How do i transition from windows? i feel like i can't break myself off enough due to various programs i use...

how do i transition from windows? i feel like i can't break myself off enough due to various programs i use, and while i like wine, i'm scared of being too fed up and just reverting to windows. i want to finally take it out of my life due to the various inconsistencies i've encountered in configuring wake settings and update management.

this isn't a question of what kind to use, but what attitude one should have when trying out linux. what prevents the whole "lol this sucks" mentality from people who didn't even read the manuals for packages and commands? i mean there is an inexorable amount of material one would have to read through just to get their wifi/touchpad/bootloader properly understood regardless of distribution, and that's not even going into other devices.

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pick a distro that has a highly customizable UI so you can make it look and work like Windows. And pick a distro that is "one click" to install.

After trying various Linux distros over the years and failing to switch over, I succeeded with Linux Mint. It's painless to install and everything worked out of the box.

I don't miss many Windows programs (except Photoshop) but it's easy to dual boot once in a while to use it when I need to.

i have arch-anywhere installed with xfce and such. is that ok or will i be called a faggot for:

1)installing arch
2)using arch-anywhere

Worrying about being called a faggot is for faggots.
Arch is sort of a bitch though.

it's on a laptop i don't use that often although when i try to use wifi-menu and link up my shit it doesn't really confirm or decline the connection and i just end up with no data transfer so i ethernet it when i need to.

is there a narrow compatibility list for netctl and network cards? i didn't get asked for drivers when installing for my wifi stuff.

anyway this is deviating. what aspects of arch are a bitch? how does it compare to debian? i've been thinking of trying it out.

Hello, CIA niggers

>what attitude one should have when trying out linux

Take a minimalistic approach, determine what is absolutely critical for you and look for linux alternatives to your windows apps.

If you are really into gaymen, Adoble, CAD, etc you might have a bad time but otherwise your needs will probably be met on a satisfactory level.

Don't be affraid to dual boot or live boot GNU+Linux until you've determined if it will work for you

You gotta wean yourself off the apps first, thats what i did. Look for cross platform alternatives. Once you get used to those, going full linux is fairly painless.

You'll spend tons of time fixing Arch issues. Unless you want to be a sysadmin or want to learn how Linux works, Arch is an overkill. I prefer distros that have sane defaults and do everything for you so you can concentrate on actually getting shit you care about done... not spending time tracking down issues that pop up from using a rolling distro.

i use abelton for music production, zbrush for 3D modelling lewd anime girls for an rpg, photoshop for concept illustration, and i was going to learn C++ using visualstudio as a platform but im willing to learn Vim if it's viable along with debugging.

i was thinking i'd just install those programs on linux using playonlinux or am i delusional?

You're a faggot for not mentioning Compton

guy just install bash in windows 10 and it gives you full linux what are you even saying man

>but what attitude one should have when trying out linux.

Just try it out and stop trying to get the perfect attitude first. Anyone who actually tries it out is doing it correctly.

> i mean there is an inexorable amount of material one would have to read through just to get their wifi/touchpad/bootloader properly understood regardless of distribution, and that's not even going into other devices.

That's the dumbest shit I have heard, these things are much harder on windows than in most linux distros. In most of them like ubuntu or mint you might never have to deal with it.

funny you mention that because i was going to originally install i3 with dmenu and compton but i felt like my ability to manage configuration files is very weak, that is, i made too many syntax errors and kept breaking stuff like i3status causing my battery percentage to be 1/0 and blowing up google headquarters when it was trying to keylog my battery.

But then you still have to deal with Windows bullshit

Oddly enough, I encountered more bugs on Fedora and buntu than a rr distro. Turned me off forever to stable releases. Arch is really not that bad, honesty.

There are many rolling distros that don't break like Arch. Arch is different

>and it gives you full linux

This is a lie, you are not in a linux os and it does not function like one.

I have no experience with i3, but I copied a .config for Compton off github and it just werks. Starts on startup also, pretty easy.

You cant even edit Linux files, whats the point, again?

I haven't used them myself on linux, butlooks like ableton, zbrush, and photoshop can be used on some level through WINE

maybe check out

>You'll spend tons of time fixing Arch issues.
Yes, please continue perpetuating this meme. The Arch forums are being over-run with mongoloids as of late due to the easy install solutions now available. Let's pretend it takes mythical skills to use it, like we pretend Gentoo is inaccessible to anyone but wizards.

