Desktop Vs Laptop

Does having a decent laptop replace the need of non-gaming desktop?

Other urls found in this thread:

>non upgradable cpu
>non upgradable gpu
>sata is shit on laptops so even a good ssd won't get you anywhere
>non upgradable screen


it honestly depends on what you need your computer for. why do people come to Sup Forums with such personal, subjectively determined questions expecting us to know what works for you and what doesn't?

I though Sup Forums is pro-laptops.
Since every laptop lasts about 3-4 years, and you need to upgrade every 3-4 years anyway it would be better if you go with laptops.
Maybe because of the new playback standards.

PC's are cheap enough that when you want to upgrade your cpu or gpu on a laptop you buy a new one.

Also, he said "non-gaming" so why the fuck would you even need to upgrade your gpu

fwiw i did upgrade the screen on my laptop, and also you can literally use external screens very easily with even basic laptops like mine with integrated graphics

2017 man

>non upgradable cpu
Most of today's laptops have decent CPU.
>non upgradable gpu
External GPU is a thing, and consoles are is what's made for gaming, not PCs, and who games in 2017?
>sata is shit on laptops so even a good ssd won't get you anywhere
>Falling for the SSD meme
Why do you need such a very high speed? in these case you need a server.
>non upgradable screen
Docking stations and external monitors?

That's why the T series of thinkpads are so popular on Sup Forums.

>decent laptop
Well, a decent laptop cost as much as two non-gaming desktops.
The only thing you get is portability and with all the tablets and phones, you're better of getting a new phone and desktop.

you also get massive electricity savings

>massive electricity savings
Why is this so much important?
I doubt you pay more than 30$ a year for simply running desktop?

This may fall under "non upgradable gpu"

>usually limited to 1 external screen

How is it being able to not go anywhere with a computer?

>posts thinkpad
>doesn't mention that the motherboard supports swapping CPU's without breaking anything

You had one job.

Also, the fact that you can pretty much replace the screen with whatever you want on the T420.

jokes on you

i pay like $200 year
i don't turn PC off and I play games

>can carry it with you

>can overheat more easily

>when something breaks you cant replace it cheaply or simply

>doesnt last long when running on battery

>is generally more expensive at every price point and for every job you need it for, all things considered

I have a Desktop for gaymen or if I need serious CPU/GPU power for some reason. I only use it like 3 times a week.

For the rest I use a 13" MBP.

For me it makes more sense to use the right tools for the job. Really powerful laptops cost an insane amount of money (inb4 but u bought a macbook xD), they sacrifice portability and battery life and still don't come close to the power you can get with a desktop PC for the same or less money.
Unless you absolutely need portable power (like actual video editors who are constantly on the road etc.), I'd just use a portable laptop and a powerful desktop not some kind of bastardized hybrid.

I've failed you senpai.
Also you can unlock ivy bridge with coreboot.

yes but carrying it with you is an important thing unless you are a basement dweller

but u bought a macbook xD

>non upgradable cpu
>non upgradable gpu
Sorry, but most people don't upgrade those components, just buy a complete new PC.
>sata is shit
yeah whatever
>non-upgradable screen
If you want to replace your desktop with a laptop then you're going to use an external monitor you dumb fuck, like I do.

If you're not gaming at all, yes I don't really see the need for a desktop. My laptop's Core i7 is more than fast enough for most people's uses. I only have a desktop for gayman.

>shit small screen
>shit small keyboard

and if you connect an external screen and keyboard you end up with a desk full of stuff

>small screen
why would you go for 10 inches laptop?
if you want to watch something on it you get 15.6.
>Small keyboard
That's an advantage.

Been using a T60 as my only PC for about 3 years now. It's been great. Really can't say a bad word about it.

To be honest a full PC would probably be too much now.

No, I have a desktop I built myself. It's great for relaxing on snowy days like this. I also have a XPS 13 for on the go and using in bed when I don't feel like sitting on my years used office chair and want to view my TV from a farther distance.

>work on laptop
>game on PC

I can't be the only one

That's still small as fuck for comfy use. And it's not just about watching videos, but try opening two documents/browsers/whatever side by side on anything under 20".

Also even the cheapest rubber dome keyboard will beat most laptop keyboards out there.

If I never gamed at all I could use my old Toughbook instead of owning a desktop. Gaming is the only reason I built the desktop I currently have actually, I did previously use a laptop for everything until I got more into games that are harder for a cheap laptop to play

Does it play my chinese cartoon?

I have several shitty Chromebooks and tablets that replaced the desktops in my house (Sandy Bridge/Llano or older). All of them are connected wirelessly to their own virtual desktop run on a dual Xeon server in my basement. Not only are we reducing our total power consumption in the house, but we've got faster set-ups than any single desktop we've had in the house that we can take anywhere within the house.

Desktops are a mistake.