>BST - HermemeMillerEdition<

>BST - HermemeMillerEdition

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Think I might put my Model FSSK internals in to my Model M industrial SSK case. Loving the feel of it at the moment

>sitting that close to a 2.4g transmitter

ack ack ack


I'm still rocking that Ikea Markus. I do like the Mirra 2 I have at work though, just way to expensive.


Hello friends.

the laptops


I know it's a meme but should I actually get a herman miller chair if I've got the money to blow



That's beautiful

Please validate me

Look up air traffic control chairs, 911 operator chairs, or similar 12 hour+ chairs that are purpose built for long sessions.

They'll probably cost a bit more than a herman miller, but its also going to be a lot more comfortable.

Herman miller embody's aren't bad, but they are a bit overpriced for what you get.

>being this ignorant.

ha, enjoy your 1% increase in likelihood of cancer, fag

Thanks for the insight

Is the embody a significant improvement over the areon? I'm buying one of those and saw no difference while trying them


it's more dangerous to eat a banana than being bombarded with harmless electromagnetic radiation.

I'll sit this one out. Shit's getting ridiculously redundant with the same pictures.

It has a sick feel indeed, have been to lazy to make/get my hands on a converter tho ;/

What model f are u using?

Sup Forums: rich parents and lonely career programmers

XT I believe its called

Ah nice, converters for those are pretty cheap from Orihalcons ebay listings


Hey Sup Forums


I am thinking about making another Battle station on the other desk that I have in my room.

I am selling my snake so I could put something else on the desk.

I don't know maybe I am stupid.

Anything else I should get for my main setup? I think I am pretty much done with it for a long while.

Boulder Creek, Co? or Ca?

Looks cozy.

one day my fiddle leaf figs will be as glorious as yours 10/10


Yeah Ive been looking at that one, maybe for xmas :)

wtf is this weab shit

CA don't live there anymore though. In Oregon now, thanks user

Can you post wallpaper pls


I wasn't able to upload it here because the file size was over 4MB.

ty bby

No problem mate :3

wow i want a lot of plants now, this is awesome


How many cocks do you choke on per day?


Ignoring how this is bait, and not even a subtle one, what's up with that mouse pad?



that's not how meme arrows work, idiot

sooooooo... have you ever seen a vagina IRL?

post more.

glorious steelcase leap master race



nice doggo

charlie says thanks

I'll get a better picture, I swear.

the two types of people that post on 4chins



Nice coaster.

Rape me

That IBM case is cool. How is it inside? Also is that a NERV mousepad? Digging the desk, what IKEA part is it? I'm looking to replace mine. 7/10 - needs better speaker than these pile of garbage.

10/10 - I think once I have a flat I will do a Kotatsu station too. Did you get a Zaisu yet?

Trying way to hard to be le eco friendly dude while using apple products. The irony. Enjoy your bugs. 2/10



Only good station in that picture is the middle black and white one.

It's a mess desu, I'm sure some one would murder me for nigga rigging an ibm case like this. No nerv mousepad here, just a Turtle Beach xl or something. My desk is just timber board I had laying around at my parents place slapped on some old kitchen cabinets.

Also isn't one Miku enough?

TFW too lazy to sit up right in a chair. I'd probably just go back to laying in bed

Need to repaint, and add a few things, buts its p comfy

Yes! Love it!

Very nice. What headphones my dude?

lmao I saw a cute anime picture last night that had this kind of setup. Is this a thing in japan?

Simple, I like it.

Very nice

sauce on the socks

very nice.


Thanks. It varies, just sold my Fidelio X2 and only have a HD25-II and a Pioneer Monitor 10 at the moment. Thinking about buying the new Fostex or a HD600.


Last night's station.


>posts this in a BST thread
Nice personal computer for gaming, faggot!

>ywn be this cool

>watching twitch chat
>hehe look they do funny reaction XDD
>Do you think I am locked in here for MY safety?

The christmas star wasn't in stock at all..
Found one amazing online but it won't arrive until after christmas.

I truly fucked up this year.

obligatory memestation post


seriously, every fucking thread
its so fucking fag-tier

Wow, are mods really deleting all of the posts with knee socks? What the fuck, grow up.

Perhaps you should stop being a degenerate attention faggot, then people would not report your shitty gay legs.

Nice setup user, it's much more my speed.
some other post might have god tier wiring or god tier lighting, but I like the versatility of your setup.

I'm not the one posting them, I'm just amazed that the mods are so immature.

>Wow grow up kids, so immature! xdd
>says the degenerate who hunts for (you)s by shoving stuff up his but and wears girl clothes to attract attention.

Let me help you a bit, no one likes people like you.


>no one likes people like you.

theres a fucking board for this gay shit, you know
>>Sup Forums

Sure is insecure in here.

no the people who are insecure are the people who have to shove their gay fantasies down everyones throat when it has nothing to do with the topic
kill yourself

>kill yourself
Grow up, kiddo.

fuck off to lgbt

It's a battlestation in a battlestation thread m8

No. It's a crossdesser attention whoring in front of his battlestation, not a battlestation!

A picture with a gay couple fucking on a couch doesn't belong in an IKEA catalogue just because it's the right furniture, shitbrain!

How many years have you been posting pictures of your legs? IIRC you've been doing it since at least 2013.

Most people eventually get tired of memes, but some genuine autists like yourself never get tired of doing the same thing over and over again.