Post fly tile wallpapers
Post fly tile wallpapers
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I like these
thats from cave story ain't it
They have a minimum image size.
The blue looks great. Post more before this shit gets deleted.
Very comfy.
Another green one.
Last Cavestory background.
What is this, a wallpaper for ANTS?!
Seriously though, anyone got a 1920x1080 version of these?
Also animated.
The point is that you tile them, user
It doesn't have to be the same size as your monitor
Are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot?
ayynimated ayyliens
Animated chains
Toppest of the keks
This looks very niggardly
Minimum image size.
Sorry forgot I asked for more OP. I fucked up my machine by turning off c states and it wouldn't boot. Back now.
How 2 make animated ayylums animate on windows?
anyone have the default wallpapers for CDE. Aesthetic af
bump for interest
Finally, a patrician thread. Prairie wind in pic related.
good thread
>not having a 64k 12 feet monitor to tile 1080p wallpapers