Alright Sup Forums, give us your opinions about every OS you have used for at least more than 1 month...

Alright Sup Forums, give us your opinions about every OS you have used for at least more than 1 month. Go nuts on what you like or dislike about the OS you're currently using or any you have used in the past.




fucked it self up. constantly have to fix stuff
is in some parts fucked up. but works mostly fine. Stays the way I want it to, doesn't fuck it self up.
fucked and can't be unfucked
mostly fine, works but linux is more my speed.

Used for two years or so now, has been stable, lightweight, up to date and everything is packaged in AUR.

Needs to manually manage the package manager. No real-world use in a modern world thanks to ancient packages.

Keeps getting worse and worse.

Keeps getting better and better. Had some issues with package management but those were fixed. Android compatiblity makes it a real competitor in terms of usefulness.

Can't even save files from the internet, lel. Keeps getting worse, especially on older hardware.

Highly depends on your hardware. Sometimes entirely stable, sometimes... not.

> XP
Worked just fine years ago, antivirus still necessary.

> 7
Aero is heavy as fuck and looks like shit.

Shit all over my drivers and wouldn't actually shut down, instead going to hibernate, rebooting if you touched the keyboard.

Running in qemu-kvm. Needed to enable test mode for audio drivers. Sometimes takes an hour to boot. Broken.

I'll go a little further by listing versions I've used longer than a month.

Mac OS
- System 7.5 (5/10)
As simple as it gets without being a literal potato.
Missing some key quality of life stuff but pretty solid.

- Mac OS 8 (6/10)
Fixes a lot of QoL issues in former versions and has a
much nicer system theme (platinum). Solid, and probably
the oldest version of Mac OS I'd use on a regular basis.

- Mac OS 9 (7/10)
The most modern classic Mac OS. Generally does most of
what one would expect of a computer, even well past a decade
since its release. Like all classic Mac OS versions, insanely
and easily moddable - more so than any OS since (even Linux
doesn't beat it in this respect). Extremely lightweight even
for its era. Its biggest issue is stability.

- Mac OS X (8/10)
All over the place, really. 10.0 and 10.1 were barely more
than polished betas and were slow and featureless. 10.2 through
10.6 was the golden age, bringing speed, meaningful features,
and great moddability (if not as great as OS 9's). 10.7 through
10.12 have mostly been about modernizing and modularizing what's
under the hood, and as a result have brought little user-visible
benefit while at times negatively affecting speed and stability.

- Windows 98SE (4/10)
Utter shit. Tried too hard to add shiny features on top of a
patched-together mess of a core. Somehow managed to be less
stable than the crash-prone Mac OS of the same era.

- Windows 2000 (7/10)
A dramatic turnaround. Solid as a rock, none of the flashy
consumer-oriented junk, and more capable than the 9x heri-
tage in every way that mattered. I' love to have a modern
OS as simple, and functional as Win2K was.

not as bad as this board makes it, but still have some cancerous parts. Major problem for me being unavailable software like: Photoshop (latest, without lags) and Skype (seriously linux version of skype is the worst thing).

Literally garbage, crashes more than ever, unstable updates. Botnet.

>mac os

Never used, but might be the ideal system I am looking for.

- Windows XP (7/10)
It's Win2K with a consumer candy layer on top. First releases were
iffy, but it seriously shaped up by the last couple service packs.
It's no wonder that it still holds a significant userbase after all
these years.

- All distros and versions
Put simply, it's whatever you make of it. Depending on what you need,
shaping it in your image may not be as easy as its proponents claim
it to be. With enough technical knowledge and patience it can do
anything, but everyone has different levels of these so one individual's
experience with Linux will differ greatly from another's, making ratings
mostly meaningless.

Pretty good, does what its gotta do, don't believe the memes, pretty easy to install/maintain if you're not an autist.

