/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Confident edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

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Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


first for apollo

second for btn dead


>Apooloo faggots are insecure and need validation for their curry tracker

Hey Rajeesh have you tried bleach yet? It might not help your confidence but it will help with making your brown skin look whiter

taxi to pth sir?

rage on, black ops

>implying white people use Apooloo

that's not being confident, it's being delusional


D-dead??? do you not know how to read? it's just simple maintenance you fucking moron

>PTH gives out 5gb of free buffer and 25 FL tokens
>people are angry

I plan to enjoy 25 albums.


>PTH making smart moves from day 1
>Apooloo curries are jealous

nothing new really...

>he actually uses the music tracker to procure music

just be confident

what can you trade one gold star for if you don't get 2?

A bunch of lumens I think.

>PTH making smart moves from day 1
yeah making high classes from other trackers gain TBs of upload was a great move

Stay true g

Is /pyramid/ allowed normally at cabal? what's their stance?


I plan to enjoy infinite albums on apollo

yo stop posting this hook shit nigga


The initial freeleech was needed to get the the tracker started and giving it to the elites who were recruited first was the smartest way to do so.

only a handful of users actually hoard TBs and those are not the ones who will hurt the economy. all the others are uploading hundreds of torrents and spending buffer on bounties, their buffer only matters to jealous faggots who don't want to contribute anyway.

PTH did the right thing, Apollo fucked it up by giving curries an opportunity to build buffer they're just gonna use to hit-n-run everything.

PTH will never have a retention problem in the long run, Apooloo already fucked it up for everyone. Stay mad.

I'm on PTH and also have more than 100GB upload (not gonna disclose how much) because I was there early, BUT it doesn't hurt to admit that was a shit move, they should have waited till more people (not randoms, through recruitment on PU+ forums/interviews) should have gone in and make a global FL or FL picks on 15-20k people, maybe on christmas to do it together.

why cant we just enjoy both trackers?

If PTH never does staff picks the only way to build buffer will be to race pyramid or buy and upload music. Or do they expect the first thousand users with terabytes of buffer ton sustain it?
Music trackers are dead. Better look for another solution, anons

infinite youtube to flac encodes.

>they should have waited

I get what you're saying, but look how fucking dead notwhat is.

AFI's going to be buffer/listening material for sure.

>he doesn't know how to check this

I don't even know where does that notwhat come from, it's not anywhere.

PTH though did everything good BUT the FL to TMs from PTP and BTN was A WRONG MOVE.

you can't check until after you have downloaded it panjit.

>he has to check everything he downloads
KEK!! the joke is on you, even ruTracker has better quality standards

>FL to TMs from PTP and BTN
Ordinary members from HDB and PU from Bib got in easily enough. Stay salty.

no it wasn't, stop saying that, you don't even have an argument.
you have zero understanding on how to run a tracker, maybe you should apply for an Apollo staff position

Everyone from respected trackers can get easily in now (toolbox much?) BUT we're talking about 2 weeks ago not now

HDB and Bib users got in during FL and it was probably right before BTN elite got pulled.

just be confident

I do agree that they should have opened FL to everyone though. It's nepotism only to let the previous elite/friends get buffer.

every HDB member with a 1 year old account could get in from the first day. that's what he was talking about.

>there are people here who are not on HDB
kinda sad to be honest...

it's freeleech so what's the problem
are you niggers maxing out your shitty 1mb connections and need to carefully pick what to download?

>implying pth won't have another freeleech

>Apollo user makes worse gifs than tumblr
You do know how to move text around, don't you?

just be confident

>TM PTP/BTN, 1 year HDB, PU Bib
Yeah such a wide audience to give a huge advantage from the start of a post-WCD tracker. Are we talking seriously here or not?

what's the point of using private trackers if you can't even trust what you're downloading?

LOL, go back to The Pirate Bay you curry ass faggot


PU Bib and 1 yr HDB is easy to make. It's only BTN elite and PTP TM that's hard.

>Doesn't know how to make gifs
Spend more time on Tumblr.

Nice stock thumbnail Rajesh

>BTN elite hard
wut? you just have to snatch a bunch of small torrents

1 year on HDB is just a time requirement... the hard part is getting in the first place you dummy


Can anyone post current stats for both sites

Here you go
>In this video I'll be showing you how to make a text GIF like the one in this Tumblr post

taxi to pth sir?

I do trust it faggot, I've downloaded hundreds of flacs and haven't found a single suspicious one, but even if there was some I could easily find it

He's retarded. Needs inmates.


>being this shit at gifs
Fucking pajeets

>downloading hundreds of youtube2FLAC

that's quite the impressive library, rajeesh

just be confident

>This much hubris
Learn from your inability to animate text retard.


I never want to see such shoddy and lazy text, whether you come from Apollo or not. Fucking fix it.

apoolooo only has one version of each format presumably. being able to confirm that it is a shitty encode doesn't help you use that site to get a proper version.

>b-but muh freeleech

>he thinks he's better because he's on a more "exclusive" tracker
pic related are cabal; kings of melanin

So two questions:

I haven't been here for a while, what the fuck is up with the India/curry meme?

Also, I have the opportunity to get into one of the following trackers:


Since what died I'm not on a music tracker anymore. Which of these should I take?

while pic related is A**

Do you like reading, lad? Get on bib. The others are usually much easier to get into.

>what the fuck is up with the India/curry meme?
Apollo.rip had open registrations when it first opened, so it quickly filled up with Indians.

Both PTH and Bib.
You can get into PTH from Bib, but make sure you have lots of uploads ar the ready.

lmao nigga why you gettin all defensive cuz

>India/curry meme
Sup Forumsshits decided to spam cancer. Apollo lends itself to it.

>this type of tech illiterate
Just gonna stop using Apollo and go straight to PTH

>the average Apollo monkey

just be confident

>torrent moderator
dis gun be good

>tfw pth users flood apollo irc asking for refuge

they are no longer staff (i think)

Apollo is a noncabal shithole that will end up in the likes of HDspace and all those shithole deadend trackers

>invites forbidden to be offered on APOLLO power user forums
Dead end tracker shithole.


how can you keep fucking up your posts chetan

you think? no wonder wcd had interviews

They already got demodded.
Also someone hacked apollo and gave people a million freeleech torrents and told people to fuck the RIAA and the staff claimed it was a joke.

APOLLO HAS SUCH SECURITY. If you want to join this shithole, make sure you use disposable email.

lmao nigga are u new or just meming??

There are no invites offered on A poo loo the shithole because a moderator banned it.


I hope PTH gets another freeleech soon. Tired of 13 year old mongoloids with their DAE A POO LOO PASSING THE HEADPHONES RAJESH PAJEET CURRY BUFFER ELITE ROYALTY LEL KEK XD

nigga you offer invites on the invite forum not the power user forum g stop being all worked over hook ass shit cuz

>falling for the staff excuses

xanax staff identified

xanax staff identified

>"PTH doesn't think about Apollo at all"
>/ptg/ shit up by PTH retards for 2 weeks straight

ok g stick to you hook ass memes just don't come crying wolf every time apollo runs a freeleech and all you get are freeleech tokens homie

>we'll extend the freeleech if you meet the upload goal
>Renove a requirement, falls under the deadline
>extend deadline by eight hours
>still under the perfect release FLAC goal
>extend FL anyway and pretend it was reached
Has a tracker ever damage controlled so hard?

>literally apollo channel whole day


got the threadid?

wtf cuz I thought apooinloo was the Sup Forums shithole?? gtfo with your hook shit buzzwords g

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