Is she right, Sup Forums?
Green bubble struggle
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if you are attractive enough she will suck your dick behind the bar and won't care if you are using a flip phone.
i don't understand what she's saying, is this about cell phones?
i've never had a cell phone
>Sup Forums
>getting cucked by woman
You guys are clearly lost. /fa/ or /soc/ is what you're looking for.
Americans date people based on what OS their phone uses.
These are almost all jokes unless the person posting is a teenager and who cares about them?
wait, really?
that's honestly one of the funniest things i've ever heard
I wouldn't know about that, I use superior Windows Phone.
Yeah those people never cease to amaze me and make me laugh of their stupidity
Is teenagers too old now?
>dating literal sluts
If she's that invested in what OS your phone uses, you don't want to fuck that kind of crazy anyway.
Never stick in crazy
Judging by the thumbnail no one is missing out on her stupidity
if they care about such meaningless things like that, it's hard not to laugh at them for being a waste.
they're probably also insane in one way or another if they won't date you based on what OS your phone has
Is Android hate something USA specific?
Never heard of someone here in Germany making fun of an Android user being poor or sth.
America is living hell
that's also applicable
Shit like that just happen in third world countries, don't worry
>bitches care about fashion
the term "third world country" comes from status of alliances
when you use it incorrectly, you make your flyover country look less educated in history
>Shit like that just doesn't happen outside twitter
I'm american btw, I just hate this shit hole.
Yeah im sure these arent troll tweets
Nice bait nigger
Always have been on Sup Forums :^)
I'm pretty sure they're not "trolling" but they don't literally mean what they are saying either.
It's more like they're trying to boost their status and show how hip they are. Women are vapid, news at 11.
Europeans, everyone. They really are this retarded.
Fuck off then, stop shitting this place up.
I'm murican m8
Probably half of all Apple users are poor. Same goes for people who spend $5 at Starbucks everyday.
If you rooted your phone, shouldn't you be able to change it so they see blue bubbles?
Right, sure. You're clearly not a native English speaker or you would realize your statements make it clear you are not including yourself in the group.
>wanting blue over superior green
>being poor
Sup Forums - virgins