Hey Sup Forums...

Hey Sup Forums, did you know the NSA logs and stores indefinitely all Tor traffic so in 20 years when they have a working quantum computer, they can decrypt it all?

What are you getting arrested for in 20 years?

Other urls found in this thread:


only if ur traffic goes through an nsa owned exit node. i would worry more about tor browser 0days

making an ai with the goal of surviving that actually will eraise human life in the futur

Nope, the NSA has nodes listening in on the internet backbone. They intercept all detected Tor traffic there.

>the internet backbone

Just KYS


Why would I, when you can?

why the fuck is future so bleak

Probably because you know you're going to prison in 20 years for stupid shit you did on Tor.

researching darknet drug markets for a sociology paper that I am writing about prohibition and black markets expansion using technology.

it was so fucking dry, once i got it written. It got a C for "Extremely boring, yet informative,", my teacher expected something more lurid and clickbaitey.

i rewrote it for another class in a really lurid gonzo style, and got an A from the teacher that would wear titty exposing blouses. she has some nice tits for such a short thin woman.

Doesn't Tor use Curve25519 to exchange keys?

I plan to be dead by then so eat a bag of dicks.

What is statute of limitations, OP?

>download books to learn crypto
>20 years later get hit
>mfw can't win

if the riaa is still around they'll probably retroactively sue over a billion people and literally destroy nation states economically


Buying finesteride from india i guess

nice try fbi

>use tor to "protect your privacy"
>has an x86 processor


this lmao




>teacher that would wear titty exposing blouses. she has some nice tits for such a short thin woman.

So you say.

Because your assertion about where the NSA has its nodes, or why that would even matter, shows a very undeveloped understanding of TOR as a technology.

>still using tor
use i2p its much better.

Who would bother downloading anything the RIAA cares about through tor?

They still don`t know who was `physically` behind the computer at the time. You could have walked away left you computer on, no password someone uses it. It was a shared connection. Stolen laptop, list goes on and and on. Literally so much plausible bullshit you can drop its hardly worth perusing. Too much risk of it being thrown out due to lack of evidence. The list goes on and on and on. Unless they have a photo of your face on that pc at the time, or catch you at that PC. You have a chance.

Worry not and sleep well.

Nothing because I have nothing of value the government would give two shits about. This isn't some spy video game where every computer has some secret that has to be kept from the ban wagon.

>so in 20 years when they have a working quantum computer

They aren't going to be using it to decrypt useless 20 year old traffic.

Everyone is talking about i2p but how does it work exactly ?

i2p seems to be experimental tho.

Just use tor for 13 years and then stop. 7 years later your history gets cracked and they can't do a goddamn thing BC statute of limitations

tor is gay. it is also a firefox browser which makes it shit.

>Tor is gay shit

Here is the average Sup Forumsentoomen, everyone

No, it's the average underage Sup Forumsentooman LARPer.

>my teacher expected something more lurid and clickbaitey
>your teachers are seriously encouraging this

Where the fuck are you from? Unless you're majoring in journalism and you have the specific task of writing an article that will appeal to the average person, or are a 6th grader, this shouldn't fucking happen in a serious school. Is this the fabled american education at work?

>tor is gay. it is also a firefox browser which makes it shit.
- Sup Forums, 2016

>Putting millions of people in jail for stuff done 20 years ago

seems legit

have you checked any big online news site later? its literally "top 10" tier clickbait crap

journalism is over as we knew it