
>Using windows with internet connection
lol pebkac

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How do they manage to fuck up this badly with an update?

even if its filled with bugs its better than most bugfree lincuck distro.

Thanks for correcting the record pajeet. We updated your bing points and a plate of curry has been dispatched to your designated address.

>unable to accept truth
>calls people pajeet

Pajeet, pls

Weird I have that update and nothing is dead

Hey. HEY!

There are other versions of Windows other than 10 still out there.

True. And I think you can keep using windows 8.1 till the end of your lifetime. I like 8.1 as well.

However you will not be able to run that OS with the newer CPUs. Microsoft kinda "made" intel/AMD backwards incompatible

Sucks being a wincuck, doesn't it? Doesn't using windows humiliate you? Not even a little bit?

>Doesn't using windows humiliate you? Not even a little bit?
Why would it? Most if not all stuff is made to work on it, biggest usage rate out there and no-one pats an eye if they see you using it.

Sorry, windows just works. I'd rather buy an assembled car than a disassembled. This isn't 1884.

You can install Ubuntu or any other Linux distro meant for begginers. They also work out of the box.

Seems like you are using windows because of softwares that are compatible to it, not because you like windows as an OS

fedora doesn't

Oh shit, you caught me.


You are forced to use an OS you don't like

Windows works less out of the box than Linux.

>need to configure privacy settings
>need to install a new browser
>need to install a new video player
>need to install a new music player
The list goes on, because default applications installed to do basic tasks are terrible.

And in order to do any of this you need to open a webpage and find the site for the specific program you want, and go through an installation process. This has to be done individually for each application.

sudo apt-get install vlc
Insert your package manager and favorite meme player, and you're done.

lmao you bought a computer to install an os that turns it into a paperweight

neck yourself polkid

>You need to install, but see all I have to do is install

Nice to see Linux continues to breed retardation.


Lincucks btfod eteenally

>Thanks for correcting the record patel. We updated your microsoft-live points and a plate of garbage has been dispatched to your designated address.

>ignoring half of the sentence

Install VLC on windows:
>Open browser
>Type vlc.com or whatever the site, or google it
>Find the Download section and press Download
>Open the .exe
>Click Next 5 times, unticking bloatware if there is any

>Open terminal
>sudo apt-get install vlc

Throw your insults around all you want, but package managers are superior.

Firstly no, Linux just works fine for doing my jobs:
Libre Office
Minitab (Via WINE)

It pays my bill. Not saying Windows can't do it but with Linux I got choices and no issues

I don't quite like pol. I have discovered that one of my colleagues is a pol and 3 cross boarder and I said that I hate pol to his face

Surprisingly he didn't sperg out, I did end up making him realize that pol philosophies are memes but I know it didn't work. We are still cool btw

The irony about that shitpost is that it bitches and moans and doesn't actually identify the two fucking acknowledged and common issues 1607 caused.

Can't create files on a network share any more? That doesn't sound critical.


And let's just admit we broke networking.


I forgot the most important thing: Oracle SQL

Defending this hard.
Pls user spare your time for more valuable things.

>I use windows because it just works
Said no-one ever. even as winfag. I still hate windows.

delete this

Why are you still using it?

>Implying that's the worst of it.

I've tested it myself. Works perfectly fine.

Ijltifam. WyrtaLiifG/LoaIrttciGpL. LinaosuibrafcoaffGsmubtGcsuavsccafOadbP.

McuramvotGsedwri. TaptoetvoGwiwutioc"L"amoiuanatiibtGsdbtGP. TriaLatpauibiijapotstu.

Litk: tpitstatmrttoptyr. Tkiaepoaosbubi; icofitcoacos. LinuicwtGos: twsibGwLaoG/L. Ats-c"L"dardoG/L.

unless you have a 100% compatible hardware, they don't

you don't NEED to install shit
it just works
you don't NEED to configure shit if you don't want to do that

sudo apt-get install howthefuckshouldiknowthecorrectnameofthesoftwareinquestion?

also noone's keeping from making you a software repository for windows

also not all of required programs are listed in default repositories. So you have to search for correct ones and add them, and it's clunky

Most people do have that, raksh.
Also: using wincucks on incompatible/exotic hardware isn't fun either. Ever tried to install wifi drivers on an wifi-only windows pc?

There is an app store in gnome and unity, there are appstores for kde and xfce. You don't need the terminal if you don't want to use it.

fedora is literally shit

why would vlc include bloatware for windows version?

on windows wifi or printer is usually the problem.
on linux it's x server sperging out at the beginning
one is solved with usb stick
other one with sitting in a terminal and trying to set up some less glitchy open source drivers and cross fingers

because every piece of shit software company includes gay bloatware for windows these days

W10 insider is useless shit if they can't catch a bug like this.

And telemetry is useless too.

Who would've thought?


pajeet coding


vlc IS bloatware

>installing fedora 25
>some "software errors" during installation already
>wacom tablet unrecognized cant change settings
>...but its actually working, have two separate mouse cursors, one for tablet, one for mouse
>google it, something to do with a bug in wayland
>try to run update
>selinux throws random errors about systemd
>back to custom win10 enterprise
>everything just works
fuck off, underage imbeciles

You have to understand 95% of Sup Forums are neets who've never needed a productive environment in their lives and just spend all day in their moms basement ricing their meme OS and jerking off to anime.

>Being this much of an insecure NEET
No wonder you are a virgin

why not just use a VM like everyone used to do in desktop threads?

Just updated all my 3 machines.

Zero issues.

>Winfags will defend updates that literally render a computer unusable

I'm convinced Windows only has problems on custom-made neckbeard "rigs" running with obscure and extremely unusual hardware-software configurations.

