Long story short, my housemates are being fags...

Long story short, my housemates are being fags. Say you are on a local network and want to cause general mayhem and disorder. Ideally of the insidious type. What would you do?

Other urls found in this thread:


poop on there laptop

I have the router credentials btw. I'd like to see if I could install custom firmware on it to gain access to it later. How doable is this in reality?

put cp on everyone's computers (including yours) and call the fbi

More of a pain in the arse than it's worth when you could just stop being a retard and talk to your housemates. These threads are hilarious; doing anything other than acting like an adult will only make things worse.

They are kicking me out. the time for talking has long passed. I agree with you that talking should have happened, but they are mad about stuff that happened 2+ months ago. At the time I apologized and they accepted, I thought the beef was squashed. Instead, they just were passive-aggressive and talked shit behind my back. The echo chamber is real.

desu I'm probably going to do nothing, might just ban a couple of their phones from connecting to the router and enable remote management in hopes that some IoT worm knows an exploit for that router and does damage. But I'd rather have some agency.

that's totally passive aggressive. and once they find out what you did they're going to jump you and kick your fucking teeth in.

let sleeping dogs lie

currently zenmap'ing the network will post details


also feel free to post tangentially related stories, I'm pretty bored. sipping on pic related

This. You said they started being passive aggressive, no point dragging yourself down to their level.

>router creds
Look around in the settings. See if you could limit their connection speed. Blacklisting their MACs is also an option.

What did you do?
Was it some kind of unforgivable creepy shit or something?

The fact that you think them "accepting" your apology means they no longer have negative feelings or are allowed to have negative feelings toward you shows how immature you are. You're trying to fuck with them because they don't want to live with you.

You're being a childish asshole and you should be grateful they've given you enough notice to even consider fucking with them. This is a learning experience wherein you've learned to treat people better.

>the echo chamber is real
Actually, you're not entitled to people liking you. Certainly being a vindictive little punk about it won't help you. I don't even know you and I don't like you.

replace all images flowing trough the network by random trap images. that should be quite easy. aep poisoning or a custom router firmware.

The thing is, all of us are graduating in ~4 months and will fuck off to our respective corners of the world. Yes, I agree that this is a childish course of action "but they started it first!!11!11!"
The best revenge is living a good life. I know this to be true. But they are continuing to fuck with me while I'm trying to move out. One of them has walked in on my while I'm in the bathroom 5+ times. I'd get that once or twice would be whatever, it's probably an accident. but 5+? really? They continue to steal my shit and generally harass me in the living spaces.

Same guy that walks in on me often gets drunk and calls people pussies until he gets them to fight him. He calls it "wrestling" but really its just him trying to strangle you. I raised objections, said that wasn't cool, he never apologized. It is against basically any wrestling rulebook to strangle/choke with hands around neck. So next time he wrestled I punched him. He got hella butthurt. I know it was wrong, so I apologized, offered to let him have a free hit on me anywhere. He declined, said it was ok.

The other thing they raise is that I hurt this guy Will. Thing is, he was in my room without my permission and manhandling me. I asked/told/yelled at him to leave multiple times, tried to push him out, drag him out, but he held onto the doorframe so I had to hit him in the face before he actually decided to leave. Basically he was gay for me and nearly raped me when I was drunk once, and is mad that I don't love him back.

I know I'm not entitled to their positive opinions of me. But they could at least just leave me the fuck alone instead of resorting to schoolyard bullying, name-calling, kicking in the bathroom door, etc tactics.



What did you actually do

These two altercations are what they cite. They also say that I never clean up dishes. I will admit that I leave stuff for ~2 days by the sink sometimes. Usually not, but it does happen (especially during midterms/finals, stress gets to me).
In our group fb chat they literally told me "you shouldn't have led him on". They legitimately used rape apologist rhetoric.

I should probably note that other than will I'm the oldest in the house by ~1 year. They are all doing 2-3 year econ or business majors, I'm doing a double major of math and cs:game design. Take from that what you want.

Also I think they are lowkey jelly that I have a girl sleep over sometimes. But I'm probably just really wanting that to be true...

It sounds like you're all just too immature and retarded to live together. This is normal for uni housemates, just be happy that you're getting out. Try and pick better housemates next time, if you get a choice.

>I will admit that I leave stuff for ~2 days by the sink sometimes.
You're right up there with the child rapists and the people who talk at the theatre


Yeah I agree. We're all somewhat retarded but apparently this particular mix of retardation was bad. I'm moving in with some friends that I've known for 2-4 years, so it's gonna be a bunch of fun, really looking forward to it.
Even from their perspective, I'm unwanted so me moving out is a good thing. so I appreciate the win-win nature of it.

Mostly I just put my dirty dishes straight into the dishwasher, but when it is full I just put them above and assume that when the washer is unloaded someone will load the queue or at least tell me "hey the washer is empty". no such luck

Have fun


You could install some sort of sniffer (look it up) and see whatever they are doing online that isn't encrypted I suppose, might grab a password.

And knowing normies, they have one fucking password for everything.

