So AMD has this SJW shit on their homepage and I want to switch to Nvidia. I have an RX 480 right now, I'll probably throw it away or shoot it. 1070 seems pretty cool, should I wait for a 1080 Ti if I'm just doing 1440p?
So AMD has this SJW shit on their homepage and I want to switch to Nvidia. I have an RX 480 right now...
There is no such thing as a non SJW tech company
Not technology
But it is.
are you [triggered] OP?
You do realize that the bigger the company, the more these diversity initiatives are just window dressing intended to make sure none of the actual SJWs make a scene while the company continues on as normal, right?
Nah, I just don't want to support a company that hires based on race, gender, or sexuality to meet a diversity quota.
I don't care. AMD has anime girl, that's all that matters.
Hoo boy, then you better not buy Nvidia products, you fucking retard.
Nvidia has been a sponsor of Pride parades for years.
Also the new AMD ReLive drivers suck, they cause huge lage spikes if you have a TPLink network adapter.
>TPLink network adapter
There is your problem
I got it for a good price and it generally works great. A lot of people are reporting problems with it and many other PCI-E adapters.
tp-link is hand down the best network focused comp, cheap quality products. >inb4 ">cheap > quality pick one hurr dur
Wtf I hate AMD now
Literally every company, whether they support this stuff or not, does this for PR reasons.
I get a BSOD on boot with ReLive
he he he
I think most companies use this SJW bullshit not because they actually care but because it makes them look good which in turn could boost their sales.
>start post with "so", something that all liberals do
>flase flag and pretend to be anti-SJW
I've had 0 issues with my 480 and $20 TP link router
The "shoot it or throw it away" shit is a dead giveaway.
If you've ever watched lesbian porn you have no reason to complain
>toilet paper link
>not trash
>shoot it or throw it away
Obvious bait/false flag. Or maybe the double false flag where you're trying to make it seem like a false flag. Either way you're shit
routers are fine, it's the PCI cards that cause problems.
I just don't want to support a company that hires based on race, gender, or sexuality to meet a diversity quota.
So... 90 percent of companies today?
Face it. The entire world has already been cucked. This is not a valid outlet for you to bash your least-favorite GPU company.
They're free to do that for most positions where the talent pool is large enough.
The only way to free yourself of diversity quotas is to obtain experience that is very rare.
tell TP-link to stick within the pci driver specs because nobody else is having these problems
don't do that ever again
>I am so irrationally triggered by gay people that I can't even purchase computer parts without sperging out
gb2 your safe space
I don't see the problem, only mentally ill people would by AMD any way, they're just appealing to their audience.
>I just don't want to support a company that hires based on race, gender, or sexuality to meet a diversity quota.
Uh. It would be illegal to ask about an employees sexuality, so there's no sexuality quota.
Gender quota? Where has that ever been a thing, Huffpo?
I can't believe you guys spend so much time bitching about this on a board dedicated to an area that's like 80% white males 25 - 35 years old, 15% South Asian males, 2% East Asian males, and the remainder a smattering of some combination of { black, female, over 40 }.
Christ, get a hold of yourselves.
Will you send me your 480
Nvidia does gay pride parades. Just stick with amd.