Ask a Sup Forums janitor anything.
Ask a Sup Forums janitor anything
did you fell for the 16gb meme?
I thought janitors/mods weren't allowed to come out about being janitors/mods?
If the Police kick in the door at my apartment, am I responsible for the damage? I don't have a doorbell.
So are you a new janitor that's about to not be a janitor, an old janitor that's about to not be one, or a troll?
They're not
not quite, things changed
>am I responsible for the damage?
no but it's not worth to wait for the compensations, you'll get paid after like three months. so have fun not having a door for three months.
>have fun not having a door for three months
do you like maki
you're welcome.
i'm more of a sashimi fella
can you clean my browsing history?
>Sup Forums has janitors
Hahaha no.
What tech do janitors use?
If you are indeed a janitor, please delete this post.
I-i-i-i-i-s this reallife?
i'm afraid not, mr Jamal.
>If you are indeed a janitor, please delete this post.
>post is not deleted
If you're a janitor, then I'm Matt Damon.
idk what everyone uses but i have Sup Forums open 24/7 on a shit eepc mini laptop (along with three maybe four more sites).
I can't, it's not ban worthy.
>I can't, it's not ban worthy.
Done. See pic.
If you're indeed a janitor, you'll remove it fast, and this thread will go on.
If you are not a janitor and there's no janitor/mod nearby, the pic will stay.
If you are not a janitor but there's a janitor nearby, he'll remove the whole thread, since it infringes the rule 12.
why do they never approve me to be a janitor? :(
You're not allowed to say you're a janitor.
OP is lying and is, of course, a faggot. And you dumb Fuchs are taking him seriously.
prove it by deleting this post
This thread is two hours old. Sup Forums doesn't have janitors.
Will I get laid within the next 3 months?
at least i can type 'fuck' on my phone you pussy whipped cuck
Do you lift?
Do you have a gf?
>3 hours ago
Someone please just start dumping porn already.
But with all those loli- uuh desktop threads never getting deleted, it's no surprise this is still up.
no u, im on nofap for a few more days
>it's no surprise this is still up.
OP here, deleted it.
distro of choice?
any private trackers you'd recommend?
any significant changes since hiro took over?
hehe banboy
My my, What do we have here?
No I'm op
Im soooo gayyyyy
Dats wa ya get fgt.
>public ban
Well done, mods!