Start working in a tech startup

>start working in a tech startup
>be the only person with a PC
>keep using Illustrator while everyone uses sketch
>coworkers send me .sketch files
>"oh anonymous can edit it if you need"
>"oh you're PC,we need to hook you up with a Mac for productivity"

Don't want that shit
Should I bother emulating?

Other urls found in this thread:

A professional gets the job done with whatever tools are handed to him.

Just get it if it's free. Who gives a shit

I'd actually be less productive with a Mac. I'm either too autistic or not enough to operate it

You can't learn new skills? Are you literally retarded?

It's objectively worse and less efficient at the same skill level.

so get a better skill level.

macs aren't magically any better in the world of tech startups but seriously Sketch is something else famalam


Macs are for the retarded, pretty much.

My aversion is too much. I make do pretty fast with Illustrator. Sketch seems pretty straightforward and I'd use it if not were Mac only.

If it's free, get it. Then put Illustrator on the mac.
Hackintosh is awful to maintain.

How fucking ironic that a small app like Sketch only has a proprietary format while Illustrator, made by the evil Adobe of PSD and PDF files, actually supports SVG as project files.

Or get a better skill level and keep the more efficient platform and spit out work faster?

I'd use a free Mac for Sketch only.

I still default to Corel Draw despite many years of working with Illustrator.

My dad uses a bandsaw made in the 50s too and things work just fine.
I still wouldn't recommend that to anyone who's new to the field.

So you can't accomplish what even a retard can?

What sort of special snowflake thinks that they're the only one above using a standard tool of their workplace? That's the kind of shit that gets you canned. Adaptability is important, and most tech jobs require you to be able to learn new shit for very obvious reasons.

What a pathetic thread.

>Adaptability is important
I worked at a joint where a guy refused to let go of Flash because he 'felt comfortable using it' and it 'got the job done anyway so what's the big deal?"


Obviously OS choice isn't quite at the same level, but the parallels should be obvious. Well, maybe not for OP considering the current comments, but you'd hope.

>2016 + 1
>muh SKeKch meme

> Available for Mac OS X and coming soon for Windows 10.


but the better one

>better one
>only 65 US Dollars a month!

Exactly, Elitism, why do you care where do you use Illustrator on?
Using it on the mac means you can freely go from/to Sketch.

If it runs like shit you'd have a point then.

>be startup company
>insisting on using only applel
There's your red flag right there OP
If they really insist take the damn Mac (free shit) and use it only for their meme "app". I use a mac and a pc at work and linux desktop at home.
Besides Sketch is a Ilustrator for users with a severe type of mental degeneration. Convince them if you can to start using industry standard software (Illustrator or even corel draw) and not some special needs abomination if they have a slightest wish to be taken seriously by anyone (that happened to my previous employer, tried to cut costs by insisting on using sketchup only instead of getting AutoCAD. Lost a shit ton of high profile clients and had to shut down eventually)

OP you're a fucking mong

>only 65 US Dollars a month!

>1008 x 2 A.D.
>being that poor or butt blasted cheap ass faggot and retarded hipster

sketch and illustrator are both proprietary and therefore shit anyway

>sketch and illustrator are both proprietary and therefore shit anyway

this. Inkscape FTW

Inkscape is way more competent than sketch

>using your personal computer for work

>>keep using Illustrator while everyone uses sketch
>>for UI and shit

are you actually working in a print shop or you're just a retard?

tl:dr. bite the bullet fagg. Skech is the superior tool for this shit.

Learn bash and the gnu tools. Suddenly much more efficient than windows.

whats wrong with powershell?