in the offices where I work can deadlift 2 plates.

You can get stronger one day probably. I belief you.

5'6" 230lbs

You'd need to be 8 feet tall to not be a fat fuck at 270 lbs.

420 lbs.

how tall?

135 lb, 5'10"

110 pounds, 5'3

'5 "7 135lbs

160, arch user

found the DNC hacker

73 kg and 6ft exactly.

Used to be obese until my early twenties.
Now I go between periods of eating well and exercising, and eating like shit and ripping bongs all day. It works out.



there sure is a lot of manlets on Sup Forums

found one

200 lbs.
10" dick

63kg 1.73m

>inb4 manlet
pretty average in central america


found one what?

87kg 192cm and still no gf

80 kg
185 cm
Arch Loonix

>all these retards not using SI units

6'0 240IB

no idea, i haven't weighed myself in years

5'11" 150lbs

I don't use Arch though, so


I have very muscular legs from when I used to run but chubby otherwise.


6 foot 3
200 lbs

6'1" 203

143 lbs at 5'11"

Gas yourself, shit stain.

>5'11", 130 lbs

I am a weeaboo NEET shut-in, so the stereotype is mostly fulfilled anyways.

Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko, but it's a Edit

65.3 Kg, but I am 169cm


So really then:
150 lbs
5" dick


6'2" 165 lbs

Just recently switched to Fedora though.

80-90kg you americucks

175 lbs

>wake up at 8
> get to work by 9
> leave work at 5
> class at 6:30
> leave early at 7:30
> straight to the gym
> come home by 11
pretty much average day when I go to the gym

Anyone doing powerlifting shit? Post your maxes
135 lb OHP (got it over the weekend. Felt like i tore my quad afterward. Flexed so hard I sprained myself)
~185 bench (never actually did a 1 rep max, just an estimate)
~255 squat ( was supposed to do 1rm today, but I forgot to eat before and couldn't even do work sets)
295 deadlift

5' 5"
125 lbs
Superior Mexican manlet genetics represent

5'10 115 lbs

5'11, about 190, decently muscular.

Bruh, 135 overhead press isn't all that much. Why is your upper back so weak?

5'11 140lbs
Guys tell me I'm pretty cute.

Been lifting for only 10 months bruh. Started in February

Just wait until I got it for 5 reps

135 military press is quite a fucking lot desu.
Unless you've been hard core working out for about a year that is a ridiculous amount.




i dont use linux at all. quite a surprise aint it?