Where you were when Linux desktop is kill?
Where you were when Linux desktop is kill?
>Where you were
off you are self
Linux BTFO
How will LINUX EVER recover?
Okay are we done with this thread now?
i dont get it, if operating system A copies from B, does it mean B is a bad spot or is it A that its in a bad spot in such a way that it has to copy features?
anyway nice quads i guess...
apology for poor english
i was sat at home installing windows when nutella ring
'lunix is kill'
Where were you when Windows was kill?
then who was phone?
But powershell is shit. Horribly syntax.
You can't kill something that never lived.
I is phone. Halloooo
Who the fuck uses Winblows 10, lol
This one?
normies and Sup Forumstards
>being retarded in 2016
>cannot use xorg
dropped faster than mercury
47% of people are easy to hack then??? retard lol
When I switched to this superior OS instead
better performance than any Linux shit, I play all my games on here and it runs faster than fucking Windows 10 games
But powershell is bad, when windows get a superior shell then that is different.
What do you mean?
are you the hacker known as Sup Forums?
Been trying out various BSDs at the moment, they really feel like Linux did say 6 years ago. When Linux was fun and not being turned into Windows.
You can't edit Linux files on that bullshit
>linux desktop
>d e s k t o p
bashdows has no desktop. No sane X/Wayland implementation. Having a shell thats actually designed to be used (unlike CMD.exe which MS has all but buried) is lovely but
>linux desktop
>Where you were when Linux desktop is kill
12 rupees and a plate of curry has been dispatched to your designated address, rajapajeet.
Are you a windows kill?
Windows and Ubuntu deserve eachother. they both have aids already.
>people are easy to hack even when their OS support ends in 2020
when were you when OP was faggot?
>Been trying out various BSDs at the moment, they really feel like Linux did say 10 years ago. When Linux was shit and barely usable.
>This entire thread and not a single
Utterly disappointing.
>thinking repeating digits is a thing outside of Sup Forums
It's the #1 OS on Sup Forums according to polls.
>$0.00 has been deposited into your account
A shell is not the selling point for Windows.
Wow look a troll thread!