why wont this work, I need to finsihs this in 10 minutes REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Why wont this work, I need to finsihs this in 10 minutes REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Kill yourself my famalam
Because it says Jan instead of January you fucking dumbass?
this is bait
How are you more retarded than OP
Dude maybe you shouldn't start assignments 10 minutes before they're due.
Fucking moron, I hope you get killed.
>you are retarded for not knowing a 50 year old meme language that literally has no use
Use strcmp? I don't know shit about C.
Change Jan to Jan[]
> char Jan[]
Why not char Jan[20].
Or change M[] to M. I don't know, just try both.
doesnt work
fuck this C shit
I know ++ but this crap is unbearable
*cough cough* comparing '\0' to input *cough cough*
thanks op, I haven't had a good laugh in a while
The fuck is a \0?
I was just trying to compare a couple of strings, I never had problemd with this shit in ++
This was a live test moron
Nice pic, im taking it
>comparing a char to a char[]
>implying you can do a simple comparison with char[] and a char[] in C
>including libraries
>not using the included fucking libraries
I suggest you drop out and consider majoring in Native American Women Philosophical studies.
please just stick to python, if you can't even google this then you are beyond saving
>I know ++
commit sudoku, my man.
well come to Sup Forums where everybody just takes a piss on you instead of helping you
Just to spite OP, I wrote his entire assignment in 10 minutes, and the output is pictured.
I haven't logged on to my university terminal in years, let alone written in C.
No, I will not give you the source code.
>19 days left of $CURRENT_YEAR
>learning C
Why are people so evil Sup Forums
Yeah i strcmp and kept crashing on me, so i just left it there cause i had no times, plus all the village idiots kept asking me to show them the first assignment
I meant that I know enough of it to get that baby programm done in 10 minutes, wasnt expecting c to be different so I didnt study and it bit me in the ass
Expected as much, at least someone had a laugh right?
*very spited*
good stuff
Strcmp is the right way to go about it.
Im studying Automation and sopposedly we are learning C because its the language most relevant when it comes working 'close to the metal' or so they said, I remember bothering with Arduino years ago and that was on C so I just assumed they are right, im in no way knowledgable in this tho
In c, arrays are represented as pointers to the first element, so you can't do (needle == haystack) - It'll compare the addresses of both and never be true..
What you want is
if(strcmp(jan, M) == 0)
>Facebook tier grammar nazi apears
Probs i just messed something up and it crashed so I assumed it wont work, thanks for helping me figure it out even if its a bit late
>if (thread == true)
>post josh.jpg
Why are you doing an array when you could just read the users input and use if statements
Array is faster
ur using char instead of String for all the variaables
frikkin noob can't even jaba
fucking /thread
So this is the state of programmers on Sup Forums. Why am I here.
>he knows how to program something
you piece of shit
relax he's just a student.
>meme language
Fuck off, cunt
You stupid fucking Pajeets boil my fucking blood
Not everyone makes fucking Java Andoird apps, your device's kernel is written C
Stick around longer, faggot. It's not going to get any better.
>scanf("%s", &M);
damn pajeet my son that's good code i'm proud of you!
Woah, you can't be saying things like that here friend
I'm still praying for Reddit and Sup Forums to leave so we can get back to programming and cute posting
Whats wrong with that?
>he unironically uses gets()
Oh right that meme command is a thing
A student should at least know better than OP due to playing around with programming before they entered university.
I'm entering university next year, and I know way more than this faggot.
Buffer overflow
>spouts buzzwords
>blames reddit
>while not posting anything cute or related to programming
way to go champ
Not everyone was a fucking nerd in highschool
If you weren't a fucking nerd in highschool then you should GTFO of programming and study something else.
Not all of us are ugly lonely nerds, nerd
This desu
>in university studying CE
>there are students in my class that don't know how to install a fucking OS even if its as simple as windows or how to type properly
>zero experience with any programming language
>they want to be programmers in the future
How about you get the fuck out of this course and study something else
Unrelated question,
What do you do in your CE course? Do you have to do any of that project management bullshit?
>I'm entering university next year, and I know way more than this faggot.
Then you should also be aware that if you're going to a university to get a job programming, you're going to be entering an extremely bloated field that will force you to work cheap.
Should've picked something what would have given you some job security instead.
I just have a single project management course that is optional
The rest is either programming/math/software course
>b-but java is good notch made minecraft
Joking aside, most of the worlds programmers are working on corporate internal systems, and for those I wouldn't recommend anything other than a runtime type-safe, garbage collected language like java or c#.