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developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment

>How to get started

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for NST #1

Blindly invite me on PassTheHeadphones, kind sirs

second for *xigo*


who here /trifecta/?

Apl for curry Pth for epeen Nostream for memes

Has APL reached 200k Perfect FLACs yet?


who /certified/ here?

I am!

rsync nigga



>not being a Ruby on Rails Ninjaneer

its like you were born to be pleb

man I love nostream


Send me a NoStream invite now, nigger.

sorry, nocucks allowed.



What's everyone's buffer on apooloo?

I don't join unsanitary sites.

Who are you people?

Would you like a NST invite?


I seriously hate all these PassTheHeadphones shills!!


a proper thread was just made though
may vishnu bless your kind heart sir,,

Trying to get crack money on freelancer. How fucked am I

what u working on guise?

Today I learned how to vector with InkScape.
I also learned how to use custom icons with google maps.

It's not perfect, but I managed to vector the basic shape of the default google maps marker. The pinbody is a polygon with 65 points. The pinhole is a polygon with 75 points.

(I tried to include a bunch of points because I remember from working with signals/waveforms/trigonometry that the more "samples" you take, the cleaner the image/wave. If you don't take enough samples, the wave or image can get blocky or can start to alias.)

The cool thing is that now that I have the marker shape as a vector, I can dynamically color it just by passing color values to a script. In the picture, I've got three parameters. "p", "s", "b". They stand for "primary color", "secondary color", "border color".

DCCCD doesn't have a good "view all colleges" page. So I made one for myself. So that I can know where the closest college is, if I move again.

I've literally lived in 4 different parts of the DFW area in the last 2 years. Maps are handy.

Some of this data was generated dynamically, some of this data was entered by hand.

And the other day, I wrote a little interface to the api they're now using with econnect.

The "id" field that you see in the previous picture is relevant to this.

Basically you can extract a campusList, termList, and subjectList, and you can write a script to query all the classLists for each term->campus->subject pairing.

Some of the colleges have multiple campuses. Like Eastfield has a "main campus" and "pleasent grove campus". If you want to search for a classList for only the pleasent grove campus, you have to know that its id is 494.

Is it better practice to style react components with an external stylesheet, with the style attribute, or in some other manner?

>best practice

>quick and dirty
style tag

>really fucking lazy
style attribute

Why is style attribute just the worst?
Because it overrides pretty much everything.
It doesn't matter what you've got in your stylesheets or in the tag, it doesn't matter how strong the selector is... if you use then those are the rules that are going to be in effect.

Which means the only way to modify the style is to either use js to change the style attributes, or to remove the style attributes. No amount of classes or anything will do anything.

So while you may be tempted to just start writing inline styles while writing the markup, resist the urge. Its a really fucking lazy thing to do, and it really wrecks the flow of everything

>DCCCD doesn't have a good "view all colleges" page. So I made one for myself. So that I can know where the closest college is, if I move again.
>I've literally lived in 4 different parts of the DFW area in the last 2 years. Maps are handy.

Mein DFW negro. I'm looking for new apts. Currently in Addison. Can you recommend any?

Also, what's the best CC here? I just moved here 6 months ago.

I fucking hate it when a small plugin is requiring jQuery as dependency: eg: some paginators, dataTables, calendar widgets and that goddamn famous "jQuery-validate" form validator, etc...

I'm forced to attach jQuery just to make them work. Know any good vanilla-js paginators?
On 2017 i'll be removing all jQuery in my projects.

Already got:
1. vanilla-js ajax fetcher
2. vanilla-js equivalent of jQ "addclass, etc"
3. vanila-js animate.css trigger

4. vanilla-js form validator
5. vanilla-js paginator

>inb4 hurrrdurrr just use a cdn for jquery
My point is so that people would save their "mobile-data-mode"

I can't actually recommend any in Addison. While I've been to Addison many times, it is unfortunately not one of the places I've lived.

If you're OK with the Richardson/Plano area, there's two that I can personally vouch for.

McCallum Glen was pretty alright. Good for a single person who just needs a basic place. It was a good apartment, and the pricing is pretty alright.

If you've got a load of money, there's also Elan Plano (which I think just got renamed to "Cityscape at Market Center")
It's a really nice apartment complex. It's also really expensive.

I'm not familiar with this acronym.

Go back to /ptg/ alienhippy - albino

It's a really nice feeling going from just doing tons of really mindless and boring FCC projects and constantly googling stuff to actually be able to work on a project you enjoy/find interesting for a couple hours and while still googling just not nearly as often

My uni is organizing some course where you can become a web ninja. It was THAT moment that I fully realized I'm at a wrong place.

