No shadowplay or Gameworks

>no shadowplay or Gameworks
>awful performance in OpenGL and DX11
>suitable only for gaming at 1080p
>Two 480 in Crossfire can barely keep up with a 1080
>This is AMD's flagship

Honestly, why even bother?

Other urls found in this thread:

using shadowplay instead of OBS

>wanting gimpworks to ruin your performance in games


Using OBs instead of ffmpeg

>>no shadowplay

>It has hardware encoding
>It's not awful at opengl and it actually supports vulkan unlike nvidia and their can't into async
>Suitable for 1440
>400 dollar option competes with 750 dollar option
>It's not a flagship card.

nvidia geforce:

-no amd trueaudio
-no tressfx
-no freesync
-no liquidvr
-no asynchronous threading
-no gpuopen
-no openvx
-no clblas
-no clfft
-no clrng
-no radeonloom

and i could write a thousand more.

We need AMD to succeed otherwise Nvidia will see absolutely no competition and start charging $1500 for graphics cards. Fuck the Titan Pascal is $1200 and it barely hits 60 fps in 4k. 1080TI is going to be more powerful, so more expensive. Nvidia is literally the only company holding everything back in technology.

Has relive
>awful performance in OpenGL
>and DX11
No longer
>suitable only for gaming at 1080p
For 1440p idem
>Two 480 in Crossfire can barely keep up with a 1080
>This is AMD's flagship
No. You know full well that AMD has focus in the mid and low-end gpus because it sells the most and it needs to raise funds as quickly as possible.

>Fuck the Titan Pascal is $1200 and it barely hits 60 fps in 4k. 1080TI is going to be more powerful, so more expensive

It is speculation at this point, but the 1080ti will probably be half way between a titan X and a normal 1080. Same for the price, It won't be better or more expensive than a Titan.

I have a feeling Vega is actually really good, it's the only way I can rationalize the 600% increase in NVIDIA shilling on the past month.

The build quality of Nvidia is also just plain better then amd.

>he hasn't owned a Sapphire card.

>Nvidia build quality is better than AMD
>EVGA cards literally catching fire, again.
>Catching fire isn't even a new meme for Nvidia
Ok, shill. Take your fire hazard somewhere else.

Do you even know what the word "board partner" means, and why it makes your comment monumentally stupid?

>No. You know full well that AMD has focus in the mid and low-end gpus because it sells the most and it needs to raise funds as quickly as possible.

Flagship just means best product of a line up, rx480 is AMDs flagship with rx line up, this is not a bad thing.

Yeah but calling it the flagship is just a retarded thing nvidiots do to make 1080 and 480 comparisons retarded, hell I even saw once someone trying to say that the x80 cards from each company is their highest end model to make it look even stupider.


the shilliest post in the history of shill posts

Nah, I've seen people legit try to argue that DX12/Vulcan were made to gimp NVIDIA cards and that NVIDIA is actually better then AMD at shit like asynchronous compute. Not shitposting but actual literal arguing that NVIDIA is better.

What's a good upgrade from a R9 390? Everything else is brand new.

Because nouveau is shit.

480/1060 both oytperform a standard 390, but not by enough to warrant an upgrade.

If it isn't faster then a standard Fury, don't. Shoot for Fury X and up, but mainly wait for Vega. Will lower prices all around and it just might be a fucking monster with 8GB of HBM2.

Should I get a 1080 or something?

1070/1080 would be worthwhile upgrades, but don't do it yet, let Vega scare them into lowering prices, NVIDIA has lots of room in their margins to lower prices. And Vega should warrant a decrease in price.

>what is ReLive
>what is the difference between x80 and x90
>muh old APIs

dont go overpriced

Nothing but a 750 dollar 1080 and then only if you give a fuck about dx11 only.

>Paying 350+ dollars for 5% gain.
The only reason to switch right now is if you must have HDMI2 to connect to a 4k@60hz tv.

