Install Arch Linux

>Install Arch Linux
>Get this

Good job Arch fags, can't even make an OS that doesn't crash on boot.

Second today


If you want stable and bleeding edge, you use Solus instead.
Arch is for people who enjoy tinkering with their OS. That's why it's got the best wiki.

>Install Arch Linux

That's the installer, faggot. You forgot to remove the installation media after installation or you didn't change the boot order back to HDD stupid fuck.

Install Debian

>Doesn't install a bootloader
>Blames the os


Xorg is broken lol
Install openSUSE

make a new user

useradd Pancho

passwd Pancho

usermod -aG wheel Pancho

what's so hard about that

arch is a meme

tfw you forgot to chroot

I can't linux.
Damn you Arch.


>Can't linux.
>Bitches on Sup Forums
>Subjected to merciless ridicule
>Will now accuse "Arch community" of being "toxic".

It's not broken, retard. You didn't set up a DE and a DM.

>OS doesn't install something that can boot itself

Even DOS gave you a disk for that.


no packages.

Has what I use.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=100M

type that

>root login
>thinks cli is a crash

Ubuntubabbies and winfags pls leave.


>he fell for the arch meme

>being this retarded