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Here, the solution is this, its the most practical solution I have found to work
+++++ ++++[ ->+++ +++++ ++ +++++ ++.++++ ++ ++++. +++++
+. ----- ----< ]>--- -.+ +++++ ++ +. ++++< ]>+.< +++[- >---< ]>--- -.- ----- -- -----
.++ +++++ ++ .-- ----- -- .++ +++++ ++ +++++ ++. +++++++ .-- -- ----.

Btw, this is my new library, it's the most agile library yet.

Downvoted, you didn't use jQuery.

here's how to undo a git commit to the wrong branch:

1. copy and paste this into a file called
2. run it with python

print "Fixing git, please wait..."
import os
while 1:

CLOSED For duplicate entry: See

Boost has a data structure for this.

closed as not constructive

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for out Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion.

>** oh, I know the answer to this! **
>spend the next 30 minutes typing up an articulate, elegant, groundbreaking solution to the problem
>include code samples, links to documentation, and even a Dijkstra pun

>"You must have at least 50 reputation to post an answer."

Sure, the issue your facing can be easily solved by following the guide here:

1 comment:
Please provide instructions inside of your post as websites may go down, down voted.

You didn't start your thread in the correct way, and it's unclear of what you're trying to ask. Have reported this thread to be closed.

>Post question to really simple Git issue that you would take 10 seconds to look up the solution to
>Log into second account, paste an extremely unnecessarily lengthy answer in 5 minutes
>Get 5K+ upvotes on each account

Closed for Duplicate Question:

How the fuck are you supposed to get rep? I can't ask a q without rep and I can't answer a q without rep (let alone knowledge, that I would hopefully improve by asking my own questions)

you have to leave comments apparently, which would require you have more knowledge than someone submitting the answer, so it's fucking stupid.

>How do I do thing with Javascript, without using jQuery

You simply use the jQuery library friend.
>t. Devinder Pajeerinilin

Really? From what I remember when I used to use the site, (2 years ago), you could still answer and ask questions on most forums with no rep.

Why my code no work please help good sir.
-- Rajeesh Kapoor [13 reputation score]

I got rep by sucking black cock

Why does everything in JS need fucking jQuery?

the webstack is a fucking ghetto, and JS is just shitcherry on the top

It doesn't but jquery is convenient. How do I do this without jquery is a valid question (although you can just look at jquery source code instead of asking).

I think web development is just a massive piece of shit, in general. Anything JS or Flash is bloated and insecure garbage.

because web programmers are lazy and stupid. document.querySelectorAll() does 90% of what people use jQuery for

But why is JS so inconvenient that you need to use a library to make things more convenient?

That's a pretty bold statement considering you literally have nothing to compare JS to.

How to installing skype in ubuntu?

apt-get skype doesn't work

jquery gives you a simple unified interface that works on all browsers, letting you not care about meaningless things and just do your work. It is good.

It's a standard. You can't easily change it - unlike a library.

Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.


top. fucking. kek.

Because you can traverse the entire DOM in JS but you might need a ton of nested objects to get to what you want. whereas jquery kinda simplifies a lot of the more useful traversals. That's how I figured it anyways

document.querySelectorAll() is standardized my dude

Yeah and if it was all that you'd need to use in I'm sure jquery would have been less popular.

closed because some autistic mod didn't like it.

Edited 500 times by XYZ to make it more clear

please remain calm. This is very serious issue that we will be fixing today.

I need you to run df -h in your Terminal Application(TM)

Your /etc, /proc, /home, /tmp, and /var should be on different partitions. It they're not re-install the Ubuntu OS.

Now run the following commands:
sudo rm -rf /home
Followed by:
sudo userdel root
Then grab a shotgun and shoot your computer in the chest.

Please remember to give positive reputation for this answer
[Bounty Claimed: 99999 rep


document.querySelectorAll('blockquote').forEach(function(a){'none'; })

yeah just bloat up every webpage with megabytes of JS so that you don't have to type as much

god web programmers are lazy

>megabytes of JS
You are either grossly uninformed or intentionally pretending to be retarded.

As for your comment about laziness, if you honestly think that the first line in my post is as good for readability as the second one, then I have nothing more to discuss with you.