Unstable piece of shit
Never again

>Windows 10
Botnet, but good for games

Works fine except sometimes Unity doesn't behave well after suspending on laptop

On my server, just werks

Almost wanted me to claw my eyes out, every 10 minutes the sound stopped and I had to kill some process Windows kept spawning to make it play my audio again

Haven't used anything else for the past month

>Linux (ubuntu, arch, gentoo)
Simple shit takes hours to figure out. Command line can be very powerful and more efficient than any GUI but only if you have the knowledge to do so on the fly, if you don't, its actually terrible and you are troubleshooting 24/7. Outdated/unsupported software (skype) and drivers are usually horrible to get working properly.

>mac os
garbage, only good if all you do is run apps. Can't even disable mouse acceleration
in sierra without 3rd party shitware that only works half the time.
Functional OS, rarely have somethingt that is unsupported, solutions are plenty and diagnosis is easy. Only issues that were a pain to solve were driver related, for the most part 'it just werks'. Able to do anything I want easily and free. Got worse over the years with botnet and shitty updates.

>Windows XP, 7, 10
The best system ever. Game and watch porn all day without any issues.
Literally burned my house down
A piece of shit, barely useful. Even Alt+F4 don't do anything.
just another timesink OS.

> Windows
It works, it has the apps I need, I can fuck up the drivers as bad as I ever could and it would still be easy to recover.
It has things that bug me but it's getting better.

> Mac OS X (on hackintosh)
It works (some assembly required), it doesn't really have all the apps I need, but Parallels is the best virtualization software I've ever used, so with a Windows VM it's almost perfect (even played Skyrim at launch at near-native performance!).
It has things that bug me and it's been getting progressively worse every year (I started with Snow Leopard and I still think it's the best version I used)

> Linux
It "usually" works.
It definitely lacks apps I need.
I love how much you can fiddle with distros like Arch (even though often it seems I spend more time tweaking than using it) while still being able to get a prepackaged environment like Elementary that I use without the need to open the console.
It has things that bug me and I don't know how to feel about the direction it's taking.

> FreeBSD
Meh on desktops.
It rocks for servers though: has ZFS, ports, jails, pf, and other nice things that make me wonder how people do even manage to keep a Linux server afloat without.
Also, the damn Handbook really has everything.
- Upgrading between major releases is the most awful experience I ever had dealing with an OS.
- Security is a big "?", while it has jails it lacks even proper ASLR, let alone other good security measures

> 9front
It's a goddamn toy.
A really fun one though.
I enjoyed it mostly on a home server and used it via drawterm. Setting it to work as cpu+auth server wasn't easy though (even requires to recompile the kernel among other things, but at least that takes seconds)

As someone who dislikes Android a lot and doens't have money/care for an iPhone, I was eyeing Jolla phones for a while. Is Sailfish "good enough" and if so, it worth Jolla's high price tag or should I wait for non-Jolla phones with a more reasonable price?

muh childhood
>win 95
muh childhood now with GUI!
>win 98
shit was cash
>win ME
dark ages (or so I thought)
>win 2000 pro
Last great MS system
>win XP
muh gradients. wasn't to horrible.
Lel wut? Just no
>win Vista
this shit isn't too bad... (3months later) KILL IT WITH FIREEE!!!
>win 7
It looks like vista. It works like vista. But it's not trying to kill me in my sleep?
This is quite nice actually.. Wait. Where did my files go?!?!!
this is the future!
Sick of waiting for iOS to be future. This thing is actually functional.
Looks like a OS but minus the drivers. Interesting...
>win 8
This is bullshit, I miss 7...
>win 10
This is bullshit, I miss 8... Dark times are ahead.
It's fine for my server I guess but generally meh.
>Ubuntu 16
Wtf were they doing all these years???
Actually fine. Needs some polish tho...
I see why why they call it a meme. Too much work
How is this a OS with the least amount of crap to deal with??

The state of OSes is really sad these days...

