/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/ we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

>IRC channel
#/csg/ on rizon

>Discord channel

>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki:

>Chink Shit Infographic v1.4

>Check Price History

• user's sharks are naked. He is angery. • user finds a way to show off his power level • user gets his Senfers. They flat. • user is uber cheap, even on the death bed. • user finds some mad art-house minimalist iPhone case. A true game changer. • user gets an orange Pi • Audiophiles go full force, and attempt to indoctrinate non combatants. • user reminds people to mod their BM's for the ultimate audio experience. • A cute dinosaur appears. • Eartips are discussed. Kinda interesting. • user wants to sharpen his meme knife. • user is finally accepted. Congratulations. • user prepares for the AIDS invasion, but gets chinked. • user gets his 3D printer kit and assembles it. One of his parts is sadly broken. • user orders a chinese gameboy, and a wireless buttplug. • user doesn't like his lenovo mouse. • user likes his foam tips >Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks based anonymous op

o also
• Fasttech apologizes for selling fake JBL Charge2+ speakers, offers refunds or fulfillment of order with non-branded clones of said speaker and a $5 gift certificate to make up for their mistake

Good work OP

>• user gets his Senfers. They flat.
>buying senfer

favourite sanrenmu/ganzo knife ?

i think i'd order sanrenmu 707 (a.k.a. drifter)

+ the difference with 7007

i have the official drifter
its a pretty sweet knife
hella tiny though

Do any good chink phones run near stock Android?

Link to source?

Nexus 6p.



sadly no
they all put thier cancerous malware roms and apps on it
Its weird since chinks generally prefer minimalism in everyday aesthetics but when it come to software they make it the most bloated experience possible
just look at their messaging apps compared to western ones


Thanks for taking your trip back off Tribit :^)

thats the real regular OP
the one with the trip is the lithu impersonator

wtf I love wechat now

Guys, can you redpill me on Holiday Sharks

>you can buy an amp based on simplified circuits of vintage marantz or mcintosh gear for around $150 to $200.
where please I was just trying to find a christmas present for myself

Imma make an app called REEEchat for autists and antisocial people. Will you guys join pl0x? :3

b-bbut we already have IRC and Sup Forums

Depends entirely on if you get a bad one or not. I've noticed slight [and somewhat better] differences from my first pair. I got camo ones both times, so I don't think the colour/variant you get actually determines what result.

I can't hear a significant dip in mine, but I'll have to get some silicon ears to add to my measurement rig once its done and see if my ears are wrong.
There is definitely no low end imbalance for mine either. Ive swapped between having two lefts and two rights and all that thanks to having two pairs.

I'd put it down to shitty quality control. It is chink gear, after all. I still very much love the sound of my UEs, and have yet to find anything to surpass them other than those like ~$800 dollar Senny ones, which I'm far too poor for.

Interesting finds though.

Not him. Our writing styles are quite different.

Nope. Trip OP is the real regular OP. Not an impostor.

Check IP's if you want. [is it even possible still?]

so you are the imposter then?
lithu, that you?

There can be more than two people who make threads, user.

Explain this like I'm a complete outsider.
What does it matter who created the thread?

It doesn't. It's just people shitposting. Ignore them and contribute positively, and hope they do the same.

It does not, there are a few autists on irc though who like to dominate the chinkpostings.

Regular OP tried to hijack the thread and tried to constantly make it about himself like the attention seeking fag he was. Hes probably gone back to /reddit /

whats the goat chink knife? all my orders have come in except like 2 50 cent things and im running low on chinese dopamine boosts

any good composite/av to hdmi converters?

i have 707 for as all purpose knife. its alright. wouldnt pay more than 10 $ though


What is your need/purpose?
For just basic TV or a monitor its fine, but they often have significant lag, so gayming on them can be an issue.

I somehow found one that has no noticeable lag, but that was ages ago and at an Australian retailer.

id like to connect my old 360 to my monitor
need hd res to play that shit

Orange pi pc2 booted!

Research reviews for ones and check for latency if you're intending on playing 360 games.

hope you didn't use the official image


Absolute GOAT chink knives or good chinkshit knives?

Reate District 9 Plus
Kizer Ki3404-3
Stedemon Bastion

I used the "latest" Ubuntu xfce, from this week.

Everything works great so far except resolution stuck at 720

We are ripping them off in claims

Orange or raspberry ?

pretty horny/goat

Can you read

>Aliexpress wont sell tea after January 17th any

wtf, were there health violations? Did they find out that the chinese don't wash off the pesticides from their leaves?

pls hold me /csg/ im scared

Is there any good chink ip cam which works with a raspberry pi?

too many people were trading in drugs and other illegal substances disguised as "tea"

Ok, time for a final post (maybe).

If you want the BM-800 for a Youtube Channel and you don't plan to use it for live streaming, all you need is the standard BM-800 and any of the USB audio cards in this image, record your audio as separate source of your video, then post process the audio to remove the white noise produced by the USB cards and past it to your video, you will get great quality audio for your videos, no internal circuit mod needed.

NOTE: From this point if YOU should do the noise removal mod otherwise you're missing semi-pro quality audio, shit is below $1 if you go to a electronics component shop or if you order the parts from China, and about $2-5 if you order online from local stores(mine was $0.11 USD total from a local shop in my thirdworld shithole) .

If you want to do live streaming because you feel like a gaming pro, then get the BM-800 and Behringer Xenyx 302USB and a XLR to XLR cable, you will get good live sound quality, it provides 15V of Phantom Power, live monitoring, control to the volume of your microphone, control to the volume of your earphones/headset, EQ controls (you can make funny voices for your 12 years old viewers), you can connect amplified speakers to it, and more shit, pretty good for gaming streamers, it has a medium noise floor(not bad), but you will be gaming, or with background music so no one will notice it due all other audio being played.


order an entire boatload quick

can you even into computer?

