Nostalgia fags want to bring this back

>Nostalgia fags want to bring this back

>tfw Sup Forums is one of the only sites left with a good design

Literally no one talked like that

>I've never been around teenage girls or weeaboo bitches

Oh yes young girls did. It's almost exactly what my two girlfriends at that age typed like.

It would be better than facebook. I'm past hating on the tumblr crowd, at least they get to rice their personal pages.

They unironically talked like this and worse. I actually miss it a lot because when it is well done it is very cute =)

no it was only cute when girls broke the mould and typed like normal ppl

nostalgia faggots conveniently want to only leave out the bad. Like:

-ball mice
-hard drives being $5 a GB
-floppies were unreliable as shit and died on a daily basis
-CD burners were $600 when they were new
-workstations not existing for consumers at any reasonable price point
-base model shit pc sold for $3k without price adjust
-browsing the web on 56k or less
-no mpeg compression so have to wait 5 hours to download a 100 meg .avi that's 4 minutes long and 320 x 200
-every browser had its own shitty custom tags but it's ok because IE had 100% market share
-IE had 100% market share
-IE 6's CSS support was so bad the internet almost died
- >activex
-irc was, is, and always will be spergs starting ban wars over fucking nothing

the past sucked, nostalgia shits. actually remember your precious past properly and you will want to move on like everyone else has.

>ball mice

fucking triggered

Kill yourself, phoneposter.

Better than swoosh zooms and a million social media embeds.

>swoosh zooms

wtf is that

There's literally nothing wrong with that website other than it being pink.

why don't you have a life?

>ball mice
Whatever faggot I was using optical grid serial mice in the late 80's.

>optical grid serial mice

wtf is that

I'll take a website that looks bad over a website that looks at me.

Whatever it is, it isn't as cool as a hall effect keyboard

First time I came on Sup Forums took me a while to understand how to read the threads, lol Now it's probably one of the easier to read.

>customizable pages
>no billions of bullshit/clickbait articles
>encourages longer posts instead of meaningless one line comments designed to attract likes

I see no problem here

Haha wow I remember that. It had girls even more narcissistic than the ones on facebook, FYI.

Or maybe we see there is good and bad, and we should learn from both rather than just throw everything out and assume that the newer is inherently good?

This is something that the Champions of the New will never actually accept since it's an argument they can't win. All they can do is say "yes, there were good things, but look at this unrelated bad thing. Better throw it all out!" and then look like idiots.

I used to have a xanga in 6th grade when I was an Xx_emo_boy_4evr_xX. I found it again once I was in college and had to email xanga to ask them to delete it because it was so humiliating. I had lost access to the email address I set it up with, but they just trusted me and deleted it.

It was all black and red, played my chemical romance, had a custom middle finger cursor, and had my full name with a picture of me. I was such a faggot but hey I was 12 so whatever.

I feel humiliated reading your post

You know what? I felt the same.

One girl I knew would type '4rrm' instead of 'from'. Triggered me on MSN.