/sqt/ - Stupid Questions thread

Thread for stupid and short questions
Spend 30 seconds on google before posting here

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how do i go about doing that? i like avoding confrontation as much as possible in my life because im a huge pussy

z623 bros?

just consider it a 25 eurocuck lesson to not rely on other cunts to fix your shit

next time isolate components, take the gpu out, boot, take the ram out, boot.

is msi a real brand?
is it safe to buy a laptop from them?
should i be worried about spying because it's a chink company?
the laptop comes with windows 10 so should i be worried about spying?
is there some way to disable the spying?

Broadband router suggestions for a tech illiterate knob head who wants to replace his shit tier internet provider (BT Infinity) router?
>Budget is around 75 quid
Thank you user.

Reposting with new information in new thread.

Currently trying to set up a PS2 emulator (PCSX2) to play FF12 Zodiac Job System, but even after completely updating windows and manually uninstalling/reinstalling windows vc+++ redist i'm getting the same error. "The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." Yes I have reinstalled the program multiple times.

Doing some research told me that's cause the installation is failing and to update windows and THEN install the vc+++ redist, but that didn't work either. Read some stuff about Windows Update KB2999226 but the standalone installer just stalls at 'searching for updates on this computer'.


wife's hp 350 laptop's touchpad doesn't work after sleep, which is super bothering. The only thing I found is that removing the synaptics driver fixes the problem, but then you don't have stuff like 2 finger scroll and jsut the standard mouse settings. ALso, the said driver comes right up again with windows update/on it's own.

How can I remedy this shit ? She has to ctrl+alt+del and restart with just the keyboard everytime.

muchas danke in advance!

You're shitting me m8

If I install a new windows 7 on top of my current one on a new disk, what will happen?

Like will it create a windows old folder? Will it remain intact but not work? Will it give me the option to boot either?

i'm not
can you just answer the questions?

Not really recommended, but have you tried downloading the dll and slapping it in the windows folder?

I mean, if nothing else works.

it will move the old installation to windows.old or something like that and you will only be able to access the new installation.
Imho the good old solution to format everything is better.

I've got this, works well and lots of features


Do you have any idea where exactly in the windows folder it goes? Or does it even really matter?

I'll try anything at this point.

And make sure you don't also need a modem. Your ISP might have given you a shitty modemrouter combo.

If you need a cable modem too I suggest the SB6141: amazon.com/ARRIS-SURFboard-SB6141-DOCSIS-Cable/dp/B00AJHDZSI

You usually just slap it into System32.

Post a better pic you tard.

Which disk will the windows.old folder be placed at? The new or the old?

Formatting would be a bit of hassle.

Downloaded and dropped into system32 and i'm still getting the error.

sorry didn't read the "new disk" part.
You'll be able to dual boot I think.

Oh well. Better get rid of it.

Dope. Thanks,

>dual boot into grub so I can dual boot into windows


Well shit, i'll just reinstall System32. Thanks for the tip!

Tried installing this on its own? support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2999226

What. Just delete the dll you put in. You can leave it if you want and nothing will probably happen, but just to be safe you can get rid of it.

whats an easy way to find the ip of a pi thats on the network

>spend 30 seconds on google before posting here

So, I'm planning to get the Microboard M340CLZ, is it a good idea, bad idea, why is it a good idea or a bad idea? If it is a bad idea, is there substitute for 100hz widescreen super HD gaming?

these are easy questions
why is no one answering?

how do I find out which one of my fans is the loudest?

Because your questions are literally too stupid for this thread.

Stick your finger in them one at a time and measure the decibels.