>ReLive and AMDGPU has lower performance hit than shadowplay or gameworks for the same quality
>only 2% behind 1060 (significantly more expensive) in dx11, 6% faster in dx12 (API of the future)
>Has more VRAM than 1060, better for gaming in higher resolutions
>leel making comparisons with GPU that's over 2x as expensive
>Not actually AMD's flagship

Why are you trying to upgrade a 390? 390's can still handle new games without issue

>For 1440p idem
yeah right, I guess if you want to play GTA V at 30fps

>no shadowplay or Gaywerks

honestly, thank fuck for that
what a good thread.

>>Two 480 in Crossfire can barely keep up with a 1080
You mean 1070.

>no shadowplay
AMD just came out with something equivalent.
its NOT shadowplay because shadowplay is propietary of nvidia

shadowplay is pretty neat if you just want to record small highlights or funny moments

whats tressfx and openvx ?
>Mid and low-end
but people can just buy 2nd hand cards from last-gen for that
i can buy a GTX 970 for 150-190€ and its more bang for the buck than pretty much anything else right now. also stuff like the GTX 670 sells absurdly cheap in my area.

>Buying a used meme for 190 instead of a brand new card for the same price.
I guess people really are retarded.

>>no shadowplay or Gameworks

i don't see how this is a problem

AMD is total shit and always has been. It's exclusively for poorfags only.

Pretending like AMD is good will not help them succeed, it will just keep them mired in mediocrity like they've been for the last century.

We need AMD to die completely and have a real competitor arise.

Shadow Play has like zero overhead.

OBS is total shit compared to shadowplay

Vid related

>always has been
in 2006 they pretty much surpassed nvidia in every way. and for most of their history they offered better perf/dollar

>buying a 190 card that outperforms a 250 card is retarded
>bcuz of memes XD

AMD apologists are so retarded

Nvidia beats them in both performance AND price, there is literally no reason to buy AMD anymore.

AMD just released relive which is their equivalent to Shadowplay.

AMD is not that bad,
for linux its decent
its kind of interesting that so many nvidia users feel the need to spend their time attacking AMD without actually getting paid for it

>>suitable only for gaming at 1080p
WTF and just 6 months ago nvidiots were claiming that only 1080p mattered

>-no tressfx
>-no gpuopen
They actually get both of these

>Tells lies
>Expects people to side with them
Ha, ha. Just pretending. Here's your (you) shillenstein.

This thread is retarded an so is everyone in it.

Hey user, is this real?

Where the fuck do I buy this card?
I made my build on pcpartpicker and it listed it as only available from one place, superbiiz. when I checked the page it says the card had been discontinued and reccomends the Sapphire nitro RX 480?

>this is AMD's flagship

It never has been or will be amds flagship you cocksniffing retard.

I know this is 99% likely to be false flagging from a smug AMDfag, but ReLive is somehow actually better than ShadowPlay.

> pajeets catching up to -and surpassing- the yellow jews?

>for linux its decent

Just lmao. If you use Linux and AMD it's like you just want to have the worst of all worlds.

You've never used Nvidia or AMD drivers on linux, have you?

Are you just sitting here typing whatever you can to justify a poor purchase decision to yourself?

This, just upgraded my GTX260 to a Sapphire RX460. Shit is good man.

Nobody white I know buys amd.

yo check this link but dont brick your card.

Cheers for the link but I don't play anything that would show me the benefits of unlocking or overclocking.

Is the 470 a good budget pick up?

I cant decide between sapphire and MSI one though

good man, don't OC if you don't have too.

There is shadow play equivalent for AMD


Sure, that's the target. Get a 490 for more



I personally like the Sapphire but the MSI is nice to Overclock(if you overclock) I don't overclock so i would get the sapphire

thanks. I like the look of sapphire but I heard MSI one was quieter.

it is, but for only $20 more you can have a 480 4gb, and in some cases the price for a "high end" 470, matches the price of a "low end" 480. if you can find a good deal on the 470, go for it.

>>This is AMD's flagship

If by flagship, you mean mainstream card to increase total addressable market, then yes.

It was never meant to be a high end card. Ever.

>This is AMD's flagship
gb2/v/ or buy an ad
ffmpeg isn't even close to what OBS is, are you retarded