/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

>apooloo forums edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


Instead of trying to find ways to encourage activity they seem hell bent on doing the opposite. Just about every user who's joined since freeleech ended has fuckall buffer so it's not like they can really snatch anything. If they do snatch things it will never get them any upload back unless they're gaming the top 10. Even uploading new content doesn't get you anything most of the time. Most torrents only have a single seeder because of all this

Meanwhile staff is making it hard to get anywhere. They've basically confirmed they won't be doing picks, and even if they do the picks will probably be neutral leech instead of freeleech. The site has no proper economy yet and they're already finding ways to fuck it up worse than WhatCD

Oh and before you say I'm butthurt, I have plenty of buffer. I'm mainly pissed because staff is completely squandering the site's potential

second for pth is kill

post this on PTH instead of here


He'd just get banned lol


xanax staff identified

I never joined whatCD because of their trash economy. It's nice to see that someone is trying to out-do them and succeeding.

What is the general rule for registering on private trackers? Do you use throwaway gmail for invite and then reg on the site on another email?

any wcd alternatives yet? i've been out of the loop

Agreed 100%. I've uploaded 50 torrents so far, but I'm going to stop until they get their shit together. I'll abuse the holiday freeleech just like everyone else and gain enough buffer to last me for the entire lifespan of the site, but that doesn't change the fact that the economy is fucked up.

Apollo is the only one worth joining

fuck off
they just want to be a carbon copy of wcd and that wont work because wcd had 150k members constantly downloading and uploading not just people uploading all their music then not downloading anything because they have everything they want already, not to mention 10k people does not an economy make.

>i have to download the 20gb until i'm ratio fucked and can't download anymore so i can then pray some other mongoloid doing the samewill download my shit
fuck them, and i thought apooloo was curry

This is further proof that ratio doesnt not work on a music tracker

BP is the only solution


Kek, I had 200GB buffer using a 400KB home connection. I actually got 100GB a month at one point but stopped because I was scared.

1. Write a script that scrapes freeleech. No, not the api, but the logs (against site rules but I found a loophole)
2. Have your torrent program connected to the scraper. I just made the scraper write to an RSS file and have utorrent read it.
3. Enjoy your dozens of free GBs of month.

>Confirmed not on PTH
What the person above you stated has been posted ad nauseum over the past several days at PTH, less overtly at the staff of course.

>that's what every consultant has told us

slow and steady r-right boys?

Apollo / PTH are the two front runners right now.

Why not autodl? Is scraping the site faster?

>Instead of trying to find ways to encourage activity they seem hell bent on doing the opposite.

>Just about every user who's joined since freeleech ended has fuckall buffer so it's not like they can really snatch anything.
Yeah my friend joined and is new to trackers, it's not going to be very useful for him. I think the answer for other people is to cross seed their old WCD torrents or from APL. 95% of the torrents are the same. I'm seeding ~450 torrents right now there and making about a GB per day in my seedbox, but home connections I doubt this would be even close to the case. Maybe 100MB? Maybe?

>Even uploading new content doesn't get you anything most of the time. Most torrents only have a single seeder because of all this
Those with just one seeder on their torrents are a bit silly considering you can use the "snatch this" thread. But yeah, even that is forced and not a natural economy. On WCD my torrents took a long time to get snatched too though.

> They've basically confirmed they won't be doing picks, and even if they do the picks will probably be neutral leech instead of freeleech.
Yeah, I read that in the forums. The staff picks were what made WCD possible for me to use. I realize it's silly for people to grab a bunch of shit they won't listen to, but, I would have had a really hard time on WCD without that which would have meant the rest of the economy would have been bad since that buffer is what I'd use to snatch what I really wanted.

>Oh and before you say I'm butthurt, I have plenty of buffer. I'm mainly pissed because staff is completely squandering the site's potential
Nah, I'm thinking along similar lines. I used the FL to get over a terabyte of buffer so I feel ridiculous but hey at least I kept my stuff seeding. It's sad that on average only 80 torrents are seeding per person after that giant freeleech.

xanax staff identified

Seriously fuck off back to apoo if you can't even sirvive this sir, please dont spam shill this board is friendly okay, pth is pass the hindi best tracker for music okay

>no invite board
as suspected

TARS bless us with your presence

t. Nala
go fix your tracker, faggot

You can't autodl freeleech torrents because no torrents are marked as freeleech when they are uploaded, when they get announced in the IRC channel. They get marked as freeleech some time later on, usually during staff picks.

What's this nala meem? I haven't been here for a few days.

PTHFAGS on suicide watch

aka, I talked with 312c and other cabal cucks on irc

They turned off freeleech in the API because it was bogging down the site.

The problem with freeleech in the API was there was no way to sort by the date that the freeleech became active, so you had to check every single torrent on the website.

However, if you go to what.cd/log.php?search=freeleech you can see all the freeleeches.

I just wrote a script that ran in my browser, that would check the page every 2 minutes and I'd leave the browser window open on my PC 24/7 if I could.

what happens if you download 20.01GB and get no upload?

Oh right, forgot that.

reminder that xanax doesn't even exist

nala is a furry sysop/admin on pth
nala is some bitch from the lion king which she's taken as her fursona

You get ratiowatch, and a free invitation to apooloo

Your required ratio is .05 and your actual ratio is .00 so you get BTFO

>wcd had 150k members constantly downloading and uploading
HAHAHAHAHAA. Have you ever been to What? Guess not.