>should i be worried about spying because it's a chink company?
can this be fixed by removing windows 10?
i have heard about phones from china spying so i thought i should ask
how to remove windows 10?

literally install gentoo

I tried to create an exfat partition on my macbook pro. something didn't work, my laptop rebooted, and now my core storage is 50gb short. the diskutility doesn't allow me to extend the partition nor does it show me a blank space partition to delete.

the commandline
>diskutil resizeVolume isn't working because muh corestorage

help plz. I just want to resize my core storage to fill the disk

Is there any difference on which skylake i5 K version I buy if Im gonna over overcloak?
Like what does a 6500k have over a 6600k if om gonna overcloak them to 4gz?

For starters, the 6500K doesn't exist.

Is that Windows 2000?

ugh yeah?the 6600 is intels only K?

What's a cheap but decently built 1440p Monitor? I'm trying to get a second monitor but would've to make the jump coming from 1080p. I don't have much funds since I moved out to a new apartment so my budget for now is like $300, any suggestions?

for i5s yes

they only ever release one K edition for each series

something korean with dual-link dvi-d

Damn those jews

Cheers for the suggestion, and yeah you're right I've got a shit tier router and also a shit tier modem.

i was thinking of windows 7
is it msi doing the spying or microsoft or both?

The preinstalled shit probably has it, and windows 10 definitely has it. Probably all currently-supported versions of windows have the built-in spyware.

send help

is this enough?


Got a 2.5 hard drive that won't work anymore. It still spins and the head doesn't make any weird sounds but it doesn't respond when trying to mount it through a USB adapter.

Any chances on recovering data without giving out all my shekels to data-jews at this point?

fixed :^)

for real though I just had to do

>diskutil Corestorage resizeVolume disk1 0

if i remove all the bloatware that comes in it will that stop msi from spying on me or do they spy from the gpu or cpu or something?
i'm thinking of dual booting windows 7 with it and using 10 just for gaymes and 7 for everything else
is that possible? if there's 2 os on the same hdd then can one access information on the other one?
i know i sound paranoid but i just watched snowden so i'm worried

Whats a good course to learn SQL?

Dual-booting two windows installs is retarded. Yes the spyware will be able to access both partitions.

I have this old computer from early 00s.
There are some data that I'd like to transfer from it's HDD.
What would be the best way?

1. Get IDE to SATA adapter or rack?

2. Set FTP server and transfer it over network?

3. Connect an external HDD and copy files over?

Where do I get OSX Sierra installer for hackintosh without a mac?

IDE to USB would be the easiest, plus then you can use it for other old drives if you have to do something like this again.


Thanks, would this be faster?
Is there IDE to eSATA adapter?
I have eSATA port on T420 and it would be waste not to use it.

eSATA is pretty much dead, so don't bother. Anything involving booting the old machine will probably be slower, since who knows what state it was left in after you replaced it.

what else do you suggest then?
i want to gayme on it

Quite good actually.
Still runs WinXP SP1.
Can VM be run from whatever OS installed on the HDD?

Is there a way to use omegle w/cam on iPhone 6

I want to put a gpu in a pre-built pc I have without upgrading anything else specs are, amd apu a6-5400k, generic 8ram, fm2 mobo and generic 280w PSU. So I was wondering which would you recommend and if it's even worth it.

I'm currently streaming with OBS from my laptop, and i've set the bitrate to 2000kb/s.

But if i check Nethogs, OBS is only sending ca 250kb/s.

Can someone explain this?

What's the best way to activate a Microsoft Office install if KMSpico isn't working for some reason?

Also what's the last good Office version, or the best replacement?

Yeah, it just stalls at 'searching for updates
It was a joke

It's probably set at 2000 kbps, not kb/s

it says "2xxx kb/s" at the bottom corner in OBS

So i have a Seagate ST1000DM003 1TB hard drive that has a read/write speed from 2-10 mb/s. I did the reinitialize disk surface test with hd sentinel and it had no bad sectors. Is there any way i can speed it up because its literally unusable?

pls ? any ideas ?

are you using VBR?
post settings screenshot.

byte and bits.
nethogs shows 250kilobyte per second, which is equal to 2000kilobit per second.

