Which one, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
none, you buy a hard drive and home server
>using cloud storage
>Protip: uses truecrypt doesn't work as you can take an XOR of snapshots and figure out the updated data
Google Drive if you don't have your own SFTP server.
Google Docs and Google Sheets is pretty damn useful. Might as well use Drive itself with them. At least for me.
Floppy disks
> placing your data on hardware you don't own
> ever
So, this is the consumershit Sup Forums I keep hearing about. I bet you leave location services on 24/7 on your phone as well.
>implying I use those services with personal data
I place other peoples' data on hardware I don't own so I can put it on my hardware later. :^)
>implying it can't be used to back up porn in encrypted rar
user, you need to take a chillaxative
For instant upload photos from your smartphone: owncloud
For occasional backup of large directories: rsync or synchthing if you cannot afford a freenas.
For documents, source code or scripts: git.
onedrive, but only because i'm a former windows phone user and all my contacts are already synced to the account. i still have the 30gb free storage since i had it before microshaft went full jew.
Aside from the usual "don't use cloud services" frothing, if you must use cloud, go with Dropbox
Fun fact: I remember there being a way to tell Microsoft "plz no take away my space" and retain the full initial amount. You did that through a link which was spread by Microsoft devs.
yandex disk
for easily curling your encrypted server backups there
Wow look at all these edgelords pretending clouds are the worst thing in the world.
It's almost as if we develop technology just so Sup Forumsnutards can hate it when it gets cool
I use drive because its convenient, plus KeePass 2 uses Drive, so I can access my passwords from my phone. Im aware that google knows everything about me, but fuck it.
OneDrive and Google Drive because they integrate best with your phone
I mostly use the scan widget of Google Drive to backup or send documents home
yeah, that's how i kept mine.
I'm still rolling 10TB on onedrive with 365student (~$2 a month)
I use it as a middleman for my dedicated server as there's a bottleneck between the dedi and my home connection
rclone does the job
They all spy on you so I just go for onedrive. I get 1TB, 60 minute skype for my office 365 subscription (free perk from work). Bad part is the 10GB file limit. I just split my hard drive image in encrypted multipart archives though but it's not ideal.
>go with Dropbox
The retards that managed to leak login details with poor security. They aren't even taking part in the prism program because they leak so badly it isn't needed.
I use onedrive since it works best across my desktop and phone.
>encrypting porn
nobody cares anymore, this isn't 2009. you can have it on your desktop, unless you share one computer with your mother.
Porn is illegal in UK and Australia.
>yandex disk
>OneDrive and Google Drive
Too small for my 1080p porn library.
+ need it to be 100% free
If you don't care about botnets and using Windows 10 I'd recommend OneDrive because it's integrated with the OS. I'm using Google Drive at home and OneDrive at work because I got this office365 license and paid OneDrive is fast as fuck.
I use pic related of 128GB to back up files from computer and from smartphone
Are those free?
I need free TBs...
Nothing in life is free.
yunpan.360 gives you 10TBs free... dumb ass.
OwnCloud is the only right answer.
Why do you need this much? Do you back up all your files to the cloud? How long does this take to upload?
Dropbox since everyone elses uses it
Amazon Cloud Drive
because unlimited storage
You can mount it with FUSE and encfs on top of it.
Mega ;ยป]
No it's not.
just two days ago jewgle drive locked me out "due to suspicious behavior" of my porn account. many homemade porn vids are always being taken down so i always download the best of them and save them there. now i lost tons of videos...
i can theoretically get it back but it asks either for my phone number, or to answer questions like "when did you open this account" which i have no idea.
>porn is not illegal in UK
Will be under sharia
I set my mom up with google drive so she doesn't have another lingering account.
Yes it may be considered a single point of failure along with the rest of Google's services, but that's probably a big strength.
>already has google account which provides drive
>why make a dropbox account, etc.
Needs to backs muh juicy porn :^(
Is your own server and your own shit
is that why iran and saudi arabia are one of the largest consumers of pornography?
>using owncloud and avoiding jewgle, on a computer with intel ME
>keeping your data private
pick exactly one
Can I pick .... exactly...mmm... your mom?
got him
Get yo greasy paws off mah dick, son!
If any cloud service botnet then I would go with Amazon Web Services. AWS is superior. On the other hand I use both dropbox and drive. You get more with drive and it cost way less.
>i can theoretically get it back but it asks either for my phone number
There are on demand phone number services where you get a phone number online. No need to even go out and get a prepaid SIM.
>using trash tier cloud storage
its 2016.
1 TB, user management and webdav for free is bottom line.
>shit tier photoshop
Don't exist.
Google's EULA literally says that all data uploaded to them are legally usable for whatever reason they want.
Box for anything important, Mega for shitposting image archive. Fuck all the others
>>Protip: uses truecrypt doesn't work as you can take an XOR of snapshots and figure out the updated data
No you can't, faggot
This. One should take care with keepass databases though. Never attempt to repair a database stored on a cloud service.
Gimme your money, I'll put it on your account later. :^)
DS216j + CloudStation
dropbox all the way
Why anything else exists?
Yandex because WebDAV
Onedrive because it's already integrated in windows and i bought office.
>uses truecrypt doesn't work as you can take an XOR of snapshots and figure out the updated data
what did he mean by this
Dropbox, hands down.
It's reliable, supports LAN sync and can be set to use an existing directory on reinstall instead of just re-downloading everything like you have to with the others. At least Google Drive and Box. Not sure if OneDrive supports it or not.
Good luck if your house burns down.
Upload your data to my server. I will take care of it, you can trust me.
Does it allow bookmarking PDF files?
You forgot that dropbox are hyper jews with storage space
Degoo 100GB free!
Holy shit user, these guys are like russian Sup Forums, right? Damn, gonna upload all my stuff brb
God I hope the real tech community isn't as gay as this
>unlimited storage
>last forever
>everyone on earth has one for free
>stored in the land of freedom
>can be hard to access
i prefer my useless data stored in a russian server than a german/american server, doing god-knows-what. and have 100gb of storage so its a win.
i burn it to DVD and store them in my safe
My own server with seafile.
The best offers are gone.
Years ago you could easily get 50-100GB free from several providers.
Nowadays the only one still offering free 50GB is Mega.
>actually unironically using Cloud services as backup
I got 4TBs free/4life, 2GB/file, download speed 5MB/s download/2MB/s upload
I can sync, pretty decent... senpai
I don't want to pay to make my own cloud with my own gear YA FUCK FACE MORON!
TransIP Stack
>its free
you have to pay for that? I thought it was Free Software...
What about the hardware, cuck master?
If the hardware runs libreboot +GNU/Linux, the it is free too.
TransIP is a Dutch company and files are stored in The Netherlands.
plenty of old unused computers around if you look for them.
got an invite code?
i read that it only works in nl anyway
I don't have any invites. Just use a Dutch VPN and sign up for an invite with your email. I got mine after a day, 99% guaranteed you'll get one too.
Their sync client is garbage though. Haven't tried any other features like WebDAV. Uploading files > 5gb via internet worked fine for me.
>internet explorer
Explain yourself