Seriously, how can you justify piracy?
I mean you wouldn't download a car, would you?
Seriously, how can you justify piracy?
I mean you wouldn't download a car, would you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Would if I could.
We've gone over this a million times, just go away and look at the archives.
Only correct response
I totally would
those who says they wouldnt are the biggest cucks of human history
I would download a Nissan skyline gtr32 In a heartbeat if I could
>goes on Sup Forums
>doesnt want a Tesla 2
get off my board
I only pirate closed source software. If you want to relate that to your car analogy, imagine you were buying a used car, but you were not allowed to look under the hood before you purchase it. It could very well even be possible that the car had a tracking device/bug planted in it, but you arent allowed to look. Now continue to imagine that you were not able to open the hood even after you purchased the car. You weren't allowed to work on or modify the car in any way; you had to stick with how it was when you bought it.
Now if you had a problem with the car that you could probably just fix yourself, you wouldnt be able to. In fact, even if the manufacturer fixed or changed something, you may have to buy a whole new car to take advantage of these improvements of the same car.
Let me lay it out for you
Stupid statement = stupid reply
Smart statement = smart reply
no need to actually argue the point, since OP pic is autistic as hell
If I own a tv series or movie on dvd, and then I download it off the internet because I want to watch it on my computer and not fuck around with discs, is that still piracy? I legitimately bought it
>Seriously, how can you justify piracy?
Because what you're referring to isn't piracy at all, it's copyright infringement. We don't go out into the sea on speedboats and capture cargo boats full of movie/video game DVDs/blu-rays and then distribute them to random strangers.
What actually takes place is an user makes a digital copy of media he legally purchased and then makes copies of that copy and gives that to a random user.
No theft ever actually happens which is why I justify it. Also people pirated the media would have never bought said media in the first place so companies never really lost money. In fact all this piracy actually helps companies by letting other strangers know about their shit.
>I mean you wouldn't download a car, would you?
Fuck yes I would but I highly doubt this will be possible in my lifetime. How you gonna 3D print an engine for example?
No one justifies piracy, this is a big problem actually. But it is being dealt with by specially trained ship guards.
It depends of who gets the money. Here in France the situation is totally fucked up, so I buy on Bandcamp and I pirate when I would get Pascal Rogard in the middle.
Tesla is literally apple of cars, get lost
I can't justify pirating locally made content by my fellow nationals. I try to buy all of their creations.
But i can justify pirating foreign shit: It's foreign shit, fuck foreigners, i don't have any obligation to justify myself to you. We are competitors, culturally, religiously, industrially, geo-politically, probably even ideologically, and it is my interest to do anything i can to keep more money staying and going into my local economy rather than going out.
I have a duty to my country as a tax-payer, but no duty towards some foreign butthurt faggot.
Cry about it. International copyright papers are just that, papers to wipe the ass with. Only cucked countries give a fuck about them.
I would if it was possible.
I only pirate content that is not avaible in my area legally, like uncompressed RAW anime or FLAC tracks. Also movies, as Blu-Ray is proprietary.
if your mother/dad/deareast one had cancer you wouldn't download the cure, would you?
Of course I would download a car. Someday we'll be able to 3d print cars downloaded from the internet and everybody will.
Piracy is sharing, and sharing is caring.
Didn't your mother ever teach you anything?
No. Cancer is a mutation of an organism's cells, and a mutation means that one has become a mutant, and mutants are heresy, and heresy must be purged.
No unless it was an open source cure.
Nope, not gonna happen.
At the time 3d printing is advanced enough to print a car we won't need cars anymore.
>Seriously, how can you justify piracy?
The goalpost have been moved to be about "content creators getting paid" but the reality was that people wanted to access media that wasn't available for whatever reason.
Copyright was originally a way to govern who had the rights to make copies of books in a time where the manufacturing process was so expensive that setting two machines up for printing for half the profit would not be worth it.
Now we have media which can be replicated infinitely for no cost.
The implicit agreement with commercial media is that they have the rights to watch watching their content.
With piracy, they loose that control.
People are helping other people downloading content so they can view it on their terms.
