I just installed debian 8 and I am going to get a desktop environment. What are the best desktop environments in your opinion?
Desktop Environments
Other urls found in this thread:
The one that I use
the framebuffer
i3 wm
XFCE is nice
But only if you can take the bullying from your colleagues for using a DE that doesn't provide
>user management
>service/daemon management
>firewall management
>file sharing management
>time zone/internet time/clock and date settings
xfce is pretty good
I use XFCE and it's pretty good
nigger what
openbox + tint2 + conky and copy bunsenlabs configs
Ran LXDE for a bit, XFCE for a long time, never really liked KDE until 4.7 came out.
Google DE's, try out the ones that look good to you and decide, the biggest factor is your preference.
i use Gnome shell because I'm not a faggot like the rest of you.
>i use Gnome
openbox for a bare bones minimal
xfce if you want a basic taskbar with clock, menu, & etc...
Just try all of them, satan. I use MATE on my laptop because it's lightweight and isn't incoherent shit like xfce. On desktop I run KDE because muh features
XFCE 4 life nigga
>just installed debian 8
Great! Now fix it!
Package repositories:
deb auto.mirror.devuan.org
deb auto.mirror.devuan.org
deb auto.mirror.devuan.org
In console:
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
init 6
apt-get install devuan-keyring
apt-get install sysvlinux
apt-get remove systemd
XFCE, needs tweaking to look good though
anyone got window buttons in the panel on xfce working? there's a plugin for it but I couldn't get it to install and looking at the github it has memory leaks. I'm a fiend for screen space
When you press alt in a program, you can search through the menu options.
The super key is automatically mapped to the programs on the task bar by number.
It's buggy and not customizable. It does have potential though. Fine if you like the default and don't touch it much I guess.
I liked GNOME, and then I tried Cinnamon and liked it better. It's like GNOME, but more customizable.
wich button everythings' working for me
but it doesn't work for me. I mean move the window buttons on the title bar, into the panel, next to the applications menu
why would you want that you have 2 windows open
It's for servers just remove it now. Anyone who tells you to install it with XFCE is meming.
I like MATE because it's like classic GNOME. XFCE is also pretty good.
If you want to try a WM use Window Maker
Nvm I figured it out. Needed to compile with --prefix=/usr.
I like lxde with the arc-dark theme
peasants with their Desktop environments
i3wm, probably the most efficient to use once you get used to it and customize the configuration, also pretty light weight.
Cinnamon > Xfce > GNOME
>no Cinnamon
Just fuck off already.
Windows 10. Seriously.
Here's my new custom rig:
i7 6770k 4.0GHz
32GB G.Skill Ripjaw RAM
MSI Z170A M5
MSI GTX 1070 Armor 8G OC
Linux can't handle all this power. Open source drivers for my GPU blow, performance is shit. Screen tearing everywhere. Seriously, WTF.
Go Home Linux, you're drunk.
Quit being a beta faggot and choose your own DE.