>i refuse to use jquery and instead download a bunch of different plugins that will combine together to form a poor man jquery

If you just want DOM manipulation/traversal, just use sizzle--which is just jQuery's DOM manipulation/traversal.

Hey guys, I'm spending way too much time on this, but I got my website online. It's not in english, but it's basically a film portal (news, reviews etc.).

There are still lots of bugs and some functionalities are missing, but I would appreciate some feedback on usability, and possibly some technical feedback as well. It's for my uni project which is focused on UI and UX and I'm running out of time. Any help would be appreciated.



php or c# for server side you bunch of cucks?


your logo-white.gif loads from http instead of https.
you have several // comments in your css file, css does not support // comments

c#, because debugging seems to be a myth with php.

Yeah, I need to remove that shit.
I'm not sure what's up with logo, I think this free openshift domain is only http. Thanks for that.

Yeah, it's wordpress because the backend is not the main focus of a project, even though I still made a lot of custom functionalities.

I've been off web development for quite some time now. are grunt, express, javascript frameworks still thing that hipsters use ? gimme all the latest memes


its slow as shit

How slow is it? It seems openshift is slow as fuck, but I have to host it somewhere free atm.

took me over 5 seconds for initial load and everything else after cached seems to load almost under 2 seconds

How and what can I fix? I cleaned my history and cache and it is still opening almost instantly for me. I have to optimize my images, but that's the only thing I know that is slowing the site down.

hmm for some reason its better now, something was fucked when i first tried it.

but you should've made the site with some meme SPA framework desu, it would've been way faster. If you need wordpress so much you can easily integrate WP rest with the meme frontend

For some reason, this one is taking 8.5s.


While the other ones I tested opened in less than 1s. Anybody knows why?

I tested some parts with wp-rest and Vue.js, maybe should've sticked with that, but didn't see the point at that time. But anyway, I'm gonna be satisfied with an average speed for now because I don't plan on maintaining it since it's just for my uni. Actually, given that I just need to finish a design and a paper soon, I'll have about a month to rewrite it if necessary.

So since my focus is on UI design anyway, I'd appreciate some feedback on that too. Thanks to anyone for help.

When working on stuff just to get hired is it good to push to github as much as possible just so it looks like you use it alot even if it's just small changes?

Thinking about even going back to older projects to "make them look better" to make sure im contributing every day.


Jesus Christ.

Community College

Its me and the wife. Plano/Richardson is good. I live right north of 635 in Dallas/Addison. We currently pay about 2k a month for our townhome and would like to downsize to about 1k

Just to mention that I optimized my images and the page speed score in google insights already increased from 34 to 72. Damn.

pagesights is outdated as fuck, use tools.pingdom.com instead. Yfast2 is good too desu


Thanks man. Didn't know about it. :)

Hm, I'm getting 95/100 here, interesting.

I'm building a react app at the moment, using react router for the routing.

If I want to get the current path, I can use this.context.router.location.pathname (after pulling router into the component via context) or I could just use the window object and type location.pathname.

The second option seems much more simple, but it also strikes me as operating outside of the tools I'm using to construct my app. Is there any potential con to reading the path from the window's location object instead of from the router?

I've got an apache server running and just used certbot to get ssl certs for a virtualhost running on my vps. I've got several virtualhosts, and the default one points to /var/www/html while the one I just got certs for points to /var/www/collinoswalt

Now, collinoswalt.com points to /var/www/html

How do I fix my virtualhosts?


that should be the "react way" of doing things

I have no idea why I didn't just pass this into the component from the jump. Thanks for the help

I want to resize/compress images before they get uploaded to the server. What's the best library to do that?

load the image into a canvas and then post the canvas image back to the server.

that seems like a lot of work. i want it to be done behind the scenes.
It's for an admin panel that literally 4 people will be using, so i don't give a fuck about bloat

FIgured it out. default-ssl.conf points to /var/www/html by default. Just had to change it to /var/www/collinoswalt

I am uploading a css file with filezilla but the new effects aren't showing and I am overwriting the old file what can be wrong?

what is cache.
press ctrl-f5

thanks : D

will the other viewers of the website not be able to see the changes unless they refresh too? how can i fix it?

add a timestamp where you include your stylesheet, like myfile.css?20161210
if they have the html page cached too then there's nothing you can do besides telling your server to send nocache headers for the next time they load it.

Cover letter on Indeed important?

Like for junior level.

Since, you know, my resume has no prior related professional experience.

Might as well if your starting off it can help

Lewisvillefag here.

Low-tier housing is 50% average persons salary.

Do not recommend.