The disc drive on my T420 keeps making a grinding noise periodically, anyone know why it would be doing this? I know it's not the harddrive because when I take the disc drive out the noise stops

What's a good net filter for someone who is addicted to porn (me)? I think i still want to browse Sup Forums, but only Sup Forums and Sup Forums, no other boards, if that's possible

So i'm having trouble updating my Windows C++ and I ran a sfc /scannow in command prompt. It tells me it found corrupt files, but was unable to fix some of them and gave me the directory for some CBS.log.

My question to you guys is where do I go from here? How do I fix these so I can properly install my shit and play my emulator?

that must be it then.

thank you too

reinstall windows

its 2017 get ssd
use it for movies, tv shows, porn, photos, and games installation images

so stop using the sleep?
is it that hard turning it off, you can set it to turn off on closing of the lid...

Do I have any options if I bought this computer off my friend and he doesn't have the 8.1 CD anymore?


nigger what?
you are not from Sup Forums are you?

literally get any windows iso you want
and activate it with kmspico after done installing

>stupid question thread
>Wow, retard, you just asked a stupid question!!

Somebody with windows 10 please give me the steps to activate the narrator from the lock screen. My new monitor won't work with this stupid thing, win 10 has no drivers for it lel.

it was not a stupid question, but it was very non Sup Forums question you dirty jew

It won't fuck with my personal files, right?
I'm trying to be smarter with this stuff but i'm trying to fix this while under the influence.

Thanks for the help regardless

How to get a list of every command/package available/installed on my machine?
Running Arch linux.

space to scroll up the lock screen
tab 4 times, space to open accessibility settings, narrator should start from there automatically, otherwise press enter

FOR THE LOVE OF ALL MOTHER FUCK........................

I'm trying to set ranger to actually open shit properly and it's fucking disgustingly dysfunctional.

FOR FUCKS SAKE I set vim as the default application, SUCH THAT vim.desktop exists, properly, is accurate and fully written properly, is set as the default in all proper mimetype locations.

% touch example
% vim example
% more example
% xdg-mime query filetype example
% xdg-mime query default text/plain
% xdg-open example

SUCH THAT when executing xdg-open, it opens ANY file registered as text/plain in vim. PROPERLY.

However, in RANGER with the following config on rifle.conf has xdg-open, flag f = xdg-open "$1"

It fucking opens every text file in CHROMIUM.

What the literal fuck am I doing wrong here?

reinstalling fucks your personal files, good thing you have backed up everything anyway in case of hard disk failure.

Can't I just run the windows repair tool? Like I said before this is a budget rig, so no I don't have anything backed up right now.

oops, let me rephrase that.
all kinds of sleep/hibernate are disabled, touchpad turns off with the display (lid closed) and doesn't turn on again.

>connect external hard drive
>copy 10-20GB file onto it
>try to safely eject it so delayed write doesn't fuck my file up
>error windows can't stop your device because something is still using it
every single time. Looking at resource monitor I see that system is still writing to $LogFile. How do I make it stop? One workaround is to open disk management and make that drive offline.
It's quite annoying. Can I automate it with a script or something? I'm on win7.

search your pc for the mimeapps.list
can be in .config or in .local/share/applications

have a look at it, and you should have only one

you have it set to turn off on lid close?

You were saying?

% locate mimeapps.list
% cat .config/mimeapps.list | grep text/plain
% cat .local/share/applications/mimeapps.list | grep text/plain

mimeapps has two section

[Default Applications]

[Added Associations]

make sure your shit is in default applications
otherwise I dunno... rename the one in .config and try again

I myself have problem with opening images with xdg... it opens them two times...

I have a laptop (X200t) with VGA out only. Can I use a 1440p monitor well? I have read that VGA/1440 sucks, but many 1440p monitors have VGA inputs.

If I get a monitor without VGA, is it worse to use an HDMI/DVI/DP adapter than direct VGA->VGA?

How about 4K?