Part 2 -

If you want to do podcast or live commentaries you can go with the Behringer UM2, the pre-amp is supposed to be the same than the Xenyx 302USB (Xenyx Preamp) but since the UM2 provides 48V of phantom power and it's a dedicated microphone+instrument unit it has better sound quality and lower noise floor, also USB connection.

If you want to record music or really quiet voice(poetry, asmr, and the like), you should go with the Behringer UMC22 its nearly the same than the UM2 BUT is has MIDAS Preamp with a really low noise floor, that shit is good for such low price, you can plug the BM-800 and a guitar to it, also USB connection.

Remember kids, avoid Analog Mixers, you will spend WAY more money on them to make them sound as good as a dedicated audio interface like the UMC22, because shit is ANALOG not digital, so you need to buy a RCA to USB Audio Interface like the UCA 202 just to plug that shit to your PC, sure having like a gorillon knobs and holes looks nice but you don't need it, there is a reason shit like "Scarlet Solo" and "Scarlet Studio" are popular and shit like the Mackie Mix8 isn't.

Pic of the mods.

which chink site is best for those knives? ali doesnt seem to have much for kizer. the one in the picture looks pretty rad.

You mean I missed out on buying drugs off AliExpress????

hit me up with some good tea to order

Have you ever used the behringer UCA 202/222?
If so, opinions?

nah bro you still got until jan 17

I have used them so much, they look like your sister vagina.

Cheapest acceptable way to plug an analog mixer to a PC/Mac, you can't really go wrong with it, but if you need your mixer to be digital, get the USB version of it, shit will be expensive but you will have one unit to deal with, not 2.

Also the UCA 202 can be found for like $19 at one aliexpress store, shit is half of what I have to pay for them locally.

is there a 1 box solution for me if I want to run my AKG240 and a BM800 to replace a dying old headset?

I really do like all this information you're sharing user
thanks for that!

I guess good chinkshit knives. I'm not thinking super expensive.

Which teas are the drugs my man?

Ganzo g704

First time ever buying chinkshit, did I do good?

also aliexpress link, for interested.


This ginsing oolong is dope

also this sampler package is great for trying out different loose-leaf teas to see what you like

kizer, reate and stedemon are like the cream of the crop of chinese knives so you're actually more likely to find them on amazon or knifecenter
but they are priced to match western competitors

>sampler for things I may never find again
sounds risky
ordering that oolong, though

enjoy your death,hope it is gonna be swift.

how so fellow user?

> swift
not if its charging with those solar cells

They will still be around, just not on Aliexpress

The Behringer UM2 give me no problems with my headset, that's the cheapest if you want good quality, also it seems to have a noise gate for headphones, aka even if you set the headphones volume to a point there is hiss, after 1-2 seconds of no sound being played on your PC/Mic it mutes the headphones, the UMC22 and UMC202HD that I have also owned didn't do that

i'm completely new to /csg/ and phone rooting, how easy would it be to root a Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro/Prime, and install cyanogenmod on it? either that, or stock android, i don't mind either one.

Just do not place it close to anything that could burn and you will be fine.

Also It will probably not charge anything.
It is problem with many ching power banks.
It will show 'charging' but never charge.

ask /spg/ or xda if you want a proper answer

thanks for heads up, the seller hasn't shipped the item yet. Should i cancel it?

I guess you're right

Ugh, Regular OP, Comfy.. What's with all the trip fag cancer shitting up /csg/?

This is an *anonymous* image board, attention whores aren't welcome.

Tripfags need to post tits with timestamp or GTFO.

thanks user
i might buy myself one for xmas

my headset is literally in 4 pieces and I've been using it like this for 3 years out of sheer laziness

I would. But if it is present for someone then It is cool gift.

Buy just normal power bank if you really need it. I reccomend to buy 2 batteries tho.

Currently only the official images are usable. No armbian support yet, also the linux-sunxi support for Allwinner H5 is still nowhere.

thanks for the advice.

Comfy and reg OP only trip when people are pretending to be them. It actually stopped a lot of the retarded spam that ended up completely over-running a thread.

YO i need to buy some chit for 4-5$ each to give as gifts. Like some decent headphones for 3-5$

You can't find decent headphones for $3-5 dollars.

He can ear-phones tho.

Check latest KZ offering and maybe rock zircon

Sure you can, KZ ATR for example, or the EIAOSI ones

Eiaosi x6
Baseus lark EL-01
KZ edr2
VE monk plus

Check this out

do you even monk plus?

Those aren't headphones.

earphones =! headphones

Have any of you teabros ever ordered matcha via ali? Was it good? It's fucking disgustingly expensive to buy locally.

Have you thought about putting this on the installgentoo wiki?

>In-ear headphones, also known as in-ear monitors (IEMs) or canalphones, are small headphones with similar portability to earbuds that are inserted in theear canalitself

>Just do not place it close to anything that could burn and you will be fine.

New /csg/ motto

Headphones rest on your head. Copy pasting some shitty definition doesn't change anything. By that logic femenism must be about equality, and North Korea must be democratic.

You can not even see how your definition renders your argument invalid.
At least go copy something that will support your claims.

What's the difference between the ATR and ATE? Which one is better?

Put your ears are a part of your head, so earphones are a subset of headphones. Or are pic related not headphones?

Heatsink installed?
Either way, post temps at idle

They're pretty equal, just different sounds
I prefer the E, some prefer the R

Those are partially supported by your head.