You're not a real programmer unless you know
You're not a real programmer unless you know
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name one (1) program written in haskell that anyone has ever heard of
Many of facebook services like spam detection run on Haskell.
That's nice, retard.
>Many of facebook services like spam detection run on Haskell.
They don't.
kys pajeet
>You're not a real programmer unless you know
Is that why facebook is filled with spam?
You're not a real programmer unless you can finish a job in any language required to do it on time and on budget.
Picking languages like that is fundamentaly stupid.
you're not a real programmer unless you're paid to do it
While I would argue that in order to be a programmer you must have the knowledge to program computers at the most fundamental level, which requires a working knowledge of the relationship between an assembly dialect and the machine's ISA, I'm not sure why it's particularly important to know or care about functional programming in general.
I guess I can manage.
so everyone who studied CS is a good programmer ? because those languages are mandatory for every CS student.
except lisp maybe, but most will get in touch with it anyway
code facebook com/posts/745068642270222/fighting-spam-with-haskell/
that is all, my indian friend in denial
WhatsApp's server side
No true Scotsman fallacy invoked by OP
No, it's because you follow junk pages that are flooding your news feed with trash.
You're not a REAL man unless you know:
>how to build your own car
>can bench more than your bodyweight
>got a 6 pack that isn't a result of just being too skinny
>a beard
ayyy now i know all that thanks college
still mostly spam
>a beard
I might not be able to grow a beard but I'll die with a full head of hair on my head. 3/4 ain't bad.
Some web"""devs""" don't
>because those languages are mandatory for every CS student.
They're not. Haskell is bullshit, and Lisp is not obligatory (but you'll learn Scheme/Racket if you do the functional programming course which is an electable [I didn't]).
>"""programmers""" who can't invert a binary tree in assembler
they are, theres usually a operating system programming class, where you program in C, a compiler development class and a microcontroller programming class where at least some parts are have to be written in assembler, a functional programming class which usually uses haskell as an example, logic programming classes with prolog, et etc
what language was your functional programming and advance functional programming class taught in ?
Ghc, the Haskell compiler
I do own books about all four, so I can at least pose as a real programmer.
And God bless the person who invented shorts + pantyhose.
>functional languages
That's actually really easy.
nah, it just lazy.
Most CS programs (note were talking CS and not Software engineering like some retards might think because they view CS as a category of programs) barely teach programming. You learn matlab, C, C++, java or python. Then the rest is algorithms and math.
It's never about programming.
Fuck. Their jawline is better than mine.
call it what it is, x86, x86-64, ARM, MIPS, whatever
so when you learned about type theory you didn't get to implement things in different languages to seem them applied in praxis ?
you've never implemented a knowledge based system but just learnd about it in theory ?
then your CS curriculum surely is lacking
Why? He's talking about a general set of machines and comparing it to a language intended for different platforms.
He can't accurately specify it. You God damned retard. Maybe his CS course taught ARM. But assuming ARM is enough of a norm to say that people learn arm over asm is just stupid.
Are their dicks cute?
No in my specific circumstance we wrote our own languages and implemented the features we learned about. Not all of it, some stuff was pure theory but still.
The point is that CS degrees differ a lot. But most certainly don't prepare you to be a software developer. You're primarily an academic professional. As the name implies.
You can't compare SE knowledge of programming to CS knowledge of programming. You're just being deceived if you think CS students are taught programming well. And yes plenty of CS students go on to have programming jobs. But that's really a huge waste as most CS students will find. They usually go into a profession where their knowledge exists barely used. SE (or any software development degrees I'd imagine) on the other hand have been taught things that suit their career very well.
i'm not comparing CS to SE.
and i'm not saying that CS students are taught programming, but they use different programming paradigms (and languages) as fucking tools to prove different things and implement the stuff they learn in theory.
they teach you 1 fucking language and expect you to be intelligent enough to learn another language enough to proof something.
>tfw fell for the assembly meme
>have to swim through spaghetti every day
I'm glad my company is switching to C.
That certainly doesn't sound like the initial point made.
