
I'm about to reinstall arch and I'm considering using xmonad. I've previously used dwm, bspwm, and currently gnome as my de/wm. What are you guy's experiences with xmonad? Stability, configuration, whatever. Also what are your favorite wm's and why?

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My experience is good. Just make sure you don't mix the distro's repo xmonad packages with cabal's packages. For xmonad to be able to run you need a running haskell environment so it requires a lot more disk space than say i3. But running xmonad should be very light.

i always liked awesomewm and i got used to the semi-default keybinds
then everyone shitposted like a year later that awesome sucks or something so I tried switched but never found anything I liked.

worse version of i3 with an autistic configuration

Autistic because of Haskell? And what makes it worse than i3?

>too stupid to learn Haskell: The post

So stop get meme'd and use what you like.

Rei or bust

awesomewm is very comfy. I use it.

xmonad is shit, dafuq is goin on with all the haskell faggets

What I'm trying to find out is if people just don't like haskell or if xmonad itself has inadequacies aside from haskell which is obviously subjective.

Herbstluftwm. It simply the best.

That's pretty similar to bspwm right? It's a really pretty wm from what I've seen.

What are the advantages of all these different wms?

t. only ever used i3

why Herbstluftwm when xmonad exists?

Unity because when you press alt it brings up the options in the menu bar so you don't have to manually search for it. Also super key is married to the programs in the task bar according to their number.

Comfortable keybindings are one of the best reasons to use a tiling wm. Obviously you can make custom keybinds without one but when navigation is mainly done through the keyboard it makes the whole experience much comfier.

Looks like pornhub ui

Actually, what are the advantages of using only a WM?

It's fast, simple and as the name suggests it does window management for you so you don't have to.

Super light on system resources, no bloatware, and customized to your personal liking are the main reasons I like it. The aesthetics appeal to some people too.

I'm a huge fan of Stumpwm. It's cozy, but only if you know Common Lisp.

cool desktop thread

Share your config? Like the colors.

That's not mine, it's from some dude's deviant art. deviantart.com/art/Xmonad-0-9-1-153059185

Did you know lisp beforehand or did you learn it for stumpwm? I've actually not heard of the wm.

Ease of configurability
Bash scripting to make your own custom keybinds
Implementing in seconds
It just werks

for some reason i never got SLIME to work properly with it