Now that Kaby Lake is officially dead, what's the next most exiting CPU series to wait for?

Now that Kaby Lake is officially dead, what's the next most exiting CPU series to wait for?

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>completely ignoring power consumption, amount of generated heat and physical dimensions
You fa/g/gots can only scream MUH PERFORMANCE. Kill yourselves, dipshits

If you're buying an overclockable desktop class CPU you're buying it for its performance, nothing else. Stop kidding yourself with MUH POWER CONSUMPTION

Off yourself.

>still buying gigantic ATX cases with extremely big heatsinks because MAH DICK
shoot yourself

At least does it run cooler and use less power?

>power cosumption and temperature when buying an overclockable CPU

You're not a genius.

It does seem to use a bit less power.

Wew lad

>full system wattage
Glorious test methodology you got there, nigger!

>You can't use Skylake in an ITX build bro, it uses too much power!

Kaby Lake is a dud pajeet. Sacrifice yourself to your multiple gods.

>Defending Intel
Seriously though, why?
No IPC gains and a marginal at best reduction in power consumption does in no way justify the cost in investing in a new mobo and CPU.

10 watts, thats like, an entire elephant of power.

Joknig aside unless there is a truly enormous gulf between two competing parts (be it cpu or gpu) pwoer draw doesn't matter as people who think it does have no idea what the rest of their system is doing. Its why Sup Forums is all over Nvidia for its "superb" power consumption when its often less than 50w better than the equivalent AMD part - a difference that is basically neglible in practical terms.

When we are talking about enterprise and other professional deployments things change dramatically due to the sort of uptime these systems are expected to have.

There's literally no reason not to

anything else is just cucking yourself

>what's the next most exiting CPU series to wait for?

Honestly the only thing I'm waiting for at the moment, is for them to ditch the current way of manufacturing CPUs and moving onto photonics or Graphene or whatever is out there next.
My money is on photonics.
This is the only thing I can get even remotely excited for regarding CPUs.
The performance increases have hit a brick wall and we won't be seeing anything interesting happen for the next 6-8 years.
Get any modern CPU and you're set for the foreseeable future.

>every component except the CPU is the same
>both tests are done under the same circumstances
>ad hominem

0.05 rupees have been deposited to your designated account. Keep up the good work, Sandeep!

>they say it on the internet, so it must be true!
>t. AyyMD shill

>my baseless conjecture is more valid than reviews

>to wait for

My 4,5 years old 3570k @ 5ghz is going stronk for some more years

>reviewers confirmed to be corrupted
>le may may picture straight from >>>/tumblr/ as an argument


Other than that its okay but the days of quadcores are numbered.

> you're buying it for its performance, nothing else
Yes, you're buying it for performance not IPC.
If Kaby Lake can reach a higher clock rate than Skylake with the same motherboard and cooling solution then it should be tested at the higher clock rate.

>>reviewers confirmed to be corrupted
>I may not have anything to support my claims but kably lake is better, goy!

Here's another review but that's also wrong just because you say so

install gentoo

Over clocking is a meme, spend a couple more $$$ on a GPU you don't have to fry instead

>not writing your own OS from scratch in assembly