Scroll down

>scroll down
>not up, down!

>show me how to do it

>install linux mint
>not a steaming pile of shit, linux mint! the one with scrotum and memefetch!

These hit too close to home, anons

>hey user do you have a samsung cable
>hand them a non branded microusb
>no user I need a samsung cable

fine bitch,

>I'm using my wifi on the street
>My data plan is fully used for this month

>finally saved 500 euros
>Help me chosing my new computer parts to play every game on ultra in 4k

>can you help me with...?
>I'm too busy this week
>But user is 5 mins at worst, let me leave my laptop at your house and you do it yourself
>I will pick it up tomorrow
>5 hours of work
>Oh thanks, you see user? It wasnt that hard you are just lazy


>how many GiB will a 30 minute video have?

IT people are not the kind of people that other people root for.

This. Why do meganormies have their scrolling backwards?

its weird when people have devices set to scroll the opposite way to the way they swipe/roll.


>binaries full of sniffers
How could I be so foolish as to trust the Italians...

>Just reset the router

>being this much of a cuck

holy shit, you'll never get stacey like this, retard


found your problem, cuck boy

But your PC and your mouse direction isn't a 1950's aircraft

But it's not an angular adjustment it's a vertical adjustment going the opposite direction of your mouse

no, it's the same principle. the back of your head is going DOWN, so your vision tilts UPWARD. it's really very simple.

>His OS was made for a touchscreen

But your head isn't going anywhere, your angular view is not changing
A part of the page needs to be moved upwards, so you scroll the wheel up (as if the wheel was the paper)
It's not changing your view, your planes elevators, or anything else angular it's pushing a flat piece of info upwards

no, the back of your head is moving DOWN - the same DOWNWARD direction as the scroll wheel, and conversely the contents of the display move UPWARD. i don't understand the confusion.

completely different with a mouse though
a joystick is more akin to moving your head, thus the inversion feels more natural as the neck/head is the focus point, however moving a mouse is closer to moving your eyes which means the object you're looking at is what's important and inverting movement would feel wrong as a result
that's also more how humans work, you don't consciously orient your head and eyes to look at something, you just say "look at it" and instincts do the rest

My head doesn't move it looks at the screen
The mouse is a planar input, a joystick is an angular input
One is for an angular POV shift, one is for moving Windows around on a PC
I don't understand the confusion
Does your mouse also move up when you drag it down?

>The mouse is a planar input, a joystick is an angular input
what? that doesn't have anything to do with what i'm saying. scroll wheel goes DOWN, display moves UPWARD. perhaps you have autism?

the page itself moves up, your visible window moves down
when you move forwards irl the whole world moves backwards
if anyone here is autistic it's you

>head doesn't move
>text moves opposite of where I move the object
I look AT my screen, I'm not moving my head around like the screen is my entire point of view, some people don't get lost in their pixels and like to see that moving an object upwards moves the object upwards, instead of emulating my head darting around inside "muh cyberspace"
But I mean, that only applies to people who spend more time looking at real life than tricking myself into believing I'm actually doomguy

>your visible window moves down
actually, the window remains stationary. i suspect you're trolling me, so kindly remove yourself from this topic

>that only applies to people who spend more time looking at real life than tricking myself into believing I'm actually doomguy
so you have no argument, besides smug name-calling. i'm not entirely surprised.

remember, Sup Forumsarbage people: scroll wheel moves UPWARD, display moves DOWNWARD. it's really very simple, makes sense if you think for half a second.

Sorry it's too late I already thought about for a whole second and realized its trash
Enjoy your touchscreen OS, at least your Mac scrolling matches your iphone scrolling

>everyone plays games


Pretty sure my 50 year old boss doesn't play a shitty childrens computer game with a joystick.


why do Sup Forumsirgins think everyone in the world cares about their shitty children's hobbies??

Fuck, you have hidden cameras aimed at me and my dad

the window moves relative to the page, just like the world moves when you move - your visible window is "stationary" but it's actually the thing that's moving, not the world
same concept
the monitor is your vision, the page is part of the world you use the monitor to see into
as a result when you look down everything appears to move up
it's really not so confusing, do try to wrap your head around it

>your monitor is your vision
Your monitor is an object, not a portal to another world. Once you realize this you'll understand why natural movement makes sense

>be pilot
>actually use flight controls
>still prefer website to scroll up when I scroll up

You god damn retard. If you're reading an article, the next paragraph is where you would expect it is in the real life as well, under the one you were just reading. If you're reading a paper you look DOWN with your eyes, if you're reading it on a screen you scroll DOWN to get to get more text to appear on your god damn screen. It has nothing to do with cyberspace you incredibly dense motherfucker. Shit you got me fucking riled up, and I haven't posted a thing in over a year.

>he doesn't understand metaphors
of course the monitor is an object, but it's one that your brain treats as a window, thus "up is down" is far more natural
once again, not at all a difficult concept, but I guess you need every single bit spelled out for you

>Text on lower part of object
>roll scroll wheel down to see it
My brain doesn't treat it as a window, I treat it as an object, just like the real life objects behind it

then you must be autistic, since that isn't normal

Sorry I don't actually feel like I'm the character slaughtering villagers while I play games, they're entertaining even without being tricked into immersion though
I use my screen to display information, and move the windows as individual objects, rolling the wheel like a natural tire against the "sheet" of a webpage

How can anyone be this autistic?


It makes perfect sense.

>dude can you help me choose a laptop?
>it doesnt have to be very strong i dont play much games
>but i want to play witcher 3 in 60 fps from time to time

i hate people who do this (surprisingly many). as if launching a game once in 4 months lowers its requirements.

>playing games

This is why you don't hang around with 12 year olds.