Flower Mound is great though and southlake is too if you land a web dev job

Between Angular2 and React, which one has the lowest learning curve? I don't wan't to spend my life just learning a fucking tool

1K will get you a pretty decent place. You should be able to find a 2 bedroom for 1K.

All the colleges in DCCCD are decent. I personally spent a good deal of time at
Richland College at 12800 Abrams Rd, Dallas, TX 75243

Here, I went ahead and took the necessary steps to convert my little thing to a fiddle.

That fiddle has the locations of all the campuses for you.

>what is phpunit
Unless you mean server side as in actual server configuration, which i have no idea how to do because im still a scrub

I didn't mean unit tests.
I mean stepping through code line by by with a visible stacktrace/variables and all.
It's just fucking awful having to install debugging servers and what not, where as in c# I just press run in vscode.

does this look like shit? it's the landing page for a quiz webapplication.

I'm not that good at design. any suggestions?

and this is what a quiz looks like.

minimalist bullshit

stop using a dozen different jarring background colors, lose ALL parallax shit

Fuck off with "minimalist bullshit".

Anyway, the mobile is especially clean and seems pretty usable. You even got a nice border effect there. I mean, there probably are too many colors on the first one, reduce that to around 3 colors, and pick one main brand color, and then some for highlights.I can't tell the dimensions of the first page and if it is on desktop or on mobile, I guess it's on mobile due to huge text sizes, otherwise, it's too big. But all in all, simple and looks perfectly fine.

the background colors of the games can be set in a cms. i thought it would be a good way to differentiate them but maybe i've overdone it. should i just use them as accent colors and have the same look for all the boxes?
the dark red on the lorem ipsum text is the brand color.

the site is mobile only. It's for a local museum. think of the quiz as a virtual guide that visitors play on their smartphones. you're supposed to find the answers in the exhibition and not play at home from your laptop.

Seems fine. Test it on an actual device on a real mobile network to make sure it actually works right. Using chrome dev tools doesn't give an accurate representation of just how shit the average phone is in terms of processor power and network reliability.

Hm, if they are different games, then I guess it would be fine to differentiate them that way. I think that what bothers me is just a choice of colors, they kinda don't go very well with each other. Maybe try experimenting with them a bit, make them lighter and easier on the eyes, google some color palettes for inspiration.

But it's pretty basic and simple so there is not much to tell you besides the possible color choices. I'd change the lorem ipsum font for something nicer, and that's all.

MIstake, not lighter, they can have a nice dark tones as well, just don't make them saturated too much. Actually, try changing just that red one and it should be good.

Eh take everything with a grain of salt, I want to help but I'm exhausted with my own design that I can't look at anything anymore today.

Oh yeah, just one thing - possibly try to have a background of the game same as the color of that div representing that game on the front page. Now you have 2 similar hues of orange-red and that's not good.

yeah i do that already but i only own relatively high end devices and everything running android 6. i have a feeling the old stock android browser from 4.4 might cause some problems. i'll probably have to buy some cheap phone for testing.
Performance should be good though. a quiz without images only takes ~200kb and uses basic css transitions.

these are all the possible color choices. i played around on some color generator website but I don't really have an eye for nice colors. my only requirement was that white text is readable

thanks for your suggestions, anons. this is my first big project for a real customer and i'm pretty excited to get it online

not sure what you mean. the frontpage box uses exactely the same color as the corresponding quiz background. it's saved as a hex code in a database. maybe it just seems different next to those other colors.

Maybe it's just the case with uploaded images then, because when I select the colors with color picker, 2 different hex values show up. Even just with my eyes I can see 2 different colors.

i guess it's because i edited the first image in photoshop and the second one is a screenshot. i just compared the real values and they're the same.

Is there a way to do Laravel-esque "routing" or urls without using htaccess or changing the nginx config file? I'm making a CMS for use on my personal websites and having the ability to add and remove pages without having to use super hacky methods like previously mentioned would be great.

>super hacky methods
nigga what

I have a question about switch statements in javascript.

pic related is my code.

when my currentTool that I'm doing the switch on is set to "line" I get the correct alert saying "inside 'line' case" but I ALSO get the default "Error: No tool selected" alert. how in the world is it running the "line" case code and also the default case code? isn't the whole point of default is that it runs when nothing else in the switch statement is a match?

what ide/syntax scheme is that?

lol I was missing the break;

sorry boys.

it's Brackets. and I haven't changed any options.

using it because the Complete Web Dev course on UDemy introduced me to it. since like a nice lightweight option though.

React itself is pretty simple but if comes with a ton of baggage like Redux, React-Router, Webpack, etc. that all add complication if you want to do anything complex.

Angular 2 is more to start with, but it's a complete framework. And TS is pretty neat.

There's also Vue which is pretty good.