>here's a list of languages good programmers know
>"oh so basically CS people are good programmers"
But you could easily go through CS only knowing C as your practicing language. You'd probably need to know how to read assembly sort of ok. But that'd really just be a 30 minute session of looking at some disassembly and then you look up instructions when you need to. One of the very convenient things about asm. Extremely light when it comes to learning to read it.
>That certainly doesn't sound like the initial point made.
because it was sarcasm ....
Well I'd probably say you're lying now. Ive re-read And really the sarcasm-find-o-tron doesn't give any readings. It looks entirely serious. I'd probably view it as a CS student masturbatory post in isolation.
to clarify that OP said
>You're not a real programmer unless you know
and i replied with
>so everyone who studied CS is a good programmer ?
because they got in touch with those languages and some point and at least know them.
OPs post is pure bullshit though.
then call it asm or assmebly
it's not fuckin called assembler
People often call it assembler. It's a valid alternative spelling and pronunciation. No clue on the history of it.
In my native language it's assembler as a standard. Assembly would sound stupid.
I love these girls, can anyone share webms?
What the fuck is a binary tree?
this t b h
See that, programmers? That's the closest you'll get to a woman that isn't your mother.
you're not a real programmer unless you know
>the script of at least one yuru yuri episode
>how to edit xresources
> because people don't know how to fix their PCs themselves
let's face it, they don't even try.
its a tree with two
x86 assembly is a hell I wouldn't wish on anyone. It's almost as bad as Java.
What's with this "Java is bad" meme? Plenty of people in both academics and industry use Java.
Researchers use Java; HDFS, one of the industry standard in storage platforms for performant distributed computing, is written in Java; hell, Google's internal infrastructure for distributed computing is written almost entirely in Java. When you spout this "Java is kill" mantra, do you realize that reality contradicts you entirely?
I know all of those and I'm still not a programmer, I can't write for shit, also haskell's not my favorite by a long shot, it lacks the power of low level languages and the elegance of lisp, it's basically python for math nerds
pretty sure thats erlang
>be user
>have a fb account to actually seem normal
>user didn't unfollow his "friends"
>user gets flooded with spam
don't be like user, unfollow your friends.
> the program isn't working
> it must be the user's fault
OP, being unemployed, needs self validation (that he doesn't get from his parents because they, rightfully so, see him as a failure and total family disappointment) by showing that he knows something on a Chinese underwater basket weaving forum.
OP either hasn't finished school yet, is a Javascript developer or actually has autism. In any and all cases OP is a fag who shit posts on Sup Forums and is the cancer that has killed/g/
it's assembly language you fucking retard.
I can write in compiler hurr fucking durr
>he didnt learn lisp in his intro course
Good luck with your worthless CS education
I only know php, javascript and sql
Yet i earn more than 90% of programmers
a bitch with a dogs face
>that anyone has ever heard of
hey I know a beard..
who are those slav qts
Ugh, come on guys.
>name one (1) program written in haskell that anyone has ever heard of
Pandoc, very common in academia
Who are these cum dumpsters?
And you're not really interested in computer history if you haven't coded in
how is this useful exactly? The other ones kinda make a little bit of sense at least but haskell? Nah
i spelled "code artisan" wrong
And you're right about that
Pretty much this
It looks pretty.
i had to learn haskell at uni. normies hated the shit out of it (they're incapable of logical thinking after all), but it was pretty cool
>You're not a real programmer unless you know
that's true though
assembler and pulling off float/double/SM/SD/NB/(2/4/8/16)'s complement operations in head and on paper is standard at second year of my polytechnic, do people in america learn this stuff at computer science too? or is it only OOP bullshit with some C perhaps
I know Java, Python, and Lua. That's close enough, right?
The verified version of the seL4 microkernel
Tfw half a man.
Thank fuck i'm not a programmer
>very common in academia
that makes it worthless, though
They are twins
>building a car
What processor?
You had me up until
And for something you haven't heard of, quite a few algorithmic model generators for financial modelling.
>it doesn't count if you just get an engine, a transmission, and weld some steel into a chasis to fit it in.
might as well call putting a frozen lasagna in the microwave: Cooking
i learned 6502 assembly (and actually got a sprite moving on a C64) and i know a bit of C and common lisp
can i still be considered one
Rajesh, my son. Poo in street.
Then drown in it.