>It says here that you made a tweet on your Twitter account saying: "hashtag MAGA". Care to explain this?
It says here that you made a tweet on your Twitter account saying: "hashtag MAGA". Care to explain this?
What to explain in MAKE AZEROTH GREAT AGAIN, filthy legion scum?
>using your real name/email for social media of any kind
>Applying for a job that cares about that kind of shit
>Not being pro trump
Kek, where are you applying OP? Oh my.
>being pro Trump
You're retarded, aren't you?
And what? Did you just assume my intellectual disability?
>being pro losing
stop shaming me fucking ableist reported
Everyone notices this but never explicitly says it.
The head of HR is always a cunt. Women are trash and contribute nothing. And once you get a woman in HR, it's downhill from there.
Men, never hire women, especially in HR positions.
you guys remind me of a really stupid roommate I had in college
>if you don't support Trump you must support the other idiot
When will this meme end? Do you think there aren't people smart enough to realize none of these people are any good?
>throwing away your vote
wew ur so intellijent bet u have an ifone 7
>Thinking being anti-Trump means being pro-Clinton
Is this really how Americans think?
>being part of the problem
wow you're so smart, leave my country
fuck off and mind your own business, eurobitch.
"Yeah bitch. Day of the rope. Soon...."
There is literally no way they can prove you made that tweet, unless they caught you in the act. If somehow everyone you meet knows what (they think) you said online, you have greater problems to worry about than a sassy hiring manager
I'm not a eurobitch, I just think you are retarded.
I'll fuck off and mind my own business when you stop shitting up Sup Forums and fuck off to Sup Forums.
8 years bitch
You LOOSE, good DAY sir.
Huh, but i dont even have a twitter account or any other "social" media account.
I don't have a twitter account, only filthy normalfags have those.
>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who don't support Trump
"Sure. Donald John Trump is my leader and I shall vote for his greatness once more should he choose to endure an eight year presidency. Do you have a problem with this? If so, I would like to be made aware of this at once!"
Filthy carpetbagger.
Hillary supporters didn't have this weird ass personality cult around her that trumpcucks have around him. She was simply the reasonable choice at the time. Now that she lost, the Democratic party will find another candidate for 2020.
Has this board been compromised by the minges? I think that's why there are so many video games threads.
You have to go back, plebbitor.
>Hillary supporters didn't have this weird ass personality cult around her that trumpcucks have around him
Instead they protest and riot in the street because they lost.
You don't get it. The small fraction that's rioting isn't protesting because she lost, but because he won. The focus isn't about Hillary, democrats don't build personality cults around candidates.
Trumpcucks on the other hand were ridiculously emotionally invested in Trump.
>they're protesting he won
Even worse.
>being against the president
no YOU leave MY country
Filthy normalfags and redditors who think Sup Forums is the epic shitposting and activist website invaded years ago. You could have prevented this.
>i-i got hacked! h-honest!
>new polfag
>calls others reddit
the ironing
Sup Forums is a good board, the problem is the redditors and normalshits that keep coming here and to Sup Forums
Sup Forums needs to stay on Sup Forums
The election is over, I don't care anymore
don't mind if I do. Can I sit next to you and wip my dick out? some of the shit you are about to see gets me diamonds. Are you into young guys that are into older women that work in cubicles?
When there are only two candidates who have a chance of winning at all, voicing your strong non-support for one major party candidate indicates implied consent for the victory of the other.
The ones who aren't cancer know how to keep Sup Forums on Sup Forums and not to crossboard. The cancer is fresh off the boat redditors and other unwanted parasites who need to crossboard like the illegal immigrants they are.
bootlicker go home.
>I support my president.
cocklicker go to the apple store
>Caring about what politicians do at all
>Not realizing they are an uncontrollable, like the weather unless you decide to get into the shitstorm that is politics
Plebeian taste senpai
Because Sup Forumstards keep spamming their shit on reddit and Facebook to recruit new drones to their board.
you can easily control them by killing them.
Those are normalfags who think they belong on this website. They're worse than the fags who screenshot their posts for upvotes on /r/Sup Forums.
I've been to Sup Forums. The board is filled with underaged redditors, it's not just the crossboarders