Any powercolor users? I have just ordered this card. Need some comments about the brand.
I missed 1060 deals on black friday. It is 240$ now. I paid total 238$ . Is it go or no?
Any powercolor users? I have just ordered this card. Need some comments about the brand
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be careful, all that edge could cut your motherboard
it screams out but i don't mind the look.
That card is badass and it btfo the 1060 in performance.
Good choice
> Claims it's VR READY
> Doesn't have an internal HDMI port.
>using HDMI for VR
Looks shit, seems decent, is decent price here. Might get it, unless something else goes better deal
as apposed to what?
Vive and Rift both use HDMI
I just bought a R9 380 from them for $120 with a $20 rebate. The card has a smaller heatsink than my dying MSI GTX 660. I don't think the brand is all that great, but I can't really complain given what I paid.
Buy a reference and get an aftermarket cooler.
Powercolor have AWFUL quality control, I'd avoid like the plague for that reason alone and also they don't have any local repair centres or headquarters so you'd have to ship it to the Phillipines if something goes wrong with the card past when the store you got it from accepts returns
Are you this autistic that you can't see the HDMI port? Here's a better picture you fucko.
so you meant
>using HDMI for your monitor
It's scarily quiet, my CPU cooler is louder...
The power delivery on them is sub par compared to even the refence 480 boards, don't OC it much if any
You were supposed to get a 480 after the 1060 in any case user
i won't do any oc.
i heard the pcb is shit but the default clocks are enough for me. i just want a silent and cool running card.
You already bought it didn't you? Because the Sapphire Nitro 4gb 480 was $190 on newegg recently
I don't want a 4 gb card. Most of the games don't go over 4 gigs but some do lately. Actually a lot of them.
Name one. I don't think you understand how VRAM works kiddo.
The only reason a Titan XP has 12gb is because with GDDR5/X, you have to put more chips to run in parallel to achieve higher speeds. HBM for example doesn't need to do this because of its naturally high bandwidth already
latest tomb raider, dishonored 2, titanfall 2, cod iw(i know), deus ex md. these are the ones i remembered boss.
They were the only company crazy enough to build a 3-slot R9 390X2 with AIR COOLING. I got to play with one a while ago. Lasted all of 24 days before it failed due to overheating. It was incredible. I benchmark every card I get my hands on, and this beat the GTX 1080 by about 2%.
So, what are your le adult grown man uses for a graphics card? Watch indie turkmenistani movies in 4k?
i actually use it to watch porn
Powercolor makes the best cards
So drop your textures by one notch, you probably won't notice a difference
the 8gbs of VRAM is only really useful for extreme skyrim modding
Powercolor is chink garbage, but they make their cards cheap enough to rationalize the shit quality. They're also good if you plan on watercooling the card, since you'd be removing the garbage cooler anyway.
Why didn't you run the fans faster user?
Card is 12" though, my case is quite ancient,
lancool k60. I hope it will fit..
They supposedly have serious VRM issues on the first revision cards, which are generally the ones on clearance. If the logo on the edge of the cooler is upside down when it's in your case, be careful.
I get better temps on my 390 than most people seem to get.
Also I had a 6850 from them that lasted me 5 years until i replaced it
>t. Li Huang
But seriously, I have a 380x from Powercolor. They were dirt cheap about 4 months ago and I already owned a 380 4gb so I figured I'd Xfire them because it cost me almost nothing.
The first one would crash on installing drivers and had to be RMA'd. No issues with the second one so far. In fact it is much better than the MSI 380 that I have away in terms of heat/noise with the Mute Fan compared to MSI's Twin Frozr even though it has something like 12% more shaders active.
480 is better than 1060 now?
>doos ex
According to pajeet who may or may not be using a large number of AMD sponsored games and running on an unrealistically powerful i7, yes it is.
In reality, they are both pretty much the same as they always were.
>this damage control
Get the fuck out of the thread, Huang.
>no RX580 in sight
>want to buy new card
>have a 390
>have to spend at least $600 to get a noticeable improvment
feels bad
>want to buy new card
Found your problem.
Where's the damage to control? The 480 is a better card in specific DX12 games and benefits from more powerful CPUs because of the driver overheads. The 1060 is better on average mid range PCs where the card is typically used. They are both good at their price points, in Europe the 480 is still overpriced and sold way above MSRP, not so much in the US.
Stop fanboying over midrange shit. It's just silly user.
>Stop fanboying
it's not the worst RX480, but it's not a good one either. PCB is garbage on it, but it has a nice cooler.
best ones are MSI gaming x, XFX gtr black edition, and (shockingly) ASUS strix.
those cards are a little bit pricey.
it should be ok since i won't do any oc at all, right?
it's a bit ironic too since the red devil was marketed specifically for overclockers, but oh well. temps are only marginally above the strix, which has the best cooler, so you won't have issues with temps. i'm not sure how noise is.
What's the difference between a xfx gtr and rs ? The rs is 10€ cheaper..
powercolor is usually the cheapest brand for a reason. they love cutting corners.
GTR has a better cooler and a custom PCB.
RS is shit.
lol holy shit 4 power connectors
Funny how 4gb on a fury X kills these games
The components have sub-par temperature ratings, don't do stress-testing even at stock with the current BIOS.
>>want to buy new card
>>have a 290
I settled for a Fury back when they were first on sale, no VRAM increase but speed improvement, temperature improvement and noise improvement. Going back to 4GB from 8 probably rules this out for you though.
>furmark destroys RX480s
>nobody even mentions it
>evga 1070/80 supposedly having issues caused by furmark, that were later proven not to be the case
>a fucking outcry
I guess everyone is used to ayymd cards being shit.
To be fair, overclocking 590's and using furmark popped their VRMs, causing a new firmware/driver update to throttle cards from then on when running furmark.
Being loyal or defending one brand is just disgusting, you should stop.