Gross, clean them aftet you use them fat fuck.

Also your room mates are fucking retards. This is why im glad to be the only male in my rent house


Block Facebook. Should cause some disorder.

not dubs

Is it a modem/router combo or 2 seperate boxes?
What connection does it use to leave the house?


There is a modem/router combo in the living room. This has ~4 ethernet connections outgoing, one to Matt (the wrastletard), one to me, and one to a second router which simply extends the network to the other part of the house.

walk up to the router and whack it with a hammer

zenmap scan of local network uploaded!
turl dot ca/nmnkvv

dns and arp poisoning

I should note that i ran kali in virtualbox on my windows comp, the scan was from inside kali through my ethernet

now that I'm looking at it this seems dumb, I just scanned my comp and the router lol. Lemme see if I can interface my wireless adapter with kali



Set the modem/router to only accept broadband through its ethernet slot
So the network will function but it wont have any wan access

gonna do a quick deauth. what else? someone mentioned ARP, another DNS. any links on DNS? My experience with arp is using cain and able god knows how many years ago


oh god lol I should just leave that plugged in by the router. Actually, since matt lives in the backyard unit there is an ethernet cable going from our house all the way to his place. If there is a version of this cable with the female jack instead, I could just swap the connection real quick and then his comp is no more. brilliant. although I'm pretty sure he has a nice comp. I'd feel a little bad about killing an innocent comp... but not that bad honestly

delete this galko is no a slut

leave a usb killer for them lmao


won't work on secure (https) sites though without throwing lots of security warnings

seems like this thread is dead for now. Might post a topic tomorrow or the next day.

i'm moving out this week (next 5 days would be ideal), so anything needs to be done or started pretty quick. I kinda want to just set up footholds so that I can do terrible things later on. I've used RATs in the past, but like 6 years ago and I had physical access to the machines. Might try to do something like that if I can set up the server and find a time where people are out of the house.

Feel free to post ideas/links/stories/shitposts/moralfag/ethicfag content here in the meantime. I think I'm going to sleep.

>usb killer
oh shit that's gold

Deauth on all channels, leave it running for few days ...


>codeacademy is not free anymore
oh well time to try freecodecamp I guess


shit in a bag
put bag in freezer
wait til shit is frozen
get shit and cheese grater
use cheese grater to spread frozen shit all over the carpet
get out of there before it melts

that would be a fun one. guessing I'd have to configure a dhcp server on the network though? The router is an xfinity modem/router combo. I can enable bridge mode on it to enable an external router, but then would all the ethernet connections need to go through my computer? I need to learn more about networking.

7 please

Galko is pure you jerk

>go to the jewtubes
>find a video explaining ettercap-ng
>download kali "meme super secret haxor distro"
>boot kali
>run ettercap with plugins
post results


Fuck I can't stop laughing

Grow a backbone or the world will shit on you until you die.

define "grow a backbone"

Sugar syrup in a spritzer
spray everything

>One of them has walked in on my while I'm in the bathroom 5+ times.
>"you shouldn't have led him on".
WOooAH someone wants to suck ur dick

You're referring to 2 different people btw

woah multiple ppl want to suck ur dick you must be hot

Contributing to this thread

haha I'm not bad looking from what I've been told, but most of the people in this house are /fa/ggots and I'm more of the sweats/neckbeard type.

you could just tell all their friends that they've been coming onto you, it's not even a lie and it's crack up as h*ck

Just format their computers and brick the router. Then leave the same day.


Sniff their Internet traffic and email them a list of your findings

christ OP people like you are the reason I interact with my roommates as little as physically possible.

I'm doing pretty well this semester. I don't think any of them have seen me since we moved in except for once when one of them asked me to clean the bathroom, which I did that night.



can't you just log into the router and fuck there shit up?



Do this
Perhaps also set the proxy to redirect them to porn sites every 10 minutes or something like that.



if you have the modem root, you can get the mac adresses of everyone and lock theyir acess.

1. Get a USB, Windows ISO and Rufus.
2. Copy the contents of the ISO to your USB.
3. Hide all the contents of your bootable USB.
4. Unplug your USB.
When your friends are here (with their laptop), do this:
1. Tell them to go outside in your garden and close every window and hide everything. Then ask them to wait for you.
2. Lock the bathroom how much you can (super stealth style).
3. Go to their laptops and reinstall Windows.
4. While installing, format all of their disks (every partition).
5. Their whole stuff will be gone.
6. Finish reinstallation.
7. Tell them to come. When they see it, they'll be furious.
8. Blame the cat if you have one.

Let's see if rollin follows real life this time.

take a crap into their PSU

Ere we go

Moral of the story:

Wash your dishes ASAP, cuz they stank and shit


sounds to me like you're a pussy

Just beat the shit out of them. Jesus, kids these days...

Sounds like you're autistic to me, sweetheart.

I keep getting the "Nerd"

either give me the nerd, the dumpy one, or give me death



>(including yours)

just shit on the floor

yeah right, they are probably shit tards like OP and will be happy that their PC's are fixed and running fast with no spyware