Loonix Fags BTFO!

Loonix Fags BTFO!

Solus boots faster, looks nicer, performs better in most areas, and is much cheaper (free) than windows 10.

>reasons to use Solus (or Linux)
You don't need 2GB ram to run firefox or chrome with only one tab open.

>but ram is cheap
>but unused ram is wasted ram
At the rate we're going you're going to need 16GB ram in a few years to use your pc for facebook and youtube.

it's free right? I think that's probably important to a lot of people that build their own rigs. I'm just a laptop dude, but that seems like an obvious advantage.




Seems to have packages on my pc.

You must have it mistaken for another distro.

none of this helps me do work in photoshop, premiere, solidworks, etc. I'm not sure how linux helps me get any kind of work done that doesn't involve typing in a text box.

I've done some work in graphic design and tried pulling this off before. In the current ecosystem it can't be done.

The only decent enough substitute I could find to the plethora of graphic works software available for Windows and MacOS on Linux was Inkscape, which was decent enough to use in a professional context for work with vector graphics. Everything else, from image, video editing and many other things I am definetly not mentioning support is subpar at best.

if all you do is use a web browser and watch movies and tv shows like most Linux guys on Sup Forums you're set

if you use PC for playing games or using Microsoft Office like 95 percent of humans Windows is the better OS, straight up.

>but Linux is faster
and Sega Master System was more powerful than NES but get fucking real

>but the botnet
you use facebook and the internet, you're literally on Sup Forums. seek help, you are mentally ill

.01 percent of Sup Forums uses Linux to their advantage, some weird shit about compiling code/running servers etc

anybody who needs to use Office or Play Video games

>anybody who needs to use Office or Play Video games

should use Windows and would be stupid not to

(or macOS if you want)

graphic performances just suck in Loonix

good thing I'm not a faggot who cares about that shit

Libre office isn't bad for basic office use, but it's nowhere near Microsoft office.

I only use Linux on weaker systems that struggle to run windows. Solus and Ubuntu mate usually tend to work great for those.

you have the made up stats, comparisons with gaming consoles, muh games, and "you're mentally ill", but you forgot the food analogy so I'll have to deduct points

>updates actually benefit the user
this must be an old image

only 64 bit version if i remember correctly you fat troll

I have xubuntu on my core2duo laptop but it's essentially an internet machine/emergency backup computer

i tinkered around with linux plenty, but the truth is Windows allows me (and most people) to get more out of their computer. Linux is decade behind in audio production so I use windows 7 on my powerful desktop so I can use excellent paid (not by me) software like Amplitube and Cakewalk

Linux on theory sounds right like communism
but in practice ...

SMS was more powerful/faster than NES but the software library was a tiny fraction of what was available on the NES

that's why I pointed that out. I don't give a shit how much more efficient your Linux computer is or how fast it boots, how little ram it uses

If you have even 4gb of ram you can run windows 7 no problem.

Literally if you aren't running a web server or some kind of computer programmer Linux is the wrong OS, i don't give a shit if you are handicapping your own personal computing experience but don't pretend you're smarter than me or ALMOST everybody else in the world because you choose to use an obscure server OS (probably with a gui that rips of macintosh because you're all "wearing" your OS more than using it) for your PC

misuse of literally, hypocritically preaching about preaching, and calling it a mac ripoff, good recovery on those missed food analogy points

the problem with Libre Office is offices don't use it. You probably don't work yet, but believe me you don't get to just be like, "oh no thanks I'm using LibreOffice instead of the literal universal business standard Microsoft Office, sorry i can't open up those files boss ;) can I have next friday off I need to recompile my whole OS because the latest update broke my evil proprietary video card (that i don't need because I can't play games) drivers"

Stop this, kevin.

>Afford 300-1500 dollar rig
>OS is too expensive

If you're using a 32bit processor you may as well just use xp or tiny core.

There's no point in using a 32bit processor in 2016.

i stand by my words, most kids on Sup Forums use linux because they want an art faggy desktop to look at, just look at all the screenfetch threads, let those monstrosities speak for themselves. You are just a bunch of hipster cyberpunk wannabes. And also, most of you are running that shit in a VM or dualbooting because you're all weebs and play fucking video games, not fooling anyone

I do work, I just don't need office for work.

I did use libre office for university though, only for word processing, and it worked fairly well.

Another alternative is Google docs btw.

this kind of name calling won't get you any additional points, but you're probably right about the fetch threads using VMs so there's that

and I don't even use Windows, I just like butthurting Linux fags because nothing is more obnoxious than somebody who thinks they are hot shit for using an operating system


le me using superior Ubuntu with GNOME3 after leaving Winjew10

- GUI nice and pretty
- Easy and simple to install OS
- Easy way to update and install programs with terminal
- Simple partition management
- Terminator, or other terminal emulator for efficient programming and system management
- Latex compilation using command line
- No need for driver, everything just werk out of the box
- Low RAM consumption
- Low disk usage for the system
- Muh freedom
- Muh gayms just werk using Wine or Steam. It really not big deal

Need some more you dipshit faggot?
> but RAM is cheap
> but i have nothing to hide
> but everybody use Windows
> but i need the last Nvidia drivers for recent AAA gayms
kys please

Reasons 1, 2, and 3 are all the same

>starts post with le
>tells op to kill himself

That's rich.

>WPS Office
>Google docs
All 3 are free and should be a universal standard. The one thing LibreOffice lacks is full support for Microsoft's formats, which isn't a flaw at all. That's like saying PlayStation is shit because it can't play Xbox format games. WPS has a better docx support and Google docs seems to fully support it so MS Office is obviously not even needed especially for regular desktop users who aren't by default cucked by Microsoft. It's companies that have a choice and are stupid enough to waste money on something they can get for free.

>muh games
Majority of games aren't even Windows exclusive. In fact, since most games are cross platform, browser or console games which can be emulated Linux definitely has access to at least 90% total existing games. WINE+PlayOnLinux will give you access to anything older than 4 years and the rest 100 or so games are not making any difference. It's developers' fault for not making a cross platform game when we're obviously in the time when it should be a standard. They can't seriously think having a hundred million of additional potential buyers is a bad thing.

Linux isn't an OS and even if it were it's not a server OS. You can turn GNU/Linux into anything you want, including servers but also desktop.

You don't need to compile the OS at all unless it's gentoo.
You can't force people into buying Microsoft Office, so if something cannot be open by free offices the boss can fuck off. Besides, free offices have a 100% support for reading all the basic shit Microsoft documents contain because it's mostly text. Unless someone is being autistic with word art or something obscure like that there won't be a problem.

Free software is anarcho capitalism.

>WPS Office
>Google docs
Drop those shit. You can have office online if you want.

You shouldn't pretend you know what is using linux on desktop. The telemetry and the absurdly high system requirements and the obscure filesystem of WX can tell you where is the "handicapped personal computing experience".

I NEVER posted my desktop here as it's boring af and i guess most of use either. Name calling is your first and last resort. Is it really hard to believe the fact that with linux you are able to work and not just program? I pity you.

>they forgot Apple wouldn't even hand over a known terrorist's data

Apple won't sell you out to the FBI

macOS is best os

> customizable GUI.
> raspberry pi
> superior CLI. Get shit done faster than with that POS tinker toy interface
> no annoying AI that never shuts up.
> package manager.
> no botnet
> no bloat when using appropriate distro

I can tell you don't actually use windows since parts of this post are incorrect

Haven't used Windows since 7. Have no desire to do so since Linux does everything I want.

Kevin please stop