/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

apooloo pt.2 edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

First for Apollo a best

second for PTH is a second rate tracker

pth is dead RIP cucks


>you realize apl users outnumber pth users 2:1, so there's going to be a lot of us right?
>didn't say they mattered, dipshit!


>not being on both apl and pth /setforlife/ and laughing at those curries not on one of each


xanax staff detected

Art of Misdirection


I guess GGN devs being retarded faggots is nothing new seeing as how the personal platform filters still don't work after over four years of them working on it.

how to maximize buffer gain with tokens on pth?

Ooh, invite me into your back door.

invite me you fucking nigger

>inviting someone to enter through your backdoor

What colossal faggot thought of this.

there are maybe 3 sane people on all of PtH

>pth staff thinking fl tokens will vitalize their ratio economy

Really don't see in what way it would be different to PTH in that department

a-am I one of those 3 a-user?


>The prizes you have won so far are: 10GB Upload, 10GB Upload, 10GB Upload, 2500 BP, 2500 BP, 10GB Upload, 10GB Upload, 2500 BP, 10GB Upload, 2500 BP, 10GB Upload.

That's 70 GB UL and 10000 BP. Whoop-de-fucking-do. I wish we could trade upload for BP like at UGC.

what's your favorite position?

I wish we could win snatches.

>going through all this shit instead of just using google play or spoitfy

They will, although only temporarily. I like their system, it's so deviously elitist. Long term members don't have to worry about ratio, but anyone who joins later depends on staff handouts to survive. So they are like lower class plebs. Dregs of the tracker society.

>listening to 320 mp3 -> 192 mp3 -> 256 AAC -> 320 Vorbis -> 128 Vorbis

No thanks.

What.cd had magnitudes more choice and better music discovery than spotify or google play ever had. It's why people are eager to rebuild it.

I think whichever tracker attracts the most knowledgeable music nerds will be the keeper. The kind of people who compare different releases and can tell you that the highs sound better on one while another has muddy bass and the like. Does Apollo have these members?

>long term
>sites only been up 2 weeks

>tfw you realize your mom got fucked a lot

how do you cope with these intrusive thoughts?

xanax staff identified
why haven't you kys yet?

If you're using apoloo that's exactly what you're getting!

I'm talking about the future. The people who are there now don't have to worry about ratio in the future. The people who join later will be the lower class plebs.

lrn2read plebeian


>tfw still 22 days until 3 January 2017
>more than 3 weeks until I can download AKMU new album
Hold me, /ptg/

>The kind of people who compare different releases and can tell you that the highs sound better on one while another has muddy bass and the like. Does Apollo have these members?
you mean those same autists who shilled the vinyl version of every single release, regardless of it being mastered for vinyl or not?
i hope not, there were only a couple that even mentioned the CD releases.

Because i enjoy bettering the Bittorrent community however possible. You make fun of xanax just because of our open reg but newsflash: Almost every tracker has open signups. Stay in your über leet PTH klub all you want, brah.

>Has a Natsoc image
>Uses Jewish music services


>PTH staff have destroyed their tracker and changed the private tracker landscape with a single announcement

And you trust these people with your personal details?

we'll see, right now I'm pretty worried about my ratio. Just grabbing what I want with the tokens and hoping I get some returns over time

>mfw PTH is the new libbles.me

spotify i can understand, but google play will transcode your shit or match it with a clean version and not tell you

have a laugh on me mate

>Almost every tracker has open signups

t. apollo staff

>Xanax staff getting slated for having a few emojis in their announcements

>Meanwhile the supposed ubermensch at PTH are having a Christmas quiz on IRC in order to stimulate their dead ratio economy

You can't make this shit up.

>mfw i block seedboxes from downloading my uploads

>shitposting here when you could be improving your respective trackers

he's not wrong, a few of the cabal trackers managed without but most either start out open or end up opening it for a week to stay alive. And of course what.cd was open provided you proved yourself capable of going on IRC for 30 minutes without being an idiot.

>mfw P** staff had to give everyone 5Gb upload credit because some people were retarded enough to not understand that they can download fucking 20Gb before ratio watch kicks in

>he's not /set for life/ on the cabal + specialist trackers he needs

.t demonoid cuck

xanax staff, pls

>2008 recession and PTH staff are in charge of the recovery efforts
>instead of bailing out institutional banks which are too big to fail, pouring money into federal infrastructure spending and attracting in FDI they give each American citizen $5 to spend at their local Burger Town

> what.cd was open provided you proved yourself capable of going on IRC for 30 minutes without being an idiot.
You know that there is literally hundreds of people who failed the interview? There is thousands of people even that were too lazy to even prepare to the interview and fucking give it a try. Majority of those people are now on apooloo.

PTH has 369,045 torrents, how many does xanax have?



>if i keep posting this hook shit someone will believe it

nala, pls

>he unironically believes that bailing out the banks was a good thing

Torrents: 313,455

Actually pretty sad when you think about it

>Releases: 176,335
this kills the xanax.

If we just give more buffer to the seedbox users it'll trickle down to everyone else!

It was better than giving everyone $5 to spend in Burger Town.


Snatches: 1,804,863
Peers: 1,834,960
Seeders: 1,720,962
Leechers: 113,998
Seeder/leecher ratio: 15.09

when will global freeleech end xanax staff? can't wait to see how 20,000 open sign-ups upload and seed without fl

>literally hundreds of people who failed the interview
>enabled users: 145k

you seem to have considerably low intelligence. I can tell from the way you write

I'm just happy one of them was me.

How can I delete my PassTheHeadphones account?
It's just no fun anymore since they opened the flood gates and there are 5 digit UIDs

I was an interviewer for a while, the only way you could "fail" was being annoying. No one who knew the difference between lossless and lossy, admitted when they didn't know something, followed instructions, and observed basic IRC etiquette was turned away. Of course literally hundreds couldn't do any of that, but tens of thousands passed.

Seeders: 805,107
Leechers: 5,754
Seeder/leecher ratio: 139.92

You seem upset. I can tell from the way you write

I thought former interviews have said the pass/fail rate was ~50%?

>mfw I'm just going to use my freeleech tokens on stuff to upload to Apollo

feels good to be a winner

hi red dunce

>Leechers: 113,998

Gee, I wonder
Same way they did on What and now PTH maybe?

C l o u d f l a r e

hi red dunce.


It went down over time, still seemed like roughly 70% when I stopped.

kys red dunce you utter waste of oxygen

we'll see. oh yes, we'll see

>I was an interviewer for a while


RedDunce is a racist, Islamophobic, transphobic deplorable.

What should I use my FL tokens on?

yip, he's a good goi

Everyone on /ptg/ is a racist, islamaphobic, transphobic, deplorable


Why is everyone talking about RedDunce all of a sudden? What did he do now?

hi RD

As you can see that ship sailed a long time ago. Keep the (You)s coming boys.

Seems like I missed all the open registrations for the what.cd alternatives.

From what I've read recently the situation is a little messy though, hopefully it gets better.

kill all the gay and the faggots

Half of it is probably newshits here for the memes trying to fit in.