It is as if the PTH staff is holding off from making any major announcements while APL's sitewide FL is still going on. When APL's FL looks like it is about to end, they extend it anyways! Masterful trolling by APL's staff.


PTH is trash
APL is literally WCD 2.0

I got unbanned like a week before it went down after being on it for a year, how many users did it have? I remember it having a shitton

How long until PTP bans talking about apooloo on the forums cause their cuck friends over at PTH are fucking everything up?

Pass The Curry staff identified

Why dont they just recruit more users?

How long until /ptg/ is completely filled with these kinds of posts?

I want Sup Forums to leave :(

muh elite club

Sorry babe, i'll stop now.

>and as awareness of the lack of ratio requirement until 20GB

Great idea, snatch 20GB straight off the bat and fuck your ratio so hard you'll end up in ratio watch before you have a chance. I'm thinking most users will snatch a couple things and then sit on it forever until they get upload (but this is PTH so they won't get upload)

Maybe this would work if they gave you 20GB of tokens or something and made them expire

>Nah, I'm thinking along similar lines. I used the FL to get over a terabyte of buffer so I feel ridiculous but hey at least I kept my stuff seeding. It's sad that on average only 80 torrents are seeding per person after that giant freeleech.

Likewise, I gained close to a TB from FL, uploaded the requisite amount to make it to TM, so I'm /setforlyfe/.

However, I also recognize that a healthy tracker needs new users that are willing to contribute. If enough of these users feel frustrated with the current tracker economy, then they will go elsewhere.

And before some idiot says, "Why don't you do your part," I'll just say that I've been helping those on ratio watch and been downloading uploads from those I invited.

Please respond.

Personally I use a dedicated ProtonMail account for cabal and co, but used a throwaway for IPT

>no invite board on either

>brand new trackers don't have invite boards yet

this is a surprise why?

Does EMP consider yourexotic stats?

The restaurant is Apollo. Sofia Vergara is me. The abundance of spaghetti and meatballs represent the torrents I'm currently seeding and downloading. Out of frame, shitting in the middle of the street, is the currynigger PtH shill that's going to respond to this post with "xanax staff identified".

pth can still be saved with a well placed freeleech, maybe something like FL for single seeded torrents, what.cd had one of those and it worked pretty good
but honestly if they don't do something about the economy the site is as good as dead, just top uploaders circlejerking forever

The funny thing is i remember when APL doesnt have the sitewide FL yet while PTH just finished theirs, the APL forum is filled with people complaining about shit economy.

Question is now what happens post freeleech? Will the APL community in all their curry wisdom would still download everything with their buffers unlike pth jews, or will it result in the same shit economy?

I'm betting on the former desu

Thanks for the reply, user. Do you ask for invites on the same email you register with?

because pth is cabal
i should be able seeing all cabal offering on the invite

No, it needs a real economy, not one where they just band aid it with freeleeches

Just responding to the idiot above me who thought APL should've had one while inferring PTH might.

>nostream open regs
Ha ha ha


PTH isn't cabal, though.

Generally yeah, no reason not to imo

its all of you seedboxcucks fault
if you werent hoarding your buffers PTH would be a better site

unless they reset the stats or change to a ratioless/bonus system that won't happen, the damage is already done, some people have all the upload and the rest have jack shit


Youre just jealous, lazy, and stupid. Huge buffer means nothing if person is not using it.

>about to upload my 20th perfect FLAC (no WEB)

Feels good.

That's exactly what he's saying. The only people who can download are not downloading lol.

Please respond. Need more opinions.

I use my schools email

>have 3 TB buffer on PTH
>ain't have to seed a goddamn thing

It feels good to be so patrician!


you are literal cancer to the private tracker community

you start with 500mb
so nothing


you're fucked if the feds decide to investigate for some reason

Use a random email from cock.li or something that's ONLY for trackers. Keep it secret

Just a reminder that most of the TB+ buffer PTH seedboxcucks got their buffer from deleted torrents

Keep it safe.

No need for separate one for invites only?

Should've created a better system and written better rules.

The answer to Automation (seedboxes) is Basic Income. Give every user a set amount of buffer to spend at the beginning of every month, and the economy will be fixed. This free buffer resets at the end of every month, and cannot be hoarded.


use a separate email for invites if you want to assume a different identity in the new tracker (which you should)

this should also be done in real economies

>deleted torrents
why were the torrents deleted

>do you like to pirate video games?
>are you worried about the immediate longevity of your favourite site?
>reminder to:

//once per thread, do not say we did not warn you

>implying we all live in federal states

how does one quickly build buffer on hdb?
jump on porn packs?

>using porn trackers

even I'm not that much a loser...

It's not about buffer, it's the fact that sites with trash economy usually don't have a lot of leechers and BTN and AB which actually have decent economy are bad enough when it comes to that. My connection is massively under utilized. I get maybe 1-2TB a month in upload at the best of times and it's just not good enough.

I don't share files for nobody to DL them.

>Imblying they don't have the invite emails saved in their sikrit database

porn is NL read the fucking rules you assfag

You need to stop spamming MasterChief

so they could be reuploaded and reexploited

Commas are the difference between helping your uncle, Jack, off a horse and helping your uncle Jack off a horse