Post most frequent sites

Post most frequent sites

>not having a dedicated home page


>school stuff
>Sup Forums
>tf and hypnosis site
>fanfction site
>google search/images
>browser game to kill time

I don't think that's a valid reason to kill myself

I don't have a most frequent sites. all my shit is pinned.

>inb4 website I don't like

I don't care.


Today I go, like, to only 6 sites.
I want my old Internet back.

normalfags, gtfo

dont check what that site is.

forgot pic

Fortunately Opera doesn't have a chaotic feature that instantly shows everyone using your computer your favorite beastiality sites.

>CURRENTYEAR using social networks


>not a social network

Obviously you're retarded, which is a valid reason to kill yourself.

it's ironic because in the early days of chrome you used to be able to pin and re-arrange sites on the homepage but they removed that feature because they hate functionality, I guess. I was mad for years about that.

>not having an extension that automatically deletes your cookies and browser history
Get the fuck off my board.

You're taking a post on an chinese waifu forum a bit to seriously newfriend

>he needs extensions to do basic things like that

>piss fetish
pathetic desu

There's literally no reason to ever keep any cookies or history and thus no reason to not automate their deletion.



>various Sup Forums catalogs
>various subreddits
>various poker forums even though i quit in 2011
>when it's time to jack off private window and bing video search

nobody uses my computer but me, i do use autocomplete only reason i go to private mode just in case

Nice wasted space.

Nice wasted oxygen.



This is the gayest one yet

how do i get to that?

All you can do now is delete pages, but you can't change the order


New tab in firefox, you have to have it set to new tab page and not homepage


I'll bite
I overwrite the default newtab, but about:newtab will still display the given page with the pages tracked. Has to generate the thumbs though


Not sure if baiting or not

>Sup Forums


>now on passtheheadphones