Search for anything tech related

>search for anything tech related
>open youtube video
>*thick poo accent*
>"hellou frend todai ei wuill shou you..."
>close video

anyone else cannot stand hindu-english? any other language accent is better than this shit. why poo in the loos make so many tech related videos too, most of them are garbage.

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Literally half of people who speak like that are called Rajeesh too.
It's fucking annoying.

back to pol with you, racist

Is it a racism to hate a language ?

Fucking poos, pakis, and iranians having an education

Its the one accent I can't stand. Probably cause I associate it with their annoying online behaviours.

no, but no need to name call and racial slurs

The worst are their "maker" type videos, where instead of doing something actually useful pajeet makes something useless that you can buy for a dollar out of hot glue to retarded and completely irrelevant music

go away

>search for anything tech related
>open youtube video
>009 Sound System - Dreamscape starts playing
>video maker opens notepad and starts writing slow
>close video

To be fair some of them have good information if you can sit through it. I agree though, it's not the most pleasant accent there is


we will be a superpower by 2018

>linux will be the standard by 2019

mods please delete this thread

fuck off liberal cuck
same here OP, I fucking hate everything about indians. They are retarded, they smell and they don't poo in the loo. We should just nuke india.

>lets nuke billions of people just because a few thousand of them don't have access to working toilets.



not even trying to be racist I have literally never met an indian that was not disgusting/a decent person. Not like I have met thousands of them but every one of the handful I have were cheap foul smelling assholes

>a few thousand
top fucking kek
a few thousand "has" an access to the toilets

I agree. There are better boards for making fun of poos.

>few thousand
top kek

I'm not racist like you cucks and have nothing against indians but some presenters can have a really broken-english accent to the point when they're barely understandable. This happens with chinese presenters too... I like russian build tutorials tho. They usually sound so chill and gangster as fuck! Like if something doesn't work they would just calmly take out their gun and shoot it straight in the silicone...

are touchscreens poo proof cause some of them stains look suspect

I can relate to this as well, but just fuck off you nigger. Not technology, mods do your fucking job.

>and have nothing against indians but some presenters can have a really broken-english accent to the point when they're barely understandable.

The problem is that it's not broken english, it's just an accent they developed because they used to be a british colony. It's just how they speak english there. If you listen to someone nearby like an Afghan who speaks english or a iranian I guess, maybe even Pakistanis, they have a very understandable english because it's a completely foreign language to them and they don't have a local variation of it.

It's like the scotish... They have been occupied by the english for a long time and have developed their own variation of english

It's not "broken english" it's just an accent that have been rendered incomprehensible due to local variations.