Why is Unity so hated around here, Sup Forums? Sure, Unity was awful in Ubuntu 11.04 but recent (>14.04) releases are fine.
Why is Unity so hated around here, Sup Forums? Sure, Unity was awful in Ubuntu 11.04 but recent (>14...
Because gnome 2 was almost perfection and when gnome 3 went full retard instead of trying to fix it Ubuntu went full retard too setting the linux desktop back at least 5 years.
Unity's latest version is 5.5, silly
At least budgie is a step in the right direction, but gnome 2 is still the greatest DE.
my personal preference is for everything to be like Windows 95 with taskbar on bottom for the rest of eternity
panel on top by default, mac-style dock... these are unforgivable desktop crimes to me
that's just my opinion though. Terry Davis uses unity so I know it's not "bad" but I want my PC to look like a PC not a mac, so I will pick a Windows style DE everytime
>currently rocking
Cinnamon, MATE and KDE on my
Because of memes and to sound like a veteran that hate every linux innovation since 2003
Because Amazon botnet
I haven't used unity for a few years now, but it looks pretty much the same
My biggest issue was with the overall design of Unity-- I'm on a desktop, I don't have a touch screen, and I have no need for the entire UI to be designed for a touch screen.
That, the performance overhead, and all of the botnet shit with amazon were what made me never want to get near unity again.
yeah, like that
Unity is worse than gnome 3 which is worse than gnome 2.
Why the fuck do you want a touchscreen ui on your desktop?
Because it's ugly, botnet, and makes everything you do more difficult and awkward. Enjoy Stinky Squirrel OS or whatever Canonical is shitting out these days.
>gnome 2 was almost perfection
>gnome 2 is still the greatest DE.
>currently rocking [...] MATE
This we can agree on. I'm using MATE on my laptop and it's fucking perfect.
On my desktop I'm running ubuntu because it
>just werkz
I didn't bother installing another DE and Unity kind of grew on me.
There is no other IDE that has something like HUD, plus pic related.
This. I'm not too fussed about it on my desktop, but on my laptop I really miss the extra bit of vertical space if I don't use unity.
Because they didn't copy Windows' UI.
Just install Solus
Do you like James Bond?
Haven't seen any but my gf likes the ones with Daniel Craig in them and she wants us to watch them together.
Most of them suck. Royale is okay.
Okay. We started watching the new Jason Bourne movie but we hadn't seen any of the previous ones so I downloaded them and we're going to watch them after we finish the new Jason Bourne movie because we're already like 3/4 into it.
Big icons, bug in tweak-tool that can't change icons size.
Are any of these good things to watch together?
bride of chucky
I liked that one the most out of the childs play movies. She hasn't really seen any horror movies but when we watched Zombieland and Fright Night (1985) at her house on halloween she loved those movies.
Because it's not KDE
>inb4 bloated
nice meme bro
I don't like the lack of customizability and the panel buttons stacking is shit. Other than that, its OK.
Unity is AWFUL.
Even minimizing a window its lags horribly and I'm using 2014 hardware.
pay him no attention, he was misleaded by the common belief that nobody on Sup Forums have a significant other.
if only he know that that only applies to the faggets at fit
I'm surprised the minimise button is even there by default, you literally never need to do it with Unity or GNOME for that matter. Fix your workflow.
>that bloom
The fuck, kyoanus went nuts.
what you think is bloom is actually chromatic aberration
There's also a ton of blur and bloom. I guess kyoanus tried too hard to be ufotable, and failed.
>Fairly easy to use
>Only thing that comes closest to a global menu that actually works
>Not a lot of vertical space taken
>No issues with shit like tearing
>Windows fit with the style
>Not that customizable
>Very few themes
This. The global menu bar is the main reason I use Unity. It's really cool how it manages to integrate Qt and GTK application menus pretty well into it's global menu.
I admit Gnome 3 runs faster but I hate that it seems Gnome 3 is designed to use as much screen space in it's DE as it possibly can.
>my personal preference is for everything to be like Windows 95 with taskbar
lol, the new Jason Bourne movie made me think of Sup Forums because the whole premise is 'le botnet'
that bitch's "American accent" though... seriously how many dicks did she suck to get cast in a high budget movie like that