Mistakes in Shipping

Ordered a shitty referb 2TB hard drive from Newegg for $34.99. Got it a week later 'cause free shipping. Wasn't paying attention, just put it in and started comp. Didn't show up, went to disk management, showed 7451.91GB raw, WTF? Turned off comp, took drive out to look at it, 8TB hard drive, paid $35.

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Cool beans.

Give it back.

What brand?

yeah, I realize that I totally should. I am OK with being a terrible human being though.


He never ordered an 8TB drive so he can keep it.

Seagate I didn't pay too much attention to the model number. I have seen many posts about reliability issues with Seagate 8TB in general though. Either way, a $35 8TB drive if I lose everything on it I still can't complain.

I ordered a vacuum cleaner nozzle from eBay.
Seconds later I figured it's not worth it and I should just buy a new vacuum cleaner.
They delivered it anyway.

30 Euros

this meme again






Actually shipping mistakes do not go into this category. I am obligated to send it back. However, I am not going to point out the mistake to them myself. If they did figure out what happened, and asked for it back, I would probably send it back to them, after repeatedly over-writing it.

Look at this faggot

Last year we bought a Dyson vacuum cleaner in a sale from a popular catalog store, turns out we were given the high spec model worth £100 more. You're a fucking mug if you hand something you got better back.

if i get a 4gb rx480 which actually has 8gb, am i obligated to send it back

Are you a pussy who lets people walk all over them?

I ordered a gigabyte motherboard from Amazon and they ended up giving me a way better and more expensive model by accident. Felt good.

why? the organization probably doesn't give a fuck, and even if they did, they should pay for their incompetence. Because that's the way the market works.

My niece wanted a sweater.
I had a bunch of Amazon gift cards so I ordered her the seater.
It was the wrong color.
Sent them an email.
They fixed it by letting me keep the sweater and then sending the correct one.
Correct one came 4 days later.
4 day later another one came in.
She now has 3 sweaters

Amazon are awesome.
>Partner bought me a Sushi set for Christmas, tried to return it after I gave impression the something like that would suck, Amazon basically we're too busy to collect it here's your money back and keep the gift.
>I bought a baby temperature monitor but sent it to the wrong address, customer services couldn't intervene in time to change delivery before it went out, sent me another one, open the box to find two of the item.

This doesn't really work for law like it might for medicine or some other field where you have to do more than remember things. Even lawyers will tell you that the difficult part of their job isn't interpretation.

only if they asked for it back
which it doesnt sound like they will

Interpretation isn't difficult but it seems to be for you people.

Only for you. No one has ever been prosecuted for not returning things sent to them in error.

Since when is legality determined by whether or not anyone has been prosecuted?

Well then throw it out and complain. You probably could get a settlement after years in court and thousands of dollars, all used to pay the lawyer.
All for nothing in my opinion when you could have just thrown it out to begin with, if you didn't want it.

wouldn't i be able to flash the firmware to the rx 4gb model and tell them they're wrong?

i mean they flashed the 4gb firmware before sellling it, how could i be obligated to return a product that was sold exactly as advertised...

They wouldn't take it back. If they make a mistake like this companies will almost always tell you to keep it in order to make your happy as a consumer.

I was buying a €56 case from newegg the other day but the import charges were around €90 and the shipping was €430 bringing the total to €576.
€576 for a €56 case.

How the fuck do foreigners buy from newegg? Does the entire american population and European Oligarchy support that site or something? How do they stay in business like that?

Since forever. It's called 'precedent' and it's how law works. You'd know this if you weren't underaged.

No, it's not called a precedent, underage.

>if I lose everything

nice meme

You might want to check whether it's actually 8tb and doesn't just overwrite.
It's amazon so its probably safe though

Europeans dont use newegg, the import and shipping charges are a major pain in the ass. You could try to get around it by having the goods declared as less than 20$ but the customs inspectors can sniff out pc parts often, and they always ask for a legit receipt with the real price on it.

wow user, you sure are saving the world from crime by telling people to return their hard drives.

mr shekelstein thanks good goy.

>bragging about it

You Windows users are the scum of the earth

What are you, cowboys, police officers, or mafia men?