Freedom of thought requires free media.
I would if i had the right drivers
I don't steal something. I just copy it.
I wouldn't buy it anyway. so nobody lose anything when I download something pirated.
>The only fully open source car
>calls it "apple of cars"
Your an idiot.
I would download every car except the crap ones.
Who fucking cares.
Seriously, how can you justify shitposting?
I mean you wouldn't really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like, would you?
they trying to burry some content. I don't know what exactly, but theres been nothing but shitposting lowest quality bait today.
Came here to post something like that. There's another one that says bear instead of car. I would also download a bear. It would either kill me or be the most badass pet.
look at me. I am the captain now.
Make gasoline downloadable and you got yourself a deal
You can download guns now, so... Why not? I fucking would.
I would if I could.
Just like I would download more ram if I could
I so wish i could resist this cliché
Not him but what does it do? What does it download?
more ram
No, you're an idiot.
It doesn't actually download anything.
≥I am entitled to the hard work of others
Can't expect much from kike worshippers.
Let's see, pay 200 dollars for whole show I like on Dvd and spend several months ripping said show to high quality mpeg4 videos to stream from my server to my wdtv live boxes in my home cause swapping discs are a pain and to protect the disc from damage. or spend maybe twenty min finding a high quality ripped version already on torrents site and let it download while I'm at work for a few days. Then move the downloaded show to my server when it's done. So several months plus 200 dollars vs several days and zero dollars spent. Which is better?
Post scarcity can't come soon enough
It's becoming irrelevant now anyway. Services like Spotify and Netflix are showing the movie and music industry what pirates have been saying since napster: provide people with a reasonably priced option and they will pay.
I don't pirate!!! Well not software anyway, with software i use the GNU shit so developers really don't get paid either way lelelele
you can't even close the 20 inch ipad at nigh
everything but driving is done with the touch screen
The Sup Forums cars is the last true American sedan or the volvo 240.
Pirating is stealing. Prove me wrong.
How can I not? Piracy doesn't mean that I will go out and buy it if there's no other way to obtain it. On another note, I've bought things I've really liked after pirating them.
Yes, I would definitely download a car and I will when 3D printing goes accessible to the common household.
pirating is copyright infringement not stealing
>implying you wouldn't 3d print a car if it was reliable
I always buy high quality DRM free files user.
You're stealing the money that you would have given the seller.
If you have an apple,
and I take that apple,
but you still have that apple,
and I also have that apple,
it's called sharing user
What if I was never planning on paying money for your shitty product in the first place, user?
>is the seller receiving a loss of the original product from me pirating their product?
>is the seller having their copyright of the original product broken by me pirating their product?
Then you didn't deserve the product anyway.
You wouldn't download my personal information, would you?
>freetard spewing his drivel shows up
thred is ded
Did you even read the fucking URL? It clearly says you get more RAM
Why are anons today so fucking dense
Call your ISP
I try to pirate as much as I can to save money. I do make legit purchases for games, apps from time to time, but I can't justify spending $20 on an album, or $60 for a game.
If I was rich and had a shit load of fucking money I would get everything legit, but that is not my situation.
Even if I was rich, I'd still question DRM fucking my ass.
True, true. I would still support support creators more often though.
I've pirated shows. on the other hand I've bought shows that I've liked rather than torrent cause the torrents quality of said show all sucked. I like Law and order, the original (1990-2010) Torrent of the whole series can be had. But only first few seasons are decent. Rest are all sucky with burnt in captions and whatnot. So I go to e-bay and buy whole series boxset. Cost me 200.00 brand new. I spend several months encoding whole 20 season to xvid. Time consuming but in the end it was well worth it.
I would like to upload shit as well. I try to torrent the best quality music I can, maybe even GOG games.
I couldn't find the Stalker and Fear games anywhere so I might as well help out those that might need it.
If you could download a car, how many gigs would it be?
i'm in college and i have no money, so it's not like they're going to get any from me anyway. so it's either:
a) i download the thing and end up giving them word of mouth advertisement if i like it
b) i don't download the thing and they don't get any money anyway
its easier and faster than waiting for a dvd/bd to get to me.
