I can't get a straight answer out of anyone.
How much of this shit am I supposed to put on my GPU?
Replacing paste
All of the
A very small amount, make an X on whatever chip you're applying the paste to, the lines in the X should be about half a centimeter across.
Is Crest even any good for Nvidia cards?
I was gonna use the Colgate but theres only a little bit left
enough to cover the die, not so much that it squeezes out everywhere
No you definitely wanna go Oral B. More stable at higher clocks.
It doesn't fucking matter. Put on an amount that feels right to you, in whatever pattern you want. Obviously don't use a tiny smear or unload the entire tube onto it.
Do not use a conductive paste like arctic silver. It's a great paste but unless you can get your amount exact any spillage is going to go on the components around the die and screw them up.
Alright guys
I'm gonna run to the store and grab some Oral B.
Which flavor works the best?
Peppermint gets way better temps, don't let someone sucker you into buying strawberry.
Thanks, my dude.
I will get back to you all when the job is finished
Then you must be one of those folks that
was mentioning by totally emptying the entire tube in one go, since I've never had that happen in all those years.
Pro-Expert should be fine, there's no need to buy 3D White.
Please use real thermal paste, I was just joking about peppermint.
Toothpaste will work but nowhere as good as real paste.
A pea sized amount.
Its an 870M
I understand this reference
Whole tube usually suffices.
you want to cover the whole card to get the best heat transfer.
A pea sized amount right in the middle. When you put the heatsink on it'll spread out the paste.
Unless you work for MSI, then do pic related
This is the right advice user. Pea sized amount, don't spread yourself, just put cooler ontop and screw down a tiny bit on each side at a time to spread the paste evenly underneath. Remember, the paste is just meant to smooth out the two surfaces, not be an extra layer.
me 3,
put a small dot in the middle, let it rise up (don't make a flat circle
it will look like a pea
place heatsink on top, if you put the paste in the middle of the cpu it will disperse in all directions, spreading evenly
this also prevents air bubbles - that is why you don't spread like in the webm