Are you Team Velour or Team Leather?
Are you Team Velour or Team Leather?
Real leather > Velour >>>> Fake Leather.
I'm not mentally retarded.
Probably this, but I've never owned real leather earpads. My velour earpads on my DT-880 keep wearing out though.
Don't velour affect the soundstage?
only if you sexually identify as an audiophile
What if I sexually identify as anime?
I got some shure velour pads for my mdr-7506, super comfy and I can finally hear the bass
velure if the pads are easily replaceable, leather if they are not.
velour is comfy
I doubt it. It might breathe marginally better than the PU shit but it won't be nearly as good as fabric.
Velour in one ear, leather in the other
My condolences
Velour, no contest
Do velour cups on proper headphones attract dust and lint like crazy? Or is that just cheap fabric on my crappy gaymen headset?
Velour for gf so I can inhale her feminine juices
i just chuckled due to that picture
that is a good one, not even bullshitting. some user out there has a good eye, and some patience too
Although I agree with this, leather vs velour is personal taste. You lose subbass with velour, but if you're buying DT770s for the sound, you're doing it wrong anyway.
Pleather lasts a year or two of everyday use tops.
can wear that shit for hours without feeling it
velour easily
Velour, of course.
Currently using velour but they get dirty as fuck in ~3 months (using them 12 hours a day every day) and I'm tired of washing them. Is leather really more uncomfortable?
Velour on my AKG K712, fake leather on my MTH-M50, lambskin on my Denon AH-D2000.
I'm also using my Beyerdynamics all around the clock and especially in summer it gets annoying.. But one handwash in 3 months. That's quite acceptable in my opinion. Using some Axe shampoo, be carefull to not ruin them with too hot water and clean all the shampoo out. Drying them slowly and you have sparkling, good smelling pads for the next day.
Team socks of course
At first I laughed but than I got curious. How is the sound?
you can wear those for 8hrs plus without any discomfort.
Leather/fake leather or plether.... after an hour you'll be sweaty.
max comfort, better soundstage
Absorbs sweat and stinks if you don't wash
good isolation, cleans easily
uncomfortable, squeaky for glasses users
>Fake shitty PU leather
cheap, peels away, even more uncomfortable than real leather and harder to clean
Studio monitors should be Velour. Portable/deejay monitors should be Leather.
Swine skin.
Not my photo, I don't use this. It is very popular headphone mod in second world countries.
Explain please.
team vinyl/plastic/rubber chinkphones reporting in
>owning only one pair of headphones
poor faggots.
>swapping headphones when a different song comes on
Team microfiber.
But it's true. A single super-expensive pair of headphones is probably the biggest mistake you can make. It's well known that one pair of headphones, no matter how expensive, can't possibly reproduce all music adequately. Maybe if you only listen ever listen to one band, you could get away with one or two pairs, but you'll still never really appreciate the music that way. The guys who have different headphones for jazz, classical, rock etc are on on the right track, but if you really want to enjoy the music to its fullest, you need to keep searching until you find the headphones that deliver each piece to the fullest.
At a minimum, I recommend determining the proper headphones for each album, or even better, for each song. There are some songs where I switch headphones partway through in order to hear all the detail.
Pic related, it's the headphones I use for listening to 'The Wall'.
>Pic related, it's the headphones I use for listening to 'The Wall'.
wtf! I'm jelly.
That post gave me cancer.
Team earbud because I actually leave the house...
no need to be an "audiophile" to hear that it affect the sound.
How does it affect the soundstage?
Team Faggot
earpads are not just esthetics , it's an important part of your headphone if you change it , it will change also the sound signature .
The isolation can be affected , the spatialization , the bass , ...