Ik this an unconventional way to show specs but w/e

ik this an unconventional way to show specs but w/e

can someone help tell me what I need to upgrade. My budget is ~$300

Other urls found in this thread:


your wallet

Everything, including windows 8.1 to 7 or gentoo.
Can't upgrade much for $300

jesus christ fucking everything, but you'll probably see the biggest upgrade from increasing the amount of ram you have to like 8gb and investing in an SSD (since your rig is basically from 2004 I doubt you have one).

If your mobo can't support ddr3 you might as well just hold out until you save up like $500 (bare fucking minimum) so you can just get an entirely new computer

Depending on what you want to do, I would buy a new PC

8.1 runs a lot better on shitboxes than 7 does

Ram would make the biggest difference, but putting money into that old rig would be wasting it

been struggling to get a job

well if you dont have a job I wouldn't be worried about upgrading your computer. Literally do anything, like working at a gas station or grocery store or fast food place or some shit. Then just keep looking for a better job while you still have your shitty job

Then why the fuck are you buying a computer?

I think for $300 you could get a secondhand computer on craigslist or something that would far outperform what you have now.

I've known several rich kids who build a computer every other year, and sell the old one for the price of the GPU in the new one

His CPU is from 2013 desu

It was discontinued in 2013, after less than a year of being out, because its terrible

need it for school/light gaming

I've found better shit in the trash lately ;_;7

No you don't.

You can't upgrade that, you have to buy almost everything new.

slave away 1500~

He can buy a lga1155 cpu on ebay

8 of ddr3 and maybe a rx470 if his power supply can take it

Or he could just save another $300 and buy something really good instead.

You don't spend money (see: waste) when you're struggling to find a job.

and what would that "something really good" be exactly?
I need suggestions

>ad banners on the sides

Pretty much everything except the OS (unless you really want DX12)

He probably did not update ABP.

Of course, you probably still use regular uBlock instead of uBlock Origin.

>Of course, you probably still use regular uBlock instead of uBlock Origin.
Nope, nice try goy


+mobo + ram + psu (maybe)

I doubt you have anything higher than a 1080p monitor.

not scared to admit i'm a newfag

You can get those parts cheaper.

You should probably introduce yourself on the Sup Forums board. They are very welcoming people.

Jesus Christ, how hard is it to download speccy or go to hardware manager in Windows?

nice try bud

He probably lives with his parents fagola. Doesn't matter what he spends money on.

Get a Pentium, upgrade to 4 GB of RAM, maybe get a better GPU and you're golden