Make a recovery disk in Windows first. Then just pick a distribution and jump in. You won't learn anything by not doing it yourself, so give it a try. You will have to learn new things, if you don't like learning or Googling, you will hate it. You are only comfortable on Windows because you used it for years. Its just as hard to edit your registry as it is a .config file.
Most stuff really does just werk on Linux these days. The rest is just a web search away, because someone somewhere has probably already had your problem. Look up your wifi device info and see how the support is on Linux.

Stop playing video games.
If you need some CAD or Adobe tools for your job then you should have a dedicated workstation anyway.

Huge personality dependence.

I tried Ubuntu at first years-ago, was mostly "meh"didn't like clicking the visual repository thing, felt really limiting for some reason.
Tried Debian, despised how the package manager worked, different commands for different things (I forget) felt awkward and got bored.
Loved arch, packman and packstrap, actually enjoyed the experience because it managed to keep my attention, it was "this is required, if you fail you fail and not "meh just poke a couple of buttons"
I went into it with the mentality "this could take a week, it's just for fun, it's like playing a game.

Honestly what I did to help me learn Linux was to just use Ubuntu at first. It's a very basic distro to get used to, but since you're learning Linux, it's simplicity will outweigh the botnet crap.

Then get a cheap laptop, maybe one from Goodwill or one you have but don't use anymore, and put another distro on it. I used Kubuntu.

After that, tweak the laptop to your liking, but don't be afraid to fuck up, because you will. You will be reinstalling the OS constantly, but that's how you get to learn an OS's insides, by knowing what does what. That's how I learned how to edit services and the registry on Win98SE when I was a child.

Once you're comfy with the set up on your laptop, install the same distro on your main rig. It'll be a bit different as no distro runs the same on any PC, but by then, you should be able to know what does what.

Don't go for a beginner-friendly noob distro like ubuntu or elementary. That's not what linux is for. If you want something user-friendly, Windows is better. A 'gentle' introduction to linux defeats the object. If you want to appreciate linux, go balls-deep with Arch or Gentoo or maybe Debian minimal or something, and use it until you are comfortable without google.

If you read, you learn. If you don't want to read, then that's what windows and macos are for.

I had the 'lol this sucks' mindset until I tried Arch. Now I know vaguely how to use it, I enjoy it much more. More than windows.

'Minimal' distros are much less frustrating too. When I first tried ubuntu, I had no idea how to make stuff work, or how to fix things when they broke. But when you've set the system up yourself, you know what you're doing when something breaks, because you broke it. You know how to change stuff because you made it that way in the first place.

Why is this some big deal?

Just fucking install one of the major distros and start using it.

>I like to learn

This is interesting! I see what Linux may be good for, and where it is lacking. Maybe I can adapt myself to use this tool.

>I don't like to learn

Linux sucks . It's a broken buggy mess. Only nerds and spergs use this shit.

Even if Vim's not viable, there's VsVim, which is great.
Vim is godly after the week it takes to learn. It's well worth the effort.

for the hardest possible transition install gentoo

Harder transition if they install Arch. At least Gentoo is useful and gives you meme cred

>how do i transition from windows? i feel like i can't break myself off enough due to various programs i use,

Wrong question. ADD Linux and retain Windows so you have the advantages of both. OS and software are all free to obtain so I use what serves ME because my PCs are about MY needs.

Need direct hardware access for Windows? Windows host and Linux VM.

Don't need direct hardware access for Windows? Linux host and Windows VM.

You have both OS at once. Easy as fuck. You can try many OS in VMs so there's not even the commitment of a hard drive install.

All OS suck, they just suck in different ways. I don't pay for them so IDGAF.

Your problem is now solved. Go install Virtualbox and sample some distros.

great answer user

Install Arch and virtualbox to run windows when needed (no gaymes tho).

is there a way to fuse two operating systems into one with some sort of command like gnu+windows.exe add -Rm?

> due to various programs i use
for me its AutoHotKey, a macro program capable of interacting with the GUI, programatically clicking specific buttons, and even matching images on screen.

ive tried searching several times for something like
ahk linux
autoit linux
but the bunch of tools of varying degrees of functionality and distros they work on (i guess its DE dependant?) dont look like they would be a real AHK replacement

I think you could accomplish the task with this: and

can you give me examples of what you do with it every day so I can try to recreate it?