How do you clean your computers and stuff?

i don't

Exactly how she does in that video. Best way there is, no doubt.

99% IPA and a microfiber cloth for screens and outer surfaces of my desktop/laptop.

Just use plain canned air to remove dust from the heatsink/vent ports.

Do both things at least once a month.

I don't. It keeps my immune system strong.

If im cleaning everything then i run it in the sink for a bit then let it dry fora few days

I wipe screens with a microfibre cloth.
Normally water works just fine for cleaning some residue, but a solution of half water and half vinegar works if you want to do a better job of it and don't have a "proper" cleaning liquid.

Yeah I reccomend to just run it undder high pressure in the shower.

pro tip:unplug it from electricity before cleaning.


Doing it regularly is the important part.

I use a bleach and chlorine concoction to clean my stuff.

My oblivious Indian QT waifu can't be THIS cute!

1/3 of Isopropyl alcohol + 2/3 of distilled water and some old cotton tshirt cloth.

poo in the loo mudskins know how to clean. do it that way, OP.

pick one

i used rubbing compound on my x201 and it made the lid look like new

She should have powered it on after cleaning it.

91% isopropyl alcohol and lint-free cloth.

>91% isopropyl alcohol
Enjoy never getting rid of those smudges and streaks. 99% IPA or go bust.

>and lint-free cloth.
Enjoy scratching the shit out of your screens.

Soaking in isopropyl alcohol and then scraping with a credit card is the best way I found so far for getting dried cum out the brushed aluminum of my laptop. It still takes ages though. What is the recommended procedure here, Sup Forums?

Coffee filters with water work surprisingly well.

People keep saying static electricity etc. but I've been doing it for the past 10 years and haven't had a single part fuck up.

Dish washer usually works fine

Disassemble everything, scrub gentle in the sink with mild detergent. Then put in the dishwasher on sanitary to clean. Please in microwave to dry off and then reassemble sitting on my wool rug as an anti-static mat.

Pro-tip: use a nice lemon detergent. When my PC gets hot, gives off a nice relaxing scent.

air compressor that blows water with 0 fucks given.

Q-tips, paper towels and windex

I only clean the fans and case with those, if I want to get a lot of dust off my parts, I blow on the inside and vacuum the inside space.

yep this. just be carefull of basic cleaning solutions reacting with some aluminium chassis

huh, didn't know, thanks for the warning

fpbp. Just don't get any shit on it.

"wet tissues" for all of it, then a microfibre cloth to clean up the wetness and smudges. been doing this for over 5 years and never had a single problem (on a lappy)