What do you guys use for viewing images? im using infarview but can't make it work with webm so I may switch someday

what do you guys use for viewing images? im using infarview but can't make it work with webm so I may switch someday

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Do you want to look at thumbnails or specific frames?

I actually just use a script called imgcat to display them in my terminal.

afaik it only works for iTerm, but I reckon similar facilities exist in other terminal emulators on other Unices.

Honey view and The kawai codec pack version of MPCHC for WebM.
Honeyview is the fastest I've used sofar, and is customizeable down to just the image without a boarder.

On windows, impression eyes (links on the nanami tan site) and webms open in potplayer

I'm made my own in C++, it supports video files ranging from .avi to .mkv and images from .bmp to .png.

lxde's gpicview


nomacs on Windows and GNU\Linux. It's fast and FOSS.

>image viewer

I use Viewnior, it's the only thing I found besides Gwenview where you can easily scale images at an integer, at least without that lame blurring scale crap. This is needed to look at pixelart.

>Honeyview a best

Is there a way that honeyview take the the form of the image when i open it ?

Lumpy vagina, ballsack? Can't tell

my eyes

nothing beats the old windows stock picture viewer though

>not recognising necrocosm
dude draws great futas and traps, pham

webm works fine in irfanview, you might need the plugin pack though.

You niggers are smalltime

Thanks for the clarification familia

>no mention of feh

>janny too dumb to delete just the image and deletes the post that actually replies to thread too
Kill yourself you incompetent piece of shit, why even apply if you can't do the job?

Impression: Eyes

I just use Pix because Honeyview isn't on Linux and doesn't work on Wine.

I use windows photo viewer

feh for static images, mpv for WebM.

upload spongefolder

Just install the plugins pack:

>he actually fell for the GNU/Linux meme


ty for thread
wanted to ask the same question


>not using a superior open source image viewer

this bad boy

What is that empathy quotient test?

JPEGview works pretty well for me

Nigga I scored 39
Am I normie now

Eye of MATE

i think you mean necrosmos

i use ahoviewer

JPEGview is objectively the best

I like Imageglass but Honeyview is faster (but more bloated). Wish there was a feh for windows.


This is the correct answer.

Impression eyes for daily use.
Honeyview for manga and comics.
MPC+HC for webm.
Irfanview to printscreen to folder of choice.

windows photo viewer

>literal windows 95 tier UI

Windows programs, everybody.

Honeyview and mpv for webm


sxiv because most superior keybindings and extensible scripting.

>not using feh

Honeyview has a fuck-ton of memory leaks a uses hundreds of MBs of RAM to display 100kb .jpgs

I use Ivy. I wrote it myself. The idea was to catalog a shitload of tags so I can search through my images faster. I have a few hundred unique tags now, but I still haven't completely tagged all my images, so that'll probably increase as I find the time to actually tag shit.

An integer and not a float? I would have suspected it'd be something like 1.2 or 0.6.

I use Honeyview with the mode where all bars are hidden

Might not have used the right word, but I meant scaling at resolutions like 200% and 300%.

Ah, I see.



Sounds pretty much what I've always wanted, a personal booru.


xnview lite

Windows 10 image viewer is pretty great.



Okay, what's so bad about it?

>Ctrl-f "faststone"
>0 results
at least the irfanview dudes are ok, the rest can just go fuck themselves with their "minimalistic no bloat ultralightweight no tools no borders no nothing" shit software

nomacs is based


>judging and image viewer by its ability to play movies

Same, crop function and keyboard shortcuts are very useful. I also like the fact that it's portable.

Faststone on Windows 7, feh and Eye of Mate on GNU/Linux.

images viewer thread

It makes images blurry.

I think the auto enhancing filter can be disabled.

It is disabled and it still makes images blurry.

viewnior is best now get off Sup Forums you filthy cuck.

Haven't noticed it desu.

mpv for webm, idiot

mine works
k lite mega+ irfanview +plugins
internal video+looping


24. Well, it could be worse.

If you're interested, check it out here: github.com/lehitoskin/ivy

There are binary builds available if you don't feel like building it yourself.

Honestly, for images (WebM isn't an image format) I use the old Windows Live Photo Gallery.

It's still available online from MS, it's relatively light, doesn't use Aero, has basic editing tools (rotation, etc), zoom on scrollwheel, and most if not all of the online features are deprecated and non-functioning.

For WebM, I just use VLC.

Irfanview, too bad it can't open files in system folders :^(