I am having problems with viewing images on Sup Forums

I am having problems with viewing images on Sup Forums.

Sometimes image urls are in the is.Sup Forums.org domain and don't work. Example is (is.Sup Forums.org/qa/1480921494808.jpg) and when I click the thumb I get 404.

I have to manually change the url to i.4cdn (i.4cdn.org/qa/1480921494808.jpg) in the address bar to make it work.

This happens randomly all over Sup Forums, with somewhere around 50% of all images. Some work some don't. Seemingly no one else are having the same issue? I'm not using any addons/plugins in browser right now.

Other urls found in this thread:


Your ISP is shit

I don't see how that would be an issue.

Also, and display properly, because they're i.4cdn.org unlike some others.

Here's another test upload.

OK this one also worked.

Here are some that don't work:
Come on I can't be the only one.

I'm having the same issue. When loading over https I get secure connection failed, and over http I get connection reset while loading.

>Sup Forums X

So these don't work for you, correct?
is.Sup Forums.org/qa/1481235624212.png
is.Sup Forums.org/qa/1481239166266.png

Then I am not alone at least.

What country ?


I have a fix for you, OP.

1. Download Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey, depending on your browser
2. create a new user script
3. paste this

var currentURL = window.location.href;
currentURL = currentURL.replace('is.Sup Forums.org/', '');
window.location = "

This didn't work since it made Sup Forums entirely unusable, it kept refreshing and adding onto the url for every refresh.

But it's not really the point, I could probably grease up something myself, I just wanted to know if others had the same problem. I'm going to bed soon and assume the problem will be over by tomorrow. Maybe it's a weird DNS glitch or something.

Can't replicate it.
I get through on a Norway proxy and I get through when I either max and lower security settings.

For some reason though, The 4cdn is in Spain right now and the is.Sup Forums is still in Montreal Quebec. Hiro's messing with the server setup or something.

Wot, that can't be. Works for me. Show me what you have?

Well let me ask you this, you can load is.Sup Forums.org/qa/1481235624212.png right?

Well I can't, it's a 404. So assuming my knowledge of Greasemonkey is correct, it only loads scripts when it's on a domain which is included, right? What happens if that domain is unavailable/404, as it is for me. Then it won't work, right?

Maybe I fucked up:

// ==UserScript==
// @name scripp
// @namespace scripp
// @description skripp
// @include is.Sup Forums.org/*
// @include is.Sup Forums.org/*
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var currentURL = window.location.href;
currentURL = currentURL.replace('is.Sup Forums.org/', '');
window.location = "

I guess I could write a script for boards.Sup Forums.org/* which replaced all mentions of is.Sup Forums.org to i.4cdn.org instead, so it loaded the i.4cdn.org picture when clicked on.

Or something.

Hmm, kinda weird.
Try replacing the upper part with the // at the start with this:

// ==UserScript==
// @name New Userscript
// @namespace tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match http*://is.Sup Forums.org/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

Then it should work, because it's 100% the same as mine.

I did this instead in the meanwhile

// ==UserScript==
// @name scripp
// @namespace scripp
// @description skripp
// @include boards.Sup Forums.org/*
// @include boards.Sup Forums.org/*
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/is.Sup Forums/g, 'i.4cdn');

It fixed it by replacing the bad domain the the one that works for me.

I'm sure it's terrible but it werks.

Wew, this is better than my shit. I feel dumb now for posting my crap.
Whatever, thanks.

I tested yours, but it still didn't work, I end up with


ad nauseam

Anyway I'm going to bed, might post some more if the thread is still up when I get up, I don't know how long threads last on /qa/.

Hey man, thanks for even posting something.

And goodnight.

Very weird, works for me... anyways, you found your own solution which works.

Good night, user.

Hiroshimoot dropped the garbage is.Sup Forums in to "save money" (by having all images delivered through it not load at all.)

Yeah, this has been an ongoing issue site wide for a little while now. An Hiro himself has made a couple of threads about it and claimed to have fixed the server issues but the problems persist, along with other things, and he hasn't really commented on it since.
I think the 4chanX extension has had a recent update which automatically redirects images to the i.4 server to get them actually fucking working, but that's a shitty workaround.
The is.4 server is a slower and cheaper setup apparently located in Canada somewhere. An Hiro has also offloaded some of the bandwidth to the servers running his 2ch.net scraping website but I'm not sure if he is still using those as I haven't noticed images being hosted on it for a while.
Unless An Hiro does something about changing the i.4 server setup anons are likely going to have these issues sitewide as I don't see bandwidth lowering anytime soon. You could try spamming the Feedback page with these issues but I wouldn't really expect any response from there.

>that's a shitty workaround.
Plebs get the pleb servers while more involved users get decent servers, it's actually a pretty good solution to the bandwidth problem.

That's fucking retarded reasoning because the entire point of Sup Forums is that anyone can use it as intended, as is.
Well done supporting atrocious administration.

You won't be able to use it if it closes down because of too much bandwidth usage, it works most of the time and you haven't signed any commercial contract that guarantees 99.999% uptime

Fix this shit Hiro.

>I think the 4chanX extension has had a recent update which automatically redirects images to the i.4 server to get them actually fucking working

How does that work? Are the images being uploaded to two servers simultaneously?

This workaround works for me, but what I can't understand is this:

1. For some people, both the is.Sup Forums and i.4cdn works, but for others only the i.4cdn. Why is that? Is it IP specific? Luck?

2. Since it works on both, does that mean images are stored on two servers?


>Plebs get the pleb servers while more involved users get decent servers
What do you mean by this?

Sup Forums X doesn't have this problem

I made a thread just like this a few months ago. It just randomly stopped happening and people made the same kind of responses, not sure what to tell you. Try updating Sup Forums x and oneechan/stylechan?

turns out updating Sup Forums x is the answer

3 servers
is.Sup Forums