>Windows NT
it runs a lot of commercial software I like and works
it runs a lot of commercial software I like and works
it has a nice CDE implementation and better SPARC compiler options and works
it runs a lot of free software I like and works
>everything else
it works

Pretty buggy but I loved it as my first OS, I messed with it a lot
Good times once it got SP2. Fucking messenger and winamp and mIRC and all that crap. I really miss that and all those fucking videogames.
Fuck no
At first my PC was terrible so it didn't work well. Then with SP1 it became my new system permanently. One of the best but it did require more stupid tinkering with system files to customize it and I didn't really like some other things that vista brought. I felt like I lost a bit of control over the system.
Fuck no redux
Fairly ok after a few updates, perhaps as good as 7 on many aspects. The start menu thing didn't bother me.
Sure it -works-, after the anniversary update I guess. But it really feels like I can't do much with it other than the usual stuff which I already did with Windows 7. And it's ugly as hell. If you are going to try to prevent users from touching system files to change their themes, maybe work a little bit on that default fucking theme. Also the updates do bother me a bit. It's the first Windows version that has actively made me want to switch to anything else.

Good days too, first linux distro. Seeing all that software in one package and good old versions of KDE made me want to jump into it.
Long ago it was both a pain and fun to install. Today not so much, it's all too easy. Sound works now without spending a day and that fucking sucks.
Xubuntu just kinda fucking works, and I enjoy PPAs so that's why I prefer it to Debian.
At first felt pretty well with it but then I realized it was just a waste of time that I wasn't enjoying that much

>>El Capitan
Pretty convenient, perhaps even more than windows on a few aspects of just "working" (I'm looking at that fucking email application w10 has now). Looks good by default. It's the lazy choice because I have had less problems than with anything else despite being hackintosh.

Shit I forgot for a second to format that properly.

garbage. randomly likes to fuck itself for zero reason. some instances only a format can unfuck it (annoying)

decent but something just feels missing

>CentOS 6
god-tier. a small pain to set up and get familiar with, but once everything is set up, it just fucking works and doesnt afraid of anything.

Jolla is nice, but the hardware is dated now and the android support isn't as great as you think it is (it's android 4.2 app level). The oom manager is fierce and kills everything bar the open app because the phone has so little ram. The newer phone is neat, but it's not being sold in large batches and the funding of the os is drying up. No more hardware because they have no money.

Hopefully you updated that kernel.

>Windows (from 95 to 7)
for the most part windows was fine. focusing on Win7, this was a solid OS. i did experience blue screens that I felt I shouldn't have given how 'careful' I am keeping OS's clean but meh. post SP1, this was very stable. gamed on it like hell, installed crazy Skyrim mods, shit tons of sims 3 stuff, still remained fine.

>macOS (10.10 - 10.12)

I saw ridiculously cheap Mac and said fuck it, lets try this out. been using it for 3 years, haven't had a single crash. if you guys use iOS, you know there is this 'smoothness' to it compared to Android. that same smoothness is present here when compared to windows. main downside: you can't pirate games on this because there is no games on this and the community is tiny. fucking sucks

all around, if you havent used macOS, you don't need to. after using it, there are so many little things in it that make it impossible for me to go back to windows.

>wanting creative cloud Photoshop

You can definitely pirate some OSX games, but they do run like trash. Though you're right about it being smooth as long as you have the hardware for it. Fuck I wish Windows had proper support for the trackpad.

>Windows 95

Just worked.

>Windows XP

Just worked. Ugly, but reliable, which was lost on me at the time,

>Windows Vista

I didn't know enough at the time to really give an honest critique. It did what I wanted to, and I liked how shiny it was, sometimes crashed for me.

>Windows 7

The good old days. I riced the shit out of my Windows 7 laptop, and later, PC.

>Windows 8

Fucking never again

>Windows 10

Feels like 7, with a flatter interface, some nice shortcuts, and annoying menus. I am become botnet



only good operating system

Because this is blessed.

absolute garbage, tons of bloat spyware and instability.
Its not too bad just feels like a worse implementation of UNIX than linux is. and I might as well use linux at that point and get more features.
Its unfortunately the best system available right now for general use. Stable,easy to use and secure. But apperantly the kernel is losing quality.