IIRC, the guys that made Game of Thrones didn't give a fuuuuuuuuck about pirating because it literally just meant "free publicity lmao" for it.
If you already gave them your money, and if you already own the DVD's, at this point, downloading the content is literally just prayer-points.
I am poor; I wouldn't be buying these movies or TV shows anyway.
Your fucking stupid, learn the difference between physical and non physical matter before spewing
The best car you can have is the car that you don't need.
desu if i could download a car i would
>Seriously, how can you justify piracy?
Well for one thing copyright infringement for personal/noncommercial use was never considered a crime before about 1990 which I find is usually suspiciously ignored by those who would have you believe that it's some heinous thing.
The laws on copyright were never to prevent others from enjoying your work without paying, but to prevent others from profiting from your work. There is a very large distinction between these two scenarios.
>bait thread
I think illegal duplication is sometimes okay. Like samizdat or photocopied sections of books for classes.
no, but i would steal your mamma's car
In my country there's a law where you can justify pirating books/music/movies if you say its for studying purposes. The government doesn't give a single shit about piracy since you can't punish anyone for it.
Reminds me of MC Elemental - Cup of Brown Joy.
When will nationalism die
That guy was a massive faggot, but there is nothing wrong with nationalism or any kind of piracy. Anyone who disagrees is a normalfag piece of shit that belongs on reddit.
i would if i could but the technology just isn't there yet
Never faggot. If nationalism dies, that means languages and cultures need to die to align with the death of national identity, the death of differences.
Globalism is for stupid faggots.
nationalism != culture
Only a stupid person would think that collectivization doesn't automatically happen with differentiation.
If there exists a difference, there exists a classing, such is the way nature always functioned and always will.
Two people speaking two different languages will never be truly together,
two people with two different cultures will always have clashing points based on differences.
Culture and nationalism are inherently mutually inclusive, since culture is a set of specific norms unique to an identity, and an identity always takes form of a tribe, nation, religions, any kind of organization or collectivization however you want to define it.
Just like if there ever came a point where i had to choose between my family and friends, family would always come first.
If you want to act in such a naive and stupid fashion, you are going to have to eliminate differences in the world, and that means destroying cultures until they have the same values, destroying languages until one remains and prevails, destroying all values that incur divide.
But you can't, because humans are individualistic, common individuals group, and groups always collide sooner or later.
Not even WW2 with all the anti-nationalist faggotry has stopped nations still seeking their interests at the expense of others, China, Russia, India, Africans, South Americans, Brits doing it digitally, Israel pulling its shit with Palestinians and Christians living there, even USA itself;
yet you want to act like nationalism isn't a byproduct of two different cultures existing in one place.
Get a reality check.
nationalism is part of the culture:
5. the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group:
the youth culture; the drug culture.
6. Anthropology. the sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another.
>Seriously, how can you justify piracy?
I like to try content before I buy. i don't think any price should be up-front. Instead, I allocate my money based on how much I end up playing/enjoying stuff.
For example if a game is complete trash, buggy as fuck, un-fun, etc.; I just won't buy it. If on the other hand it's well-made and enjoyable, I'll buy it. (Assuming a DRM-free copy is available from GOG etc., for obvious reasons)
Similar for music. I don't know how much I will like music until I give it a few listens and leave it sitting in my database for a while. So every now and then, I go through my music database and sort by how many times I've listened to an album. I buy the top few albums. (Assuming a DRM-free copy is available from bandcamp etc., for obvious reasons)
As for TV shows, I “pirate” them because I have no other way of watching. The shows I'm interested in don't get broadcast in my country.
Now sure what else you want me to “justify”.
It's not nationalism, turd! It's chauvinism.
''Piracy is a horrible sin! You steal from people their precious work, you are killing people! Those who pirate shall burn in depths of infinite hell! No one will save them, even God"
-every ultra moralist (Mammonist) copyrightist cuck
I am a pirate. Imagine it as an alternative.
What if I earn money using pirated software? I